Now lets see how many knows what these symbols and letters stand for in 99% of any given MMO.
- w
- S
- A
- D
- !
- ?
- M
- .
- Space Bar
- Back space
- Forward Slash
- why not Backslash
- There are a Ton of them but each and every game has them.
- If it's not just a Keyboard then it's Mouse @ keyboard.
- Or Joystick etc............... Old news.
- Skill Trees are the same.................. STR, DEX, INT, STAM, WIS, etc, etc,Fire, Water, Earth,Air, etc etc etc.
- Weapons Damage, same sh*t new place.
- I'm 53 years of age, and probably tossed more games out the window that half of you ever set eyes on......... LMAO and i can have PMS to ....... ... Lol. I guess i'm just bored of the same thing in all games.........FPS, MMO, MMORPG, CRPG, or Just Crap games. /PMS Rant off....... see im a happy Camper now....
what is this?
This is the worst case of MMORPGiritess I've ever seen, it's where the poster can only talk or type by using only ingame terms and forum poll's & slang, I think it's a poll about how crappy or grindy some game is and or how confusing the skill tree is or the controls are,( hard to translate) this poster is in really bad shape, he needs about 4 hrs of TV and small dose's of reality,( to much could be a shock) but mostly he/she needs sleep, well it's ether MMORPGiritess or he/she hang's out here to much.
Someone needs to give gaming a break.
Overtired ... maybe.
Bored of games ... maybe.
Tired of seeing the same thing over and over and over by the same people on MMORPG... True.
MMORPG, has become the home of Gibberish and i though i would fit right in, Gees was i ever wrong "AGAIN" "do not turn the lights out while i ROFL i may hurt myself..........
Does anyone have anything new or constructive to say or has it become like all the games as of late in here!.
Holy eff.
We're gonna need some xanax in here, stat.
the official deadhead
So, this is how online gaming affects the middle-age brain.
My parents were right to try and get me to quit 15 years ago.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
You should give MMO's a break. Read a book, pick up a hobby, or even just another style of game. I was getting bored so I took a 4 year break from MMORPS and came back and nothing had changed. So if you don't like the look of things now you might as well just take up a new hobby for a while.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
So what made you come back here, the Humor or something else.