w0W does suck... i've never played it because i saw some really fat kid playin it in his underwear... totally turned me off...
What if Paul Revere was like the boy who cried wolf....?
Originally posted by Hazmal
What does he say when people ask what he did? "My mommy was irking me yo - I wanted to keep pwning nubs on my xbox, so I roughed her up with a hardshell. That is just how I roll."
I like Earth.
-SGC Special Ops
try Runes of Magic
O o ooo
cant play that game beta closed have to wait ill its open
Just a gamer so ummm yeah....
Yes it does
wow is great, we need to give all wow players maps of Iraq NOW!
Watch Led Zeppelin, Darkfall Tribute
Watch Johnny Cash, Darkfall Tribute
WoW sucks bootyhole hahahahhahshahahahahha kololooololollololollawlawlalwlalalwlalwlal
world of warcrap was made by blizztard, that make sense of it. Wow =
Wow will be = d
I agree. WoW=win.
/kill self
have you even played WoW?
Playing: WoW and Guild wars faction.
waiting on: GW2 and next WoW expansion
played: flyff, diablo2, maplestory, dungeon runners, eudemons online, conquer online, runescape, decide online, perfect world, and atlantica.
w0W does suck... i've never played it because i saw some really fat kid playin it in his underwear... totally turned me off...
What if Paul Revere was like the boy who cried wolf....?
Originally posted by Hazmal
What does he say when people ask what he did? "My mommy was irking me yo - I wanted to keep pwning nubs on my xbox, so I roughed her up with a hardshell. That is just how I roll."
I think I need a new sig. It's going to be something like, Kristi the mistress of al lthings Spam!