Despite the whines, I feel class balance is not too bad at all. And combat, while nothing spectacular, is fluid enough and can be fun with similalry matched teams.
There hasn't been an unusual amount of class imbalance issues reported and the combat has been one of the most praised (by players and media) features of the game. These forums are full of players saying things like "best fun I have had in any game" and "I dont normally like pvp but I do in this game" when referring to the combat. They're right. The combat in WAR is good.
- PVE-land, beyond early levels, is empty. Even on the fuller servers you can gallop around all day and see no-one else out there in T4 pve land. Good luck trying to get people to do high level PQs...
You can't gallop around anywhere for 2 minutes on the highest population servers and not find people doing PVE.
- Scenarios are OK, but repetitive, bland and pretty simple. They are fine as an occasional bit of quick fun, but are rather featureless, and pale when compared, for example, to the WoW BGs in terms of gameplay. (That's clearly my opinion... but the latest keep siege bg in wow is far more exciting than anything on offer here). They remain the main source of xp/renown, and as such are disappointing. Despite some improvement, you will still mostly end up in the same one or two scenarios every time.
Scenarios aren't WoW BGs and aren't meant to be. They serve two different purposes in their respective games. Its like comparing a FPS CTF map with a castle siege in Lineage II. WAR has the strategic RVR in terms of controlling battlefield objectives, keeps, and cities but it also has instant combat scenarios as icing on the cake. Your trying to compare the WoW cake to the WAR icing and it makes no sense.
- ORVR has improved considerably, but the keeps are basically one size fits all (they all play exactly the same, have exactly the same order of events - beat down a door, beat down another one, then rush up a ramp) and offer very little scope for any strategic or tactical gameplay. Pour in the numbers to bash down the door, guard the postern, possibly cut off the main road. That's really about it. There is only one way in.
I agree, the RVR has gotten alot better now that there are more people in the RVR zones. Keeps in WAR are more like RTS objectives. The game's mechanics almost ensures ephemeral ownership of battlefield objectives, especially on competitive servers. This is by design and is one of the main factors promoting the constant warfare in WAR.
BTW, as far as I know all keeps require only one door to be knocked down during the process of taking a keep. The fact that you don't even know that once again makes me wonder if you have really played this game much at all.
Battlefield objectives could be fun (much more varied terrain) but people dont really feel they are worth fighting for, so instead you get the round and round the garden syndrome. It's all rather featureless. You imagine there could be so much more random craziness in the lakes. Smaller scale objectives. Triggerable events. Destructible or interactive scenery. But its pretty feature free right now.
There is alot of action against the battlefield objectives these days and its trivial to take the lesser objectives with a party or less. How much smaller scale do you want to go? Also, there are warbands roaming the RvR areas constantly since the last patch. Clearly, they find the battlefield objectives worth fighting for. Especially, since thats how some of the best gear is now aquired.
- The PVE sides are kept apart, and the lakes are often hard to get into outside one or two points. For a WAR game, its surprisingly ghettoised. Almost never do you find a small skirmish.. its zerg v zerg or nothing. That is a great shame.
It's almost impossible -NOT- to find small skirmishes. Patrol the RVR zones and you will find 1v1 and party size pvp opportunities routinely. I spent most of last night screwing around on an alt fighting party-size and smaller Order elements outside of Nordland.
- Gear at end game is very linear and choice free. You need the lesser ward set. Then you need the greater ward set. Everyone chases the same stuff. And it all drops from NPCs, pvp and renown is not enough to progress.
Gear is easy to come by in this game so the point is a nonpoint. This game was designed to be friendly to the casual player. You are not going to be severely disadvantaged by a gear disparity unless you want to be for some reason. The game mechanics make players mostly self sustaining.
- There are no guild halls, or other social places to give a sense of pride and belonging. There are no gathering points in the cities, no places to establish a sense of strong realm identity.
Guilds have cloaks and standards. The fact that there are only two sides means that you always have allies. The game mechanics make it easy to group up and do things together. Most organized guilds are operating in vent/ts servers anyway. All that said, I agree that guilds need to be enhanced in this game. It's the nature of humans beings to organize ourselves into small social groups. WAR takes a more communal approach in promoting the Realm, sometimes at the expense of the guild. This is of course by design. But, I still think over time you will see more unifying clan mechanics added to the game.
- There is not much additional fun stuff, the kind of thing that makes MMOs come alive. No LOTRO music system. No WOW toys and pets. No COX costume shops. No real crafting.
What this adds up to in my humble opinion is a game which still needs a lot of development, and is currently not worth a monthly fee. It was worth the box price. Just not sure what I am paying for on a monthly basis quite yet.
The game is doing great and is improving at a rapid pace. The game has received mostly excellent reviews and has already won multiple "game of the year" awards. Thats not happening because it isn't fun to play or people don't feel its worth a monthly subscription. Mythic has made a game that is gaining traction and as long as they keep improving the game and adding content that people want to play its only going to continue to grow.
I would just like to point out that winning of the awards is not all that great judge of a game. DDO got lots of awards to and well you know.....................
Bottom line War has/had potential I think if they turn to there players(follow CCP's example with Eve-Online) and listen they could make it in to a great game. Then again this is Mythic we are talking about so I wouldn't hold my breath on it
I love WAR and all. But the keep seiges don't give me that DaoC feel. They should add more than one way into a keep, and add towers around the keeps, not way off in the distance. Also allowing moveable seige weapons would bring it inline with the DaoC feel which is what alot of us think about when we think "RVR". Maybe even something as simple as a moveable object(ala relics) to keeps. Something to make keep seiging more dynamic. Other than that I enjoy most of the aspects of the game.
i agree with the op too.. my only doubt is if content introduction will bring back players to WAr or not.. i think much more will be needed.
I am not sure what you mean with content introduction but I think WAR need to do more than just bring some content. They need to build on the war element and make it feel like a real war, I think that is the biggest issue right now. There is a WAR but a war without possibility of defeat or victory. What kind of war is that?
They need to introduce atleast a tangible sense of actually winning something when you take over a keep. Right now they are being hit like a volleyball back and forth and that is not a war, that is a game. Yes I know this is a game but it is trying to simulate a war and I think, right now, it is more simulating a sport game more than a war.
One sollution would be to increase the rewards for holding a keep and make it more penalizing to lose one. That way people would actually care when they take over a keep or lost one. Also death needs to matter more because how do you know if one side is winning or not? It is the people they lose in battle, but in WAR you just pay the healer a couple of coins and then spend 3-4 mins running back and thats it. This needs to drastically change so that you really get hurt when you get killed. I dont mean anything devestating such as full loot or anything like that but maybe make it 10 times more expensive to go to the healer and also that you drop a couple of things from your inventory. Something that makes death feel like a bad thing, currently it feels nothing.
It's got 'potential' but several problems. For me the biggest problem was that the only 'classes' I liked to play were in racial choices I detested and couldn't enjoy. I really tried to like some of the others but just couldn't enjoy the playstyle of the classes in the races I really wanted to play. That was killer #1 Killer #2 was the incredible imbalance in PVP land.
It's still a good game, many people will (and do) love it. But I personally wound up cancelling within the 1st month of buying and have since uninstalled the game from my system with no intention of re-installing unless they do a 'come back and check it out for free' period sometime down the road.
Please elaborate on the incredible inbalance. Do you mean numbers or classes?
Its like a brand new car that promises new and exciting features, yet has horrible fuel efficiently, only comes in brown and browner, breaks down frequently, and only plays am radio (yet, slowly adopting fm).
WAR is a positive experiment in MMO-land, and I applaud it. The graphics are great, IMO, and the races and classes - in look and feel - flavorful. Despite the whines, I feel class balance is not too bad at all. And combat, while nothing spectacular, is fluid enough and can be fun with similalry matched teams. Overall, there is a lot to like here. But (the but was inevitable) there are major shortfalls with the current state of the game. - PVE-land, beyond early levels, is empty. Even on the fuller servers you can gallop around all day and see no-one else out there in T4 pve land. Good luck trying to get people to do high level PQs... - Scenarios are OK, but repetitive, bland and pretty simple. They are fine as an occasional bit of quick fun, but are rather featureless, and pale when compared, for example, to the WoW BGs in terms of gameplay. (That's clearly my opinion... but the latest keep siege bg in wow is far more exciting than anything on offer here). They remain the main source of xp/renown, and as such are disappointing. Despite some improvement, you will still mostly end up in the same one or two scenarios every time. - ORVR has improved considerably, but the keeps are basically one size fits all (they all play exactly the same, have exactly the same order of events - beat down a door, beat down another one, then rush up a ramp) and offer very little scope for any strategic or tactical gameplay. Pour in the numbers to bash down the door, guard the postern, possibly cut off the main road. That's really about it. There is only one way in. Battlefield objectives could be fun (much more varied terrain) but people dont really feel they are worth fighting for, so instead you get the round and round the garden syndrome. It's all rather featureless. You imagine there could be so much more random craziness in the lakes. Smaller scale objectives. Triggerable events. Destructible or interactive scenery. But its pretty feature free right now. - The PVE sides are kept apart, and the lakes are often hard to get into outside one or two points. For a WAR game, its surprisingly ghettoised. Almost never do you find a small skirmish.. its zerg v zerg or nothing. That is a great shame. - Gear at end game is very linear and choice free. You need the lesser ward set. Then you need the greater ward set. Everyone chases the same stuff. And it all drops from NPCs, pvp and renown is not enough to progress. - The contribution system doesn't work. - The economy is bland. - There are no guild halls, or other social places to give a sense of pride and belonging. There are no gathering points in the cities, no places to establish a sense of strong realm identity. - There is not much additional fun stuff, the kind of thing that makes MMOs come alive. No LOTRO music system. No WOW toys and pets. No COX costume shops. No real crafting.
What this adds up to in my humble opinion is a game which still needs a lot of development, and is currently not worth a monthly fee. It was worth the box price. Just not sure what I am paying for on a monthly basis quite yet. I do think it is one of the better starts for what could eventually be a great game. I will be delighted to pay the fee once it gets over a few humps.
Simple question here...What game is worth a monthly fee to anyone? NONE.. Ive played WOW, EQ2, Lineage 2, Daoc.....all the things you listed above are all the same things that are missing or screwed up in all the top MMO' I really can't agree with your statement nor do I see your point...
WAR is a positive experiment in MMO-land, and I applaud it. The graphics are great, IMO, and the races and classes - in look and feel - flavorful. Despite the whines, I feel class balance is not too bad at all. And combat, while nothing spectacular, is fluid enough and can be fun with similalry matched teams. Overall, there is a lot to like here. But (the but was inevitable) there are major shortfalls with the current state of the game. - PVE-land, beyond early levels, is empty. Even on the fuller servers you can gallop around all day and see no-one else out there in T4 pve land. Good luck trying to get people to do high level PQs... - Scenarios are OK, but repetitive, bland and pretty simple. They are fine as an occasional bit of quick fun, but are rather featureless, and pale when compared, for example, to the WoW BGs in terms of gameplay. (That's clearly my opinion... but the latest keep siege bg in wow is far more exciting than anything on offer here). They remain the main source of xp/renown, and as such are disappointing. Despite some improvement, you will still mostly end up in the same one or two scenarios every time. - ORVR has improved considerably, but the keeps are basically one size fits all (they all play exactly the same, have exactly the same order of events - beat down a door, beat down another one, then rush up a ramp) and offer very little scope for any strategic or tactical gameplay. Pour in the numbers to bash down the door, guard the postern, possibly cut off the main road. That's really about it. There is only one way in. Battlefield objectives could be fun (much more varied terrain) but people dont really feel they are worth fighting for, so instead you get the round and round the garden syndrome. It's all rather featureless. You imagine there could be so much more random craziness in the lakes. Smaller scale objectives. Triggerable events. Destructible or interactive scenery. But its pretty feature free right now. - The PVE sides are kept apart, and the lakes are often hard to get into outside one or two points. For a WAR game, its surprisingly ghettoised. Almost never do you find a small skirmish.. its zerg v zerg or nothing. That is a great shame. - Gear at end game is very linear and choice free. You need the lesser ward set. Then you need the greater ward set. Everyone chases the same stuff. And it all drops from NPCs, pvp and renown is not enough to progress. - The contribution system doesn't work. - The economy is bland. - There are no guild halls, or other social places to give a sense of pride and belonging. There are no gathering points in the cities, no places to establish a sense of strong realm identity. - There is not much additional fun stuff, the kind of thing that makes MMOs come alive. No LOTRO music system. No WOW toys and pets. No COX costume shops. No real crafting.
What this adds up to in my humble opinion is a game which still needs a lot of development, and is currently not worth a monthly fee. It was worth the box price. Just not sure what I am paying for on a monthly basis quite yet. I do think it is one of the better starts for what could eventually be a great game. I will be delighted to pay the fee once it gets over a few humps.
Simple question here...What game is worth a monthly fee to anyone? NONE.. Ive played WOW, EQ2, Lineage 2, Daoc.....all the things you listed above are all the same things that are missing or screwed up in all the top MMO' I really can't agree with your statement nor do I see your point...
Clearly you didn't even bother to read before "jumping to the defense" since at least half the stuff in there is rather WAR specific.
Bottom line is that it is up to each person to decide what is, or is not, worth a sub fee for them. I have played this game in closed beta and launch for well over a year now and I really enjoy the game. Then again, Phoenix Throne is an awesome server right now. I have four alts I can play or I can sit on my Rank 40 Renown Rank 56 Rune Priest.
I do agree with you, stuntie. I am having a blast. But, in any case, I will kill you in the battlefield, Varking!
Originally posted by Rohn While I agree that server population and realm balance are important in WAR, I disagree with your use of hyperbole, that server selection is a "total lottery". The well populated and balanced servers are well known. Why attempt to mislead? I also think you greatly exaggerate when claiming that it's "not uncommon for people to switch from server to server 3-4 times", and I believe you do so in an attempt to make a point pursuant to your agenda. I disagree, and think it is in fact uncommon for people to change servers that frequently. The game is only 3.5 months old, so suggesting that type of transient behavior is conducive toward a search for stability is something of an oxymoron, don't you think?
Lets say I went to the store and for whatever reason you want to imagine I purchased Warhammer. Once at home I install the game and run it. Now I come to the server selection screen....
Can you please tell me where I would gather this 'well known' information about what servers are good and which are bad as far as balance and population?
I think you are taking your personal experience that you find in discussions on some Warhammer fansite and assuming that is common knowledge to everyone who might play the game. That is something I highly doubt since the game doesn't really have official forums (did that change yet?) and a typical player isn't going to be as well read as a fan like yourself.
So I do have to agree that many people will experience a lottry type effect when they select a server. While I cannot speak for the masses that do play the game, every single person I know who plays/played has actually switched servers at least 3 times, but that includes the free move during the server mergers.
Balanced (but not perfect) class system that promotes team play as well as rewards full investment in one playstyle over another. Tanks tank, know, healers heal, but there is also room for diversity with the skilled twitch player.
Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break. Any fight requires you to get involved and be creative. Large battles are the name of the game in ORvR; not because people just like to zerg, but because small skirmishes often run together into those large battles.
Substantial rewards based on pvp activity. While the contribution system in keep sieges isn't working properly, influence rewards supercede most anything you can get if you like to be out there fighting.
WAR is NOT worth the subscription fee if you value:
Economy first
Indepth crafting (no blacksmithing, or tailoring, no fletching)
Diversity in look (you will end up looking the same as at least 5 other people no matter what)
Heavy PVE focus (PQs and a couple dungeons is the best you're gonna get
To put it plainly WAR was designed to be a game that rewards pvp. If you don't like to pvp the majority of the time, you have limited space to operate. Eventually you will feel like the game is missing something for you......which it is. It is not a problem with you or with WAR, just a disagreement on what is fun.
WAR is worth the subscription fee if you value: Balanced (but not perfect) class system that promotes team play as well as rewards full investment in one playstyle over another. Tanks tank, know, healers heal, but there is also room for diversity with the skilled twitch player. Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break. Any fight requires you to get involved and be creative. Large battles are the name of the game in ORvR; not because people just like to zerg, but because small skirmishes often run together into those large battles. Substantial rewards based on pvp activity. While the contribution system in keep sieges isn't working properly, influence rewards supercede most anything you can get if you like to be out there fighting.
WAR is NOT worth the subscription fee if you value:
Economy first Indepth crafting (no blacksmithing, or tailoring, no fletching) Diversity in look (you will end up looking the same as at least 5 other people no matter what) Heavy PVE focus (PQs and a couple dungeons is the best you're gonna get
To put it plainly WAR was designed to be a game that rewards pvp. If you don't like to pvp the majority of the time, you have limited space to operate. Eventually you will feel like the game is missing something for you......which it is. It is not a problem with you or with WAR, just a disagreement on what is fun.
The thing you mention WAR being good for are not really all that great in T4. Try playing Order on Monolith server for example.
This is the major problem and why it has nothing but "potential". Its not designed well. Early on the class balance is good later on not so much. RvR action is spotty and highly variable especially based on server.
The fact is Mythic did the worst job I have ever seen of controling/guiding the way the game flows and manages people. They also just plain cokced up the later game.
It has "potential" in that if you took some of the stuff that kind of works at certain points and completely dismantled the game and redesigned it from the fround up to incorporate it this new game it could be pretty fun.
But as it stands right now it has no "potential" because it needs to be redeisgned and because Mythic has no idea what its doing.
I can't even say your statement about what WAR is good at is wrong. Its correct; sometimes. Sometimes its wrong. Depends on server and what Tier you play in. The game is just plain cocked up. I am sorry but that is just the way it is. I wish it wasn't. Its rather sad really.
The problem is WAR is just a tease. It never delivers. It just gives you some thing to whet your appetitie then either never give you something substantial or ruins it later on. Class balance and team play start fine then nose dive in T4. RvR activity shows up and then disappears or grinds into a state where it never quite manages to pull off any strategic play.
I'm sorry for this man, but that statement is so vague.
Be clear about what it is you want specifically. You know if enough people think the way that you do there is a chance for change.
I want to stand on the ramparts of a castle and look over hundres of people trying to break the door down. If that door breaks I want to give my shield to create a barrier to give my friends time to gather and fight.
I want a system that allows me to advance my gear by fighting anywhere and everywhere I can. I have that here.
I don't give a shit about crafting, or the economy. I buy a few potions and maybe through up an epic I may have looted on the auction house, then I go right back to busting heads.
Its very miopic I know, but I have never realy been into much else.
Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break.
This could very well be the case on your particular server, but I seriously doubt you can say with a straight face this description fits the majority of Mythic's servers.
One size does not fit all in this regard and quite a few people will not see this type of action, unless you tell them which server you are talking about.
Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break.
This could very well be the case on your particular server, but I seriously doubt you can say with a straight face this description fits the majority of Mythic's servers.
One size does not fit all in this regard and quite a few people will not see this type of action, unless you tell them which server you are talking about.
Badlands server as well as Dark Crag. Those are the two main I play on. Haven't tried every server but I do understand that there are a few others that have good activity at pretty much any time of day.
This game could very well see a further reduction in server count, and probably should. Because it gets increasingly more fun with the more people available to frag at all hours of the day or night.
There is no downtime activity. You are either pvp'ing or doing some minor pve challenge until pve comes along; everything else be damned.
BTW, as far as I know all keeps require only one door to be knocked down during the process of taking a keep. The fact that you don't even know that once again makes me wonder if you have really played this game much at all.
When did the outer door to the court yard get removed from T4 keeps? When I last played, there are TWO doors, one at the outer wall and one at the keep itself. So unless this has been changed, I guess we have to wonder about how much YOU have played the game. Turn about is fair play my friend, get your facts straight before questioning some else or at least get out of T2 zones. I apologize in advance if they have removed the outer door, though why they would, I couldn't guess.
BTW, as far as I know all keeps require only one door to be knocked down during the process of taking a keep. The fact that you don't even know that once again makes me wonder if you have really played this game much at all.
Um... T4 much?
1) Door in outer wall, 2) door into main building.
You are clearly entitled to your defense of WAR, but when you question whether I have played -- on the basis of claiming only one door needs to be knocked down -- well... it is bizarre is all.
As the poster above me asked.. how much have you played?
T4 is generally seen as a rather different experience to lower tiers.
In fact, most people having a blast in game right now are having most their fun in the lower tiers. The end game is universally acknowledged still to be unbder construction.
Fortresses are now a little more lag free, but NPCs there still invisible, and the fortress lords are so powerful that almost noone gets past em if there is any defense at all.
Anyhow, as I said in the OP, there is a lot to like. Just needs a bit more fleshing out.. unless you are one of those altaholics who loves messing around in lower tiers.
I really liked the game. I think the dwarves were done better in this game than any other I've played. I, too, felt it had some points where it just felt flat... like there was an immersion factor missing somewhere. I could name a few things that weren't quite doing it for me too, but other people have said it and probably said it better than I could. But despite those flaws, I still liked the game for the most part.
The bottom line for me, the reason I quit, was that my friends and I managed to pick the worst servers to play on. We started on Badlands, but the queue was so high that whenever anyone got d/c'd (friend was having computer troubles at the time) they had to wait 10-15 minutes to get back in. So we switched (don't remember to where because it was one of many). That server got the free transfer tag, emptied out fast so we had to switch again. So we moved, rebuilt the guild, the new server received the free transfer tag, forced us to switch again. Ironically, one option was to go back to the choice of Badlands... who soon was on the free transfer list too. The last time we tried to move the guild, it wouldn't let the original guild leader, or any of us for that matter, create a guild. Every name we tried it said was banned or taken. Probably just a glitch, but felt just not worth the hassle. Having to rename every character and the guild itself 3 times was enough for me. I might return once things settle down but right now it's not worth the price of admission to me.
WAR is a positive experiment in MMO-land, and I applaud it. The graphics are great, IMO, and the races and classes - in look and feel - flavorful. Despite the whines, I feel class balance is not too bad at all. And combat, while nothing spectacular, is fluid enough and can be fun with similalry matched teams. Overall, there is a lot to like here. But (the but was inevitable) there are major shortfalls with the current state of the game. - PVE-land, beyond early levels, is empty. Even on the fuller servers you can gallop around all day and see no-one else out there in T4 pve land. Good luck trying to get people to do high level PQs... - Scenarios are OK, but repetitive, bland and pretty simple. They are fine as an occasional bit of quick fun, but are rather featureless, and pale when compared, for example, to the WoW BGs in terms of gameplay. (That's clearly my opinion... but the latest keep siege bg in wow is far more exciting than anything on offer here). They remain the main source of xp/renown, and as such are disappointing. Despite some improvement, you will still mostly end up in the same one or two scenarios every time. - ORVR has improved considerably, but the keeps are basically one size fits all (they all play exactly the same, have exactly the same order of events - beat down a door, beat down another one, then rush up a ramp) and offer very little scope for any strategic or tactical gameplay. Pour in the numbers to bash down the door, guard the postern, possibly cut off the main road. That's really about it. There is only one way in. Battlefield objectives could be fun (much more varied terrain) but people dont really feel they are worth fighting for, so instead you get the round and round the garden syndrome. It's all rather featureless. You imagine there could be so much more random craziness in the lakes. Smaller scale objectives. Triggerable events. Destructible or interactive scenery. But its pretty feature free right now. - The PVE sides are kept apart, and the lakes are often hard to get into outside one or two points. For a WAR game, its surprisingly ghettoised. Almost never do you find a small skirmish.. its zerg v zerg or nothing. That is a great shame. - Gear at end game is very linear and choice free. You need the lesser ward set. Then you need the greater ward set. Everyone chases the same stuff. And it all drops from NPCs, pvp and renown is not enough to progress. - The contribution system doesn't work. - The economy is bland. - There are no guild halls, or other social places to give a sense of pride and belonging. There are no gathering points in the cities, no places to establish a sense of strong realm identity. - There is not much additional fun stuff, the kind of thing that makes MMOs come alive. No LOTRO music system. No WOW toys and pets. No COX costume shops. No real crafting.
What this adds up to in my humble opinion is a game which still needs a lot of development, and is currently not worth a monthly fee. It was worth the box price. Just not sure what I am paying for on a monthly basis quite yet. I do think it is one of the better starts for what could eventually be a great game. I will be delighted to pay the fee once it gets over a few humps.
Just wanted to post my opinion as well since it's all we do here
I agree with "what to like" but I'd like to comment on on the "what not"
First I'd like to say I never followed Warhammer pre-release, I hated Warhammer in all honesty it never clicked for me :P
Anyhow I just happened to buy the game 3 days after release simply cause it was there and I had nothing else to spend money on. And I kinda liked the box - I quit after 2 weeks cause I had no time / I wasn't very excited but I gave it another try end of November and I'm still there.
Now to my comments
PVE - I haven't been that far in the game in general but at least Karak 8 Peaks in EU is packed in all tiers but it's probably the most populated server in EU. However general impression I get is that PVE isn't important and merely an alternative way to spend time in-game.
Scenarios - I found them varied, not bland and simple is good. I like that each tier has its own set of SC. I played WoW for 3 and a half years and the BGs were simply grinds/HK farm fests and people don't usually pay attention to each other / map objectives. (AFKave in AV any1? :P) - At worst WoW BGs are equally good/bad to Warhammer scenarios with the difference of variety giving extra points to WAR.
ORVR - Improved indeed and the keep sieges are more about micromanagement than needing blue prints to navigate thru them. I haven't played DaoC or Lineage2 or any other keep siege game to compare but I'm fairly satisfied with keeps so far even if they'd be the same all over the tiers. Maybe bigger would be better but purely from an "epic feeling" kind of view. In general, it could have been somehow improved or more featured but personally I'm satisfied as is.
BOs could probably give more motivation but as I stated I find ORVR at the moment to be satisfying hehe
- I disagree I daily find small skirmishes here and there but from lone people moving to BOs or keeps. Either 1v1 or 2v3 and in total never more than 5-6 people around. Zergs I only encountered at keeps and BOs. And the occasional battle right outside warcamp:P
- I haven't been at endgame yet but I have seen little improvement from gear so far, I can't really judge since I'm new to the game and it's quite possibly not that gear dependant.
To be honest tho I felt I'm contributing even if I'm a lowbie in the tier whereas in WoW for example on the same level I'd get my ass handed to me anywhere and everywhere simply because I had no time to grind the honor for epic PvP gear... And only when I finally managed to gather 300+ resilience I was at least "able to fight back" (yet not having much of a chance to win, but to simply stay alive more than 5 seconds :P).
When I reach endgame tho I'd have a clearer opinion on this regarding WAR
-Contribution: something wrong here I agree
-Economy: I never found myself caring and I'm always a guy into crafting/ economy (my lvl 26 burglar in LOTRO has already 12g and is my only character :P) - Feels like economy is "just there". Don't think the game wanted to be much in this area.
-Social stuff: Same comment as above. Why would I bother RPing or hanging out in a guild hall that costs money where the "meat" of the game is obviously killing each other? That's how I feel. Feels more like an MMORPG Counter-Strike with maces, swords and spells than a socializing virtual community MMO :P Same goes for all the fluff stuff but I'd like at least some extra visual appearance gimmicks - More than dyes at least hehe.
- You socialize with someone when you kill them or help them kill someone else :P That's how I see it
Anyway you can see we all have different expectations and opinions.
I believe Warhammer to be a great game. A WoW killer ? Hardly.
It doesn't even compete Wow in the same areas, it's a different game.
I believe that if people hate WoW so much should just quit it (like I did).
Not expect a game to pull them away from WoW by being better or bigger...
I am not sure what you guys are wanting everyone to do that are subscribing to the game? Quit and join the 1000's of po'd posters on how no game out today is worth a crap? Warhammer is a good game, its not the best game ever but it has been getting solid ratings, and for goodness its only been out a few months,
Why on earth are they so much hate for a game that has been out a few months? I am not refering just to this post but all the anti war posts, it really just doesnt make sense to me. Now if you where one of the old SWG players who loved their game for years, and then SOE destroyed it with a patch I could understand it. But I really just dont get it for a game that has only been here a few months. Tonight for the first time two servers were full and a waiting queue. This is a good sign. Its not a WOW killer but I think it will be a round a few years..... I am enjoying it, but will give darkfall a chance if its any good, as well as the upcoming star wars game by Bioware.
But seriously theres like 3 types of people postin on the WAR forum, the people who like the game and which are talking to each other about it. The people who come and bash it after a few weeks of gameplay, and the handful of players who has never got to play the game.
One argument I personally find confusing is, what has the fact that the game is new to do with anything? It seems to often be used as a justification for why other people who don't like the game think that way yet why is that? A game is supposed to be good the minute it comes out of the box. (the game that's actually there on the disk at that point)
Yes there's plenty of people that like it in it's current state and think it's fine and there's plenty of people who think vice versa as well but the game being new is not suddenly an excuse to explain away why the other half might not like the game.
Now, if people are comparing the game as it is new now to games as they are now x years after development then the argument has value yet time and time again people seem to use it as a blanket statement regardless of that being true or not.
WAR is worth the subscription fee if you value: Balanced (but not perfect) class system that promotes team play as well as rewards full investment in one playstyle over another. Tanks tank, know, healers heal, but there is also room for diversity with the skilled twitch player. Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break. Any fight requires you to get involved and be creative. Large battles are the name of the game in ORvR; not because people just like to zerg, but because small skirmishes often run together into those large battles. Substantial rewards based on pvp activity. While the contribution system in keep sieges isn't working properly, influence rewards supercede most anything you can get if you like to be out there fighting.
WAR is NOT worth the subscription fee if you value:
Economy first Indepth crafting (no blacksmithing, or tailoring, no fletching) Diversity in look (you will end up looking the same as at least 5 other people no matter what) Heavy PVE focus (PQs and a couple dungeons is the best you're gonna get
To put it plainly WAR was designed to be a game that rewards pvp. If you don't like to pvp the majority of the time, you have limited space to operate. Eventually you will feel like the game is missing something for you......which it is. It is not a problem with you or with WAR, just a disagreement on what is fun.
Now see I can support this post. Its truth and not misleading. It defines what the game is, and what its not and then people can decide for themselves if they want to play without all the bashing. Occasionaly someone will come along and post a nice post showing the positives and negatives about the game without bashing it, has anyone here who hates the game so much even read any of the reviews of the game?
Now see I can support this post. Its truth and not misleading.
You really believe that this following quote made by that poster is "truth and not misleading" regarding the MAJORITY of Warhammer's current servers?
Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break.
If so 7Fold, could you tell us how many servers see this as "normal", since you know it is a "truthful and not misleading" statement? How many servers are you guessing DON'T see this as normal everyday action? You can still see quite a few folks posting all the time that the above quote is NOT the case they are seeing and they are still switching servers looking for this type of fun.
I also don't see a lot of people posting "DO NOT PLAY WARHAMMER!" as you are making it seem like there is. The fact that people post good and bad is just their experience with the game. You'll see way more people just typing what they thought (like the OP) and in the end, saying the game isn't for them, or it's not ready yet than you see someone say "Don't by Warhammer, it sucks plain and simple." But fanbois have a way of "poo-pooing" the worst stuff in Warhammer and ignoring the annoying stuff. You need some balance in a forum, not all "yay! yay!" posts.
Don't confuse critical review with a bash, especially when someone has basis for being critical and points it out plainly and clearly.
I don't even want to get into your "reviewers like it, so it must be good" thing. Reviewers agree 'Sex and the City' is one of the greatest shows ever on TV, and Sarah Jessica Parker is extremely attractive. But I personally think she is a average girl just like the show.
But RAVE reviews! So it's settled: Sex in the City must rock, right?
Now see I can support this post. Its truth and not misleading.
You really believe that this following quote made by that poster is "truth and not misleading" regarding the MAJORITY of Warhammer's current servers?
Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break.
If so 7Fold, could you tell us how many servers see this as "normal", since you know it is a "truthful and not misleading" statement? How many servers are you guessing DON'T see this as normal everyday action?
You can still see quite a few folks posting all the time that the above quote is NOT the case they are seeing and they are still switching servers looking for this type of fun.
I also don't see a lot of people posting "DO NOT PLAY WARHAMMER!" as you are making it seem like there is. The fact that people post good and bad is just their experience with the game. You'll see way more people just typing what they thought (like the OP) and in the end, saying the game isn't for them, or it's not ready yet than you see someone say "Don't by Warhammer, it sucks plain and simple." But fanbois have a way of "poo-pooing" the worst stuff in Warhammer and ignoring the annoying stuff. You need some balance in a forum, not all "yay! yay!" posts.
Don't confuse critical review with a bash, especially when someone has basis for being critical and points it out plainly and clearly.
I don't even want to get into your "reviewers like it, so it must be good" thing. Reviewers agree 'Sex and the City' is one of the greatest shows ever on TV, and Sarah Jessica Parker is extremely attractive. But I personally think she is a average girl just like the show.
But RAVE reviews! So it's settled: Sex in the City must rock, right?
Hey now you just admitted you watched Sex in the City :P Also Sex in the City got horrible reviews hehe
Anyways the servers are getting better, but by no means is this WOW or will ever be WOW. In this day of age you get one shot, then your out the door, EVE being the only exception. I will say I dont think WAR is going to go the way of AOC. And if it does we could be in more trouble because that just adds more subs to WOW.
There is about 19 servers give or take 1. The server I play on Badlands pretty much always has a healthy population with a few queues on peak hours. Other that Dark Crag, Skull Thorne, and Phoenix Throne is were you have the best chance of playing a packed game, in which an MMO is so supposed to be. At least 7 others are in the medium population during peek hours. The rest either are low/med or low/low..... most of the time. Things have picked up significantly in the past month. And when I say that I mean it has more people playing it .
But lets get one thing straight. I am not calling WAR the holy grail of games. I am just saying its not deserving all the trash talk its receiving after only being out a few months. While its not WOW, it isnt Dark and Light either. Personally I think the game should have 10-12 servers atm. Then they would all be medium high. Thats not bad. As I said this game will not be WOW, but I think it will hang around awhile longer than most and have at least a life DAOC had.
Reviews are good for what they are. When I read 40+ Game review sites giving excellent reviews it means that those 40+ people who are paid to review the game liked it and thought it was worth their time. However if their is a game I really want Ill try it regardless of the review. But reviews have their purpose or well they wouldnt be there would they.
There hasn't been an unusual amount of class imbalance issues reported and the combat has been one of the most praised (by players and media) features of the game. These forums are full of players saying things like "best fun I have had in any game" and "I dont normally like pvp but I do in this game" when referring to the combat. They're right. The combat in WAR is good.
You can't gallop around anywhere for 2 minutes on the highest population servers and not find people doing PVE.
Scenarios aren't WoW BGs and aren't meant to be. They serve two different purposes in their respective games. Its like comparing a FPS CTF map with a castle siege in Lineage II. WAR has the strategic RVR in terms of controlling battlefield objectives, keeps, and cities but it also has instant combat scenarios as icing on the cake. Your trying to compare the WoW cake to the WAR icing and it makes no sense.
I agree, the RVR has gotten alot better now that there are more people in the RVR zones. Keeps in WAR are more like RTS objectives. The game's mechanics almost ensures ephemeral ownership of battlefield objectives, especially on competitive servers. This is by design and is one of the main factors promoting the constant warfare in WAR.
BTW, as far as I know all keeps require only one door to be knocked down during the process of taking a keep. The fact that you don't even know that once again makes me wonder if you have really played this game much at all.
There is alot of action against the battlefield objectives these days and its trivial to take the lesser objectives with a party or less. How much smaller scale do you want to go? Also, there are warbands roaming the RvR areas constantly since the last patch. Clearly, they find the battlefield objectives worth fighting for. Especially, since thats how some of the best gear is now aquired.
It's almost impossible -NOT- to find small skirmishes. Patrol the RVR zones and you will find 1v1 and party size pvp opportunities routinely. I spent most of last night screwing around on an alt fighting party-size and smaller Order elements outside of Nordland.
Gear is easy to come by in this game so the point is a nonpoint. This game was designed to be friendly to the casual player. You are not going to be severely disadvantaged by a gear disparity unless you want to be for some reason. The game mechanics make players mostly self sustaining.
Guilds have cloaks and standards. The fact that there are only two sides means that you always have allies. The game mechanics make it easy to group up and do things together. Most organized guilds are operating in vent/ts servers anyway. All that said, I agree that guilds need to be enhanced in this game. It's the nature of humans beings to organize ourselves into small social groups. WAR takes a more communal approach in promoting the Realm, sometimes at the expense of the guild. This is of course by design. But, I still think over time you will see more unifying clan mechanics added to the game.
The game is doing great and is improving at a rapid pace. The game has received mostly excellent reviews and has already won multiple "game of the year" awards. Thats not happening because it isn't fun to play or people don't feel its worth a monthly subscription. Mythic has made a game that is gaining traction and as long as they keep improving the game and adding content that people want to play its only going to continue to grow.
I would just like to point out that winning of the awards is not all that great judge of a game. DDO got lots of awards to and well you know.....................
Bottom line War has/had potential I think if they turn to there players(follow CCP's example with Eve-Online) and listen they could make it in to a great game. Then again this is Mythic we are talking about so I wouldn't hold my breath on it
I love WAR and all. But the keep seiges don't give me that DaoC feel. They should add more than one way into a keep, and add towers around the keeps, not way off in the distance. Also allowing moveable seige weapons would bring it inline with the DaoC feel which is what alot of us think about when we think "RVR". Maybe even something as simple as a moveable object(ala relics) to keeps. Something to make keep seiging more dynamic. Other than that I enjoy most of the aspects of the game.
I am not sure what you mean with content introduction but I think WAR need to do more than just bring some content. They need to build on the war element and make it feel like a real war, I think that is the biggest issue right now. There is a WAR but a war without possibility of defeat or victory. What kind of war is that?
They need to introduce atleast a tangible sense of actually winning something when you take over a keep. Right now they are being hit like a volleyball back and forth and that is not a war, that is a game. Yes I know this is a game but it is trying to simulate a war and I think, right now, it is more simulating a sport game more than a war.
One sollution would be to increase the rewards for holding a keep and make it more penalizing to lose one. That way people would actually care when they take over a keep or lost one. Also death needs to matter more because how do you know if one side is winning or not? It is the people they lose in battle, but in WAR you just pay the healer a couple of coins and then spend 3-4 mins running back and thats it. This needs to drastically change so that you really get hurt when you get killed. I dont mean anything devestating such as full loot or anything like that but maybe make it 10 times more expensive to go to the healer and also that you drop a couple of things from your inventory. Something that makes death feel like a bad thing, currently it feels nothing.
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Please elaborate on the incredible inbalance. Do you mean numbers or classes?
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Its like a brand new car that promises new and exciting features, yet has horrible fuel efficiently, only comes in brown and browner, breaks down frequently, and only plays am radio (yet, slowly adopting fm).
Simple question here...What game is worth a monthly fee to anyone? NONE.. Ive played WOW, EQ2, Lineage 2, Daoc.....all the things you listed above are all the same things that are missing or screwed up in all the top MMO' I really can't agree with your statement nor do I see your point...
Simple question here...What game is worth a monthly fee to anyone? NONE.. Ive played WOW, EQ2, Lineage 2, Daoc.....all the things you listed above are all the same things that are missing or screwed up in all the top MMO' I really can't agree with your statement nor do I see your point...
Clearly you didn't even bother to read before "jumping to the defense" since at least half the stuff in there is rather WAR specific.
I do agree with you, stuntie. I am having a blast. But, in any case, I will kill you in the battlefield, Varking!
Lets say I went to the store and for whatever reason you want to imagine I purchased Warhammer. Once at home I install the game and run it. Now I come to the server selection screen....
Can you please tell me where I would gather this 'well known' information about what servers are good and which are bad as far as balance and population?
I think you are taking your personal experience that you find in discussions on some Warhammer fansite and assuming that is common knowledge to everyone who might play the game. That is something I highly doubt since the game doesn't really have official forums (did that change yet?) and a typical player isn't going to be as well read as a fan like yourself.
So I do have to agree that many people will experience a lottry type effect when they select a server. While I cannot speak for the masses that do play the game, every single person I know who plays/played has actually switched servers at least 3 times, but that includes the free move during the server mergers.
WAR is worth the subscription fee if you value:
Balanced (but not perfect) class system that promotes team play as well as rewards full investment in one playstyle over another. Tanks tank, know, healers heal, but there is also room for diversity with the skilled twitch player.
Activity in pvp. From scenarios que'ing every 2-3 minutes, to tiers 2-4 being bolstered with new people every few days, you can't really run out of targets unless you want to take a break. Any fight requires you to get involved and be creative. Large battles are the name of the game in ORvR; not because people just like to zerg, but because small skirmishes often run together into those large battles.
Substantial rewards based on pvp activity. While the contribution system in keep sieges isn't working properly, influence rewards supercede most anything you can get if you like to be out there fighting.
WAR is NOT worth the subscription fee if you value:
Economy first
Indepth crafting (no blacksmithing, or tailoring, no fletching)
Diversity in look (you will end up looking the same as at least 5 other people no matter what)
Heavy PVE focus (PQs and a couple dungeons is the best you're gonna get
To put it plainly WAR was designed to be a game that rewards pvp. If you don't like to pvp the majority of the time, you have limited space to operate. Eventually you will feel like the game is missing something for you......which it is. It is not a problem with you or with WAR, just a disagreement on what is fun.
The thing you mention WAR being good for are not really all that great in T4. Try playing Order on Monolith server for example.
This is the major problem and why it has nothing but "potential". Its not designed well. Early on the class balance is good later on not so much. RvR action is spotty and highly variable especially based on server.
The fact is Mythic did the worst job I have ever seen of controling/guiding the way the game flows and manages people. They also just plain cokced up the later game.
It has "potential" in that if you took some of the stuff that kind of works at certain points and completely dismantled the game and redesigned it from the fround up to incorporate it this new game it could be pretty fun.
But as it stands right now it has no "potential" because it needs to be redeisgned and because Mythic has no idea what its doing.
I can't even say your statement about what WAR is good at is wrong. Its correct; sometimes. Sometimes its wrong. Depends on server and what Tier you play in. The game is just plain cocked up. I am sorry but that is just the way it is. I wish it wasn't. Its rather sad really.
The problem is WAR is just a tease. It never delivers. It just gives you some thing to whet your appetitie then either never give you something substantial or ruins it later on. Class balance and team play start fine then nose dive in T4. RvR activity shows up and then disappears or grinds into a state where it never quite manages to pull off any strategic play.
I'm sorry for this man, but that statement is so vague.
Be clear about what it is you want specifically. You know if enough people think the way that you do there is a chance for change.
I want to stand on the ramparts of a castle and look over hundres of people trying to break the door down. If that door breaks I want to give my shield to create a barrier to give my friends time to gather and fight.
I want a system that allows me to advance my gear by fighting anywhere and everywhere I can. I have that here.
I don't give a shit about crafting, or the economy. I buy a few potions and maybe through up an epic I may have looted on the auction house, then I go right back to busting heads.
Its very miopic I know, but I have never realy been into much else.
This could very well be the case on your particular server, but I seriously doubt you can say with a straight face this description fits the majority of Mythic's servers.
One size does not fit all in this regard and quite a few people will not see this type of action, unless you tell them which server you are talking about.
This could very well be the case on your particular server, but I seriously doubt you can say with a straight face this description fits the majority of Mythic's servers.
One size does not fit all in this regard and quite a few people will not see this type of action, unless you tell them which server you are talking about.
Badlands server as well as Dark Crag. Those are the two main I play on. Haven't tried every server but I do understand that there are a few others that have good activity at pretty much any time of day.
This game could very well see a further reduction in server count, and probably should. Because it gets increasingly more fun with the more people available to frag at all hours of the day or night.
There is no downtime activity. You are either pvp'ing or doing some minor pve challenge until pve comes along; everything else be damned.
When did the outer door to the court yard get removed from T4 keeps? When I last played, there are TWO doors, one at the outer wall and one at the keep itself. So unless this has been changed, I guess we have to wonder about how much YOU have played the game. Turn about is fair play my friend, get your facts straight before questioning some else or at least get out of T2 zones. I apologize in advance if they have removed the outer door, though why they would, I couldn't guess.
Um... T4 much?
1) Door in outer wall, 2) door into main building.
You are clearly entitled to your defense of WAR, but when you question whether I have played -- on the basis of claiming only one door needs to be knocked down -- well... it is bizarre is all.
As the poster above me asked.. how much have you played?
T4 is generally seen as a rather different experience to lower tiers.
In fact, most people having a blast in game right now are having most their fun in the lower tiers. The end game is universally acknowledged still to be unbder construction.
Fortresses are now a little more lag free, but NPCs there still invisible, and the fortress lords are so powerful that almost noone gets past em if there is any defense at all.
Anyhow, as I said in the OP, there is a lot to like. Just needs a bit more fleshing out.. unless you are one of those altaholics who loves messing around in lower tiers.
I really liked the game. I think the dwarves were done better in this game than any other I've played. I, too, felt it had some points where it just felt flat... like there was an immersion factor missing somewhere. I could name a few things that weren't quite doing it for me too, but other people have said it and probably said it better than I could. But despite those flaws, I still liked the game for the most part.
The bottom line for me, the reason I quit, was that my friends and I managed to pick the worst servers to play on. We started on Badlands, but the queue was so high that whenever anyone got d/c'd (friend was having computer troubles at the time) they had to wait 10-15 minutes to get back in. So we switched (don't remember to where because it was one of many). That server got the free transfer tag, emptied out fast so we had to switch again. So we moved, rebuilt the guild, the new server received the free transfer tag, forced us to switch again. Ironically, one option was to go back to the choice of Badlands... who soon was on the free transfer list too. The last time we tried to move the guild, it wouldn't let the original guild leader, or any of us for that matter, create a guild. Every name we tried it said was banned or taken. Probably just a glitch, but felt just not worth the hassle. Having to rename every character and the guild itself 3 times was enough for me. I might return once things settle down but right now it's not worth the price of admission to me.
T4 is generally seen as a rather different experience to lower tiers.
Tier 2 - One door
Tier 4 - Two Doors
That's about it.
Tier3 has Two Doors as well.
Just wanted to post my opinion as well since it's all we do here
I agree with "what to like" but I'd like to comment on on the "what not"
First I'd like to say I never followed Warhammer pre-release, I hated Warhammer in all honesty it never clicked for me :P
Anyhow I just happened to buy the game 3 days after release simply cause it was there and I had nothing else to spend money on. And I kinda liked the box - I quit after 2 weeks cause I had no time / I wasn't very excited but I gave it another try end of November and I'm still there.
Now to my comments
PVE - I haven't been that far in the game in general but at least Karak 8 Peaks in EU is packed in all tiers but it's probably the most populated server in EU. However general impression I get is that PVE isn't important and merely an alternative way to spend time in-game.
Scenarios - I found them varied, not bland and simple is good. I like that each tier has its own set of SC. I played WoW for 3 and a half years and the BGs were simply grinds/HK farm fests and people don't usually pay attention to each other / map objectives. (AFKave in AV any1? :P) - At worst WoW BGs are equally good/bad to Warhammer scenarios with the difference of variety giving extra points to WAR.
ORVR - Improved indeed and the keep sieges are more about micromanagement than needing blue prints to navigate thru them. I haven't played DaoC or Lineage2 or any other keep siege game to compare but I'm fairly satisfied with keeps so far even if they'd be the same all over the tiers. Maybe bigger would be better but purely from an "epic feeling" kind of view. In general, it could have been somehow improved or more featured but personally I'm satisfied as is.
BOs could probably give more motivation but as I stated I find ORVR at the moment to be satisfying hehe
- I disagree I daily find small skirmishes here and there but from lone people moving to BOs or keeps. Either 1v1 or 2v3 and in total never more than 5-6 people around. Zergs I only encountered at keeps and BOs. And the occasional battle right outside warcamp:P
- I haven't been at endgame yet but I have seen little improvement from gear so far, I can't really judge since I'm new to the game and it's quite possibly not that gear dependant.
To be honest tho I felt I'm contributing even if I'm a lowbie in the tier whereas in WoW for example on the same level I'd get my ass handed to me anywhere and everywhere simply because I had no time to grind the honor for epic PvP gear... And only when I finally managed to gather 300+ resilience I was at least "able to fight back" (yet not having much of a chance to win, but to simply stay alive more than 5 seconds :P).
When I reach endgame tho I'd have a clearer opinion on this regarding WAR
-Contribution: something wrong here I agree
-Economy: I never found myself caring and I'm always a guy into crafting/ economy (my lvl 26 burglar in LOTRO has already 12g and is my only character :P) - Feels like economy is "just there". Don't think the game wanted to be much in this area.
-Social stuff: Same comment as above. Why would I bother RPing or hanging out in a guild hall that costs money where the "meat" of the game is obviously killing each other? That's how I feel. Feels more like an MMORPG Counter-Strike with maces, swords and spells than a socializing virtual community MMO :P Same goes for all the fluff stuff but I'd like at least some extra visual appearance gimmicks - More than dyes at least hehe.
- You socialize with someone when you kill them or help them kill someone else :P That's how I see it
Anyway you can see we all have different expectations and opinions.
I believe Warhammer to be a great game. A WoW killer ? Hardly.
It doesn't even compete Wow in the same areas, it's a different game.
I believe that if people hate WoW so much should just quit it (like I did).
Not expect a game to pull them away from WoW by being better or bigger...
I am not sure what you guys are wanting everyone to do that are subscribing to the game? Quit and join the 1000's of po'd posters on how no game out today is worth a crap? Warhammer is a good game, its not the best game ever but it has been getting solid ratings, and for goodness its only been out a few months,
Why on earth are they so much hate for a game that has been out a few months? I am not refering just to this post but all the anti war posts, it really just doesnt make sense to me. Now if you where one of the old SWG players who loved their game for years, and then SOE destroyed it with a patch I could understand it. But I really just dont get it for a game that has only been here a few months. Tonight for the first time two servers were full and a waiting queue. This is a good sign. Its not a WOW killer but I think it will be a round a few years..... I am enjoying it, but will give darkfall a chance if its any good, as well as the upcoming star wars game by Bioware.
But seriously theres like 3 types of people postin on the WAR forum, the people who like the game and which are talking to each other about it. The people who come and bash it after a few weeks of gameplay, and the handful of players who has never got to play the game.
One argument I personally find confusing is, what has the fact that the game is new to do with anything? It seems to often be used as a justification for why other people who don't like the game think that way yet why is that? A game is supposed to be good the minute it comes out of the box. (the game that's actually there on the disk at that point)
Yes there's plenty of people that like it in it's current state and think it's fine and there's plenty of people who think vice versa as well but the game being new is not suddenly an excuse to explain away why the other half might not like the game.
Now, if people are comparing the game as it is new now to games as they are now x years after development then the argument has value yet time and time again people seem to use it as a blanket statement regardless of that being true or not.
Now see I can support this post. Its truth and not misleading. It defines what the game is, and what its not and then people can decide for themselves if they want to play without all the bashing. Occasionaly someone will come along and post a nice post showing the positives and negatives about the game without bashing it, has anyone here who hates the game so much even read any of the reviews of the game?
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PC Zone UK 92 / 100
Fragland 80 / 100
GamingTrend 89 / 100
gamesTM 8 / 10
Computer Games RO 85 / 100
Total PC Gaming 8 / 10
Gamers Temple 92 / 100
Gaming Target 8.8 / 10
PALGN 8 / 10
Game Chronicles 9 / 10
GamerNode 8 / 10
GameZone 8.8 / 10
AceGamez 9 / 10
Jolt UK 8.7 / 10
AtomicGamer 88 / 100
Armchair Empire 8 / 10
Gamervision 8 / 10
Game Revolution A-
IGN 9 / 10
Gameplayer 8.5 / 10
GameShark A-
G4 - X-Play 5 / 5
GameSpy 5 / 5
Cheat Code Central 4.7 / 5
Gameplanet 8 / 10
PC Gamer UK 88 / 100
Eurogamer 8 / 10
These are not bad scores guys
You really believe that this following quote made by that poster is "truth and not misleading" regarding the MAJORITY of Warhammer's current servers?
If so 7Fold, could you tell us how many servers see this as "normal", since you know it is a "truthful and not misleading" statement? How many servers are you guessing DON'T see this as normal everyday action?
You can still see quite a few folks posting all the time that the above quote is NOT the case they are seeing and they are still switching servers looking for this type of fun.
I also don't see a lot of people posting "DO NOT PLAY WARHAMMER!" as you are making it seem like there is. The fact that people post good and bad is just their experience with the game. You'll see way more people just typing what they thought (like the OP) and in the end, saying the game isn't for them, or it's not ready yet than you see someone say "Don't by Warhammer, it sucks plain and simple." But fanbois have a way of "poo-pooing" the worst stuff in Warhammer and ignoring the annoying stuff. You need some balance in a forum, not all "yay! yay!" posts.
Don't confuse critical review with a bash, especially when someone has basis for being critical and points it out plainly and clearly.
I don't even want to get into your "reviewers like it, so it must be good" thing. Reviewers agree 'Sex and the City' is one of the greatest shows ever on TV, and Sarah Jessica Parker is extremely attractive. But I personally think she is a average girl just like the show.
But RAVE reviews! So it's settled: Sex in the City must rock, right?
You really believe that this following quote made by that poster is "truth and not misleading" regarding the MAJORITY of Warhammer's current servers?
If so 7Fold, could you tell us how many servers see this as "normal", since you know it is a "truthful and not misleading" statement? How many servers are you guessing DON'T see this as normal everyday action?
You can still see quite a few folks posting all the time that the above quote is NOT the case they are seeing and they are still switching servers looking for this type of fun.
I also don't see a lot of people posting "DO NOT PLAY WARHAMMER!" as you are making it seem like there is. The fact that people post good and bad is just their experience with the game. You'll see way more people just typing what they thought (like the OP) and in the end, saying the game isn't for them, or it's not ready yet than you see someone say "Don't by Warhammer, it sucks plain and simple." But fanbois have a way of "poo-pooing" the worst stuff in Warhammer and ignoring the annoying stuff. You need some balance in a forum, not all "yay! yay!" posts.
Don't confuse critical review with a bash, especially when someone has basis for being critical and points it out plainly and clearly.
I don't even want to get into your "reviewers like it, so it must be good" thing. Reviewers agree 'Sex and the City' is one of the greatest shows ever on TV, and Sarah Jessica Parker is extremely attractive. But I personally think she is a average girl just like the show.
But RAVE reviews! So it's settled: Sex in the City must rock, right?
Hey now you just admitted you watched Sex in the City :P Also Sex in the City got horrible reviews hehe
Anyways the servers are getting better, but by no means is this WOW or will ever be WOW. In this day of age you get one shot, then your out the door, EVE being the only exception. I will say I dont think WAR is going to go the way of AOC. And if it does we could be in more trouble because that just adds more subs to WOW.
There is about 19 servers give or take 1. The server I play on Badlands pretty much always has a healthy population with a few queues on peak hours. Other that Dark Crag, Skull Thorne, and Phoenix Throne is were you have the best chance of playing a packed game, in which an MMO is so supposed to be. At least 7 others are in the medium population during peek hours. The rest either are low/med or low/low..... most of the time. Things have picked up significantly in the past month. And when I say that I mean it has more people playing it .
But lets get one thing straight. I am not calling WAR the holy grail of games. I am just saying its not deserving all the trash talk its receiving after only being out a few months. While its not WOW, it isnt Dark and Light either. Personally I think the game should have 10-12 servers atm. Then they would all be medium high. Thats not bad. As I said this game will not be WOW, but I think it will hang around awhile longer than most and have at least a life DAOC had.
Reviews are good for what they are. When I read 40+ Game review sites giving excellent reviews it means that those 40+ people who are paid to review the game liked it and thought it was worth their time. However if their is a game I really want Ill try it regardless of the review. But reviews have their purpose or well they wouldnt be there would they.