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can everyone see this now. the man is not your messiah, he is tricksome. alot of suckers totally buy into this guys crap.
Novemeber tasos: the game is ready to launch right now! (LIE)
today tasos: the game is not ready to launch (TRUTH)
Open coffee a few days ago: 22nd release is still happening (LIE)
today: release date pushed back (TRUTH)
what I don't get is the 22nd release date even confirmed in the TTH interview release the same day as the delay anouncement. anyway the point of this thread is simply to show that tasos is another one of those compulsive lier marketing types like funcom's erling eringson. its thier job to put the game is the best possible light however untruthful, don't be a sucker next time.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Show me a game community manager or developer etc. that is always honest and I will show you my army of flying pigs.
People aren't completely honest especially in PR, and never will be. Trusting in them is like trusting car salesmen. They in no way affect a final product. I am sorry if your feelings got hurt.
1. tricksy (def. 1).
2. tricky (def. 1).
Really should consult a dictionary before you criticize word usage...
Nice try though!
Edit - For when they edit out their stupidity.
Originally posted by Ashrik
Originally posted by DuraheLL
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
Explain then, so that I might be educated for later encounters in life.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
Does anyone else see the irony in this guys words?
He basically just said this:
"I don't care how many lies someone feeds me it's cool I expect it and are so gulible I will eat the shit up with a spoon"!
or at least that is what I got out of it.
The same way he used to eat AoC's with a spoon and we all know how that one turned out.
The fanbois in the off. forums are saying that the game is ready like Tasos said, but not the infraestructure and logistics.
In other words, try harder..............
If you dont belive the game is ready, find some people that are in beta (its not hard I promise).
Explain then, so that I might be educated for later encounters in life.
Tricksome is a fun-sounding and rarely used word. The end. You presuming ass.
Does anyone else see the irony in this guys words?
He basically just said this:
"I don't care how many lies someone feeds me it's cool I expect it and are so gulible I will eat the shit up with a spoon"!
or at least that is what I got out of it.
The same way he used to eat AoC's with a spoon and we all know how that one turned out.
He actually says the opposite. He is saying they are not trustworthy and that should be expected and not be so gullible and believe everything they say.
edit: Hmm, after reading that last bit over, I'm not too sure now, lol. Well, I believe you should expect deceit, but don't buy into it. That is mostly from past experience, with just about everything, lol.
Does anyone else see the irony in this guys words?
He basically just said this:
"I don't care how many lies someone feeds me it's cool I expect it and are so gulible I will eat the shit up with a spoon"!
or at least that is what I got out of it.
The same way he used to eat AoC's with a spoon and we all know how that one turned out.
He actually says the opposite. He is saying they are not trustworthy and that should be expected and not be so gullible and believe everything they say.
Nah Vynt, you don't know profred, go follow his posting habits real quick and speed read over some.
He is a poster child for DF and Tasos. He loves this crap.... hmmmmm taste so good.
Ah, so you read it then furiously clapped out loud and said "again! again!" Now I get it.
I did presume too much.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
Trisky hobbitses!
Wait...wrong game.
I haven't heard the term "Tricksome" since the horse and buggy days of the old west.
That is awesome!
Yeah I saw that too. You can come up with excuses for anything when you really want to believe something. You can tell when people start using vague words to defend something. I'm not saying it's not true, but wouldn't you think they would have announced it if it were?
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
Does anyone else see the irony in this guys words?
He basically just said this:
"I don't care how many lies someone feeds me it's cool I expect it and are so gulible I will eat the shit up with a spoon"!
or at least that is what I got out of it.
The same way he used to eat AoC's with a spoon and we all know how that one turned out.
No I very basically said PR people lie. If you trust them it is your own fault, and that I am sorry if your feelings got hurt.
I never said I was gullible or ate up the lies. I just don't take what they say as being set in stone. Most importantly I said that it doesn't affect the final product.
So in closing what do I care about? The final product. What do I take with a grain of salt? Anything a PR person says.
Hehe Sky, ya i edited after.
I love the word tricksome, lol. I see it every now and then. I always like pulling out seldom used words and people give that blank look or laughing because it is so unexpected.
Now your just being rude. I defend any game around launch. I have never backed up Tasos once, and I would never trust a word he said. If a game is in development I give it a fair chance and defend it from overly dramatic trolls like yourself. I don't agree with most of how Aventurine handles things. I still think the game deserves a fair chance. You my friend are a moron.
Why are you a moron? Because you said that something I very clearly said was not what I said because you assume I am a fanboy of Tasos which makes absolutely no sense because if I was said fanboy why would I say he lied.
It just goes along with the general feeling of many skeptics that no matter what negative developments happen over at Aventurine, those who have already decided to love the game would excuse it.
Does anyone else see the irony in this guys words?
He basically just said this:
"I don't care how many lies someone feeds me it's cool I expect it and are so gulible I will eat the shit up with a spoon"!
or at least that is what I got out of it.
The same way he used to eat AoC's with a spoon and we all know how that one turned out.
No I very basically said PR people lie. If you trust them it is your own fault, and that I am sorry if your feelings got hurt.
I never said I was gullible or ate up the lies. I just don't take what they say as being set in stone. Most importantly I said that it doesn't affect the final product.
So in closing what do I care about? The final product. What do I take with a grain of salt? Anything a PR person says.
Ok fair enough Prof, but between just you and me typing here, aren't you just a little fed up with the DF lies, pushbacks and just overall lack of anything that resembles integrity and professionalism?
Seriously, the game isn't going to be trial ready on the 22nd, and it isn't going to release in Feb.
You know it and I know it, but what is it going to take for everyone else to get a clue?
Tasos is a Trickster. You know, Jungian archetype and stuff
I was born fed up with PR crap, but again it doesn't affect the final product.
This is what I like:
1) DF is an original product made by gamers who weren't getting what they wanted.
2) DF is not caving in to big time publishers who want to turn their game into another WoW clone.
3) DF is a sandbox and I know the devs would never go the route of SWG or UO with the NGE and Trammel.
4) Finally a sandbox.
So I don't like Tasos's PR, and I don't like PR in general. That doesn't affect what I think DF could be. My hopes will be high until proven otherwise.