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Hey, guys. I'm a huge MMO player and lately I've been in the mood for one. I haven't, however, been able to find one that really appeals to me (that is released, that is). I love PvP, but also like PvE. I like the feeling that what I'm doing actually matters at least a little, and I'm a huge social player (I always like to be playing with other people). If you guys could post a recommendation and a little blurb explaining why the game is fun to play, that'd be great.
Oh, and lasting appeal helps. A lot.
If you want a social game where you can have a big effect on the game world, try A Tale in the Desert. Besides, if you do, then for the rest of your life, every game you pick up you can say, well, that's not as weird as A Tale in the Desert was.
As to whether it's PvE or PvP, opinions differ. But no one seems to think, this activity is PvP and that one is PVE. Some will insist that everything is PvP and others that everything is PvE. If that makes no sense, well, I told you the game was weird.
I'll check it out, thanks. If anyone else knows of an MMO that they think I might like, post away! I need to satisfy my craving!
Well i have played WoW (world of warcraft) since it has came out and I enjoy it.
The game has very strong PVE side to it with a lot of warcraft lore and it is now more acessible for everyone.
There are regular dungeons for certain lvls and heroic dungeons that are tuned for level 80(max lvl)
then there are raids where you get 10 or 25 people to kill "Big Bosses"
PvP to me is very limited. there are battlegrounds ( 5now i think) where 10 people on each side fight for control.
they added a new zone which is decided to PvP; where you fight for control of a fort. You get vechiles to blow up the walls.
..and there are arenas 2v2 3v3 and 5v5 where you and X amount of players paly to the death.
I say wait wait for games such as Aion, Jumpgate Evolutuon, Champions Online. These games will probably hold more promise than the current.
Just a question, Quizzical, but A Tale in the Desert 4 is not released yet, is it? I can't be sure.
Shiftey, I played WoW way back before the Burning Crusade was released. I really didn't like the lack of PvP and how structured it was. Also, I had a very strong, creeping feeling that no matter what I did, no matter how many times my guild and I killed Onyxia, the world was never going to change. To compound the issue, I felt like I was on a treadmill that just wouldn't turn off. I had to convince myself that just a little more grinding would get me that gear so I could... do what? Raid better?
On the plus-side, though, I loved playing with other people and I loved the brighter environments that contrasted with the more gloomy ones. Too many games today are covered in a layer of grey paint and grit, and WoW has a few brighter locales that really make it cool to play.
Well with the release of the new xpack came a really nice new program they added, phasing.
In northrend a lot of quests you do changes the environment because of what you did. like when you defend a town you see the leftovers of what happened in the battle. alas though it is the same everytime and for everyone but it is a great program they used and it does make you feel you had some inpact. I do not want to say a lot because a lot of the quests that do have that are important to the story line of the game.
I checked it out, and I just don't think it will differ enough from the core WoW experience that is comprised of grinding.
Hello OP,
Im going to give you a few recommendations:
World of Warcraft - This is not a bad game. They have made alot of different instances to play with 5 mans and they also added Raiding content with 10 & 25 man. They have an ok PvP system with some world PvP and instance based PvP. The draw back for me was that I am a Vet to MMO's and I feel its alittle easy but its still a good game.
LOTRO - This game is more PvE driven with a good story line. They have PvP, its called monster mode. PvP is not real big in this game. They do have group quests and have a good Raiding content.
EVE Online - This is a very involved game. Everything is player driven - PvP, PvE and community. Everything in the game is made buy the players or through doing missions. You can also hunt other players. The only draw back is being in your ship all the time. CCP is working on content out of the ship but that is still in development.
Warhammer online - This is a PvP driven game with Warhammer lore. They have some PvE content in the game and they have just added some 5 man dungeon content. Had fun with this game but the draw back is being on a low pop server. I have heard the RvR is alittle rough if you are on one of the low pop servers.
There is some great titles that will be released this year or early 2010 that I would look out for. But I hope some of this info helps. Just to clearify to everyone that this is just my opinions lol so please dont flame me. I know some people would not agree with me.
The numbers aren't really sequels. Every couple of years or so, they reset everything and increment the number by 1 to claim it's kind of a new release as a marketing gimmick. What it really means is that everything got reset. ATITD 4 means it's the fourth telling, so they've reset everything three times so far, not counting betas. The fourth telling started in mid-December, I think, but the relatively recent reset means it's a good time to start.
Thanks for your thoughts. I've played EVE before, though, and I'm not huge on it. I can't put my finger on why, though. I'll reconsider WoW, and I'll look into LotRO. I've already been looking at WAR, and the PvP doesn't seem as big as it should be. The sieges, to my knowledge, are only 24 vs 24 and this doesn't seem to justify a siege. When I thought of a siege, I was thinking at least 40 vs 40, possibly 100 vs 100 or more.
Have you looked at Lineage 2? It has some great Sieging content and on a very large scale.
I haven't, but I will. Thanks for the thoughts!
If anyone else has any thoughts, that'd be fantastic.
I'm trying A Tale in the Desert and like it, but I'm not so sure I'd be willing to pay for it. We'll see as the trial goes on, though. If anyone else think I might like an MMO, I'm still open to ideas!