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I believe them

ArnoagnsArnoagns Member Posts: 100


 I sincerely believe they are, in fact, making a game. No proof, no pics, no videos, but just because it seems somewhat solid. I'm not a fan by any means, I hardly even play video games, but I just want to show everyone that you can express your opinion without going to extremes. I always thought a video game forum would be a lot more laid back, and it still can be. Just needs to cool down for a bit, eh? Yes, the game looks like it will be entertaining, but that doesn't mean you have to insult each other. Acknowledge all possibilities and don't be biased, just discuss.


  • MithiosMithios Member Posts: 271

    I agree with what you said, though I fear this is just another DF post.

    A tiny mind is a tidy mind...

  • ArnoagnsArnoagns Member Posts: 100

    Gotta pertain to the topic :P, I just want to have a positive discussion about the possibilities of launch. Whether there'll be one, if there is one what if it's absolutely horrid, what if it's fun, everything. Somewhat of a safe zone(shit, the forums are a PvP game).

  • ZoMBiEXxXZoMBiEXxX Member Posts: 107

    I have always believed there was a "game" there behind all the bullshit. DFO itslef has a bad PR team that is not doing the right thing when it comes to getting players to want in your game at launch.

    "Da bigger da Orc, da stronger da Orc. Da stronger da Orc, da more dat's Orc's da boss. No wonder da Black Orcs is always da bosses!"
    - Splinta, a Goblin in the Bloody Sun Boyz tribe

  • ThenariusThenarius Member Posts: 1,106

    Well, I've seen some leaks, so I do think it's real as well.

  • dcoleman07dcoleman07 Member Posts: 126

    Anyone who questions whether its a real game or not at this stage of the game is seriously lacking on intelligent thought process.  The fact is Aventurine has a lot of grown people acting like little children with christmas just around the corner, and their making sure to keep their gift under tight wraps.  So all thats left is speculation as to whether they'll be giving us that brand new shiny ten speed bike that everyones been talking up, or an old hobbled little unicycle.  I think Aventurine has played it very clever, they're leaving a lot to the imagination and keeping people curious, which is all the PR they need.

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