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I play City of Heroes by NC Soft. A new patch came out today, logged on, game was laggy bad...
I went to to get some information, that is down. I went to for info, that site is down, I tried to go to Guild WArs site also by NC Soft, that site is down. as well as Tabula RAsa's site but that doesnt surprise me... Anyone know whats going on???
Maintenance, was down as well. It's back up now though
I know CoH was down for Maint but it came back up 2hours ago, then down... I still can not access cityof or The plaync launcher is also not working for me...
I guest maintenanco got wrong and these guys have much more work than innitialy expect.
just wait :-)
I don't know. I noticed earlier this week that it was laggier than usual. Maybe they're doing some system-wide fixes?
The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
The massive changes associated with the I13 game revamp have caused a number of bugs and issues for previously functioning systems, including things as basic as chat. The servers have also become unstable and more laggy as a result. The main focus of the CoH maintenance was an attempt at extensive damage control.