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Best Solo Class at higher levels?

I have played almost every class up to level 11. I have to admit having alt-mania in that I enjoy them all.


My favorites so far, well I like the Blackgaurd for pure crushing and of course the Black Orc seems like the truest tank of all of them to me, Its hard to get taken down.

I love the Archmage too, because it "fits" my play style so much. All these DoT spells and I can also heal. So I tend to get to a big battle and drop a bunch of Dot's as quickly as I can then cycle through healing those who need it.


I like a utility/hybrid class, but I also realize that you have a trade off, I should not be able to stand off as an archmage against a similar level sorcerer in damage (although Ihave routinely taken them down in 1:1) I think that is more skill than anything else. I tend to put a lot of thought into my powers and how I use them.


I have to admit prefering a class who can heal itself, like a Warrior Priest of DoK because then I can win and win and win, even though the damage is not as great, I tend to be able to go non-stop PVE and in RVR situations I can some times solo a tower in T1.

I kind of hate Pick up groups and usually when I want to go roaming RVR (I realize this is not the best tactic) but sometimes I like to wander alone into the plains of Bone and claim a tower for my side just for the challenge.

So on the one hand I know a hybrid won't have the greatest output of damage, at the same time I see the benefit from a soloers perspective when healing isn't always on hand. One way the Black Orc makes up for this is "Hey I can do MORE damage and the healing that a DoK would do to himself, I basically just have more HP to make up the difference..." so on some level the Black Orc is superior.

So I mention this just because the obvious answer to me would be warrior priest, DoK or some preist class because of the healing aspect, but I know there are other strategies for solo.

So my question to those of you who are more hardcore, knowing my style above, what would you say is best for solo on order or destruction?






  • veritasallveritasall Member UncommonPosts: 153

    Interesting idea, but honestly you'll spend your time running away from groups and only getting to pick off re-spawners now and again. Might be better getting into the way of grouping, that's the way the higher oRVR works. As soon as the other side sees you tampering with a BO on their map they'll be on it mob handed. It's not really an issue on lower levels but as you go up tiers, people take those BOs seriously!

  • Raiz1Raiz1 Member Posts: 177

    This just isn't a 1v1 game for the most part, and especially at lvl 40.

    Witch Hunter specc'd for damage defense is the best class in the game. The amount of damage you can put out and avoid silumtaneously is almost scary at times. But you are highly susceptible to non-phys damage and you have to sacrifice a lot to be able to heal yourself. When all else fails you can say fck everything and run (fear) and cloak.

  • courtsdadcourtsdad Member Posts: 326

    If you decided the hybrid path both WP and DOK are fun and you can contribute in multiple ways.

  • MagterMagter Member Posts: 289

    I would recommend a WP because you can solo champs and in times, hero's your own lvl just have to be specc'd right to be uber or if you want to solo players...I would think a WH.

    Purpose in life is not to gain things, but experience. - Rover64dd

  • sanders01sanders01 Member Posts: 1,357

    I love being a Black Orc for ORvR with PUGs and in Scenarios. hard to kill even without a healer. Not bad in PVE, but a healer like a WP or DOK would be better solo in PVE

    Currently restarting World of Warcraft :/

  • MykellMykell Member UncommonPosts: 780

    Forget about soloing in RvR at higher levels. Too many people and the zones arent that big.

    In massive battles ranged aoe classes are more fun imo. I play a chosen and with lag, cc becomes painful.

  • Coda137Coda137 Member Posts: 3

    PvE: WP or DoK; also very good  KoTBS

    PvP: WE by a mile.

  • xSaintxxSaintx Member UncommonPosts: 75

    WE? I stomp on WE almost constantly with my Witch Hunter. I can actually beat, routinely, a WE who's a few ranks ahead of me as well.


  • KaenashKaenash Member Posts: 120
    Originally posted by veritasall

    Might be better getting into the way of grouping, that's the way the higher oRVR works.


    I kind of expected to hear "Well...if you want to (Solo effectively) learn to group instead. Didn't expect it to be the first response though. I probably should have caveated my question with a "And don't tell me to just learn to love to group."


    Thanks everyone else for your responses, what I've learned so far:

    DoK and WP are probably what I should play.

    Black Orc is probably an interesting choice to try the same thing.

    Witch Hunter is going to be a challenge, but I could amp up damage.

    A WE is not my play style, because I am a male and sorry to say, I just can't get into the concept of roleplaying a female. I like that they have female only classes in the game, but thats not for me personally.


    I Didn't see Archmage listed at all, which was surprising. I guess I am one of those rare few who really sees potential soloability there. Same with Blackguard at 11th level it seems like a pretty powerful class for solo, it even has a few self heals (kinda sorta)




  • xbellx777xbellx777 Member Posts: 716

    i personally love the black orc and i think that it is a class that you can solo with really well. but then again this game isnt really made for soloing but to get in groups and do rvr

  • Size-TwelveSize-Twelve Member UncommonPosts: 478

    It's gotta be Disciple of Khaine. I was in Temple of Isha last night and a 31 Dok did some 179k damage, and 78k healing. I wish I would have screenshotted it.

    Me and my girlfriend both rolled Witch Elves on Badlands to see how OP they were, and I also saw a level 9 (i think?) DoK soloing a level 9 HERO!! Bear. Solo'd it.

    Can't be done with any other class.

  • EranuEranu Member Posts: 191

    WE & WH are about on par it comes down to the plater skill then, its just if you can stand running round in your undercrackers for 40 levels go WE

    Greatness is difficult to appreciate from close up. The great mountain on the horizon is only the ground when you are standing on it.

  • veritasallveritasall Member UncommonPosts: 153
    Originally posted by Kaenash

    Originally posted by veritasall

    Might be better getting into the way of grouping, that's the way the higher oRVR works.


    I kind of expected to hear "Well...if you want to (Solo effectively) learn to group instead. Didn't expect it to be the first response though. I probably should have caveated my question with a "And don't tell me to just learn to love to group."


    Thanks everyone else for your responses, what I've learned so far:

    DoK and WP are probably what I should play.

    Black Orc is probably an interesting choice to try the same thing.

    Witch Hunter is going to be a challenge, but I could amp up damage.

    A WE is not my play style, because I am a male and sorry to say, I just can't get into the concept of roleplaying a female. I like that they have female only classes in the game, but thats not for me personally.


    I Didn't see Archmage listed at all, which was surprising. I guess I am one of those rare few who really sees potential soloability there. Same with Blackguard at 11th level it seems like a pretty powerful class for solo, it even has a few self heals (kinda sorta)





    Just trying to save you a bucket load of frustration later on! :) Okay,  I totally recommend WE. Iit can destroy people in seconds  and it usually takes a couple of people working together to stop her. No other class seems to be able to kill as fast as that. Role play her as butch! Force yourself it will be worth the damage it can do.

  • GnomigGnomig Member Posts: 48

    I solo a lot and I've tried

    ...the shaman - funnyand levels ok until 20, but then your DPS goes doooown und you become a fullgrown healer. So not the best PvE-solo-class around. Scenarios tend to be fun and give heavy renown.

    ...the Black Orc - Tank. Lots of fun, not very complicated, solos ok but at some point over 20 your dmg just makes levelling kind of slow.

    ...Marauder - does a lot of dmg, levels good but was not my style

    ...Squigherder - is pretty ok for PvE, levels ok even solo.

    ...Magus - my choice right now, levels like Hell when demonspecced and pvpwise very good. Not the class for everyone but I like it


    Hope that helped.

  • ThalosVipavThalosVipav Member Posts: 273
    Originally posted by xSaintx

    WE? I stomp on WE almost constantly with my Witch Hunter. I can actually beat, routinely, a WE who's a few ranks ahead of me as well.


    I have yet to see a WH beat a WE 1v1 with no outside influence. Especially in higher tiers. Maybe tier 1 or 2.

    WE are not as OP as everyone likes to say. They do alot of dmg yes, however, in light armor they go down quickly. And with everyone and their brother having some sort of knockback ability, it can be difficult to get into melee range and stay there.

    I play both a WE and a Sorc. I like both for different reasons. The WE is a monster in PVP and solos fairly well in PVE ( I can normally take pve targets 5-7 levels higher then me and can solo champs long as they dont have a shield.. -.-)

    The Sorc on the other hand is alot of fun in PVP just to DoT people and deal massive dmg in chunks. Bad part is you go down really fast if attacked. Glass canon and all. PVE is not so great with the Sorc. Doable, but not nearly as easy as WE.

    I have tried DoK, Chosen, Sham, Zealot, Magus, BG, BW and SW. The Chosen was fun for the all out ability to take dmg and deal it back. The DoK was ok, didnt really get into it much.

    Thalos Vipav
    Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.

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