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Most of us have seen both ways to advance a character in rpgs. MMo or single player games.What really seperates so far those 2 kind of rpgs is that usually the single player rpgs have more detail in the character's build and advancment. Either we talk about dnd games or games like oblivion,morrowind e.t.c. The mmorpgs haven t advanced much in deep character customization with only exceptions from what i ve expirienced shadowbane which had a lot of skills, feats, unique feats and classes to choose from. Some of the most sucesfull in sales mmorpgs have casted away themselfs from things like deep character advancment systems, games like wow,L2 e.t.c.
What does it mean though to play an mmorpg with the deep character customization and advancement of a single player rpg? How it will feel like? How possibly would it work?
I can only hypothesize and make speculations from my expirience throguh elder scroll series daggerfal,morrorwind ,oblivion and try to mix it with the unique and huge enviroment of Darkfall.
First of all from the leaks of devs and some beta testers it is known that there is a cap to 100 from every skill. From what they say you can advance whatever skill you want into the cap ,but they also say that if for example you managed to lvl the 1 handed axe skill to 68 fro example and then u deside to lvl your 2 handed sword if u dont use at all for some time your axe skill it will start to decay. Thats a huge diference from oblivion for example where nothing was decaying and u could max in time most of the skills. That way concerning mellee weapons skills and spells the game puts the player on a dilemma on what skills he should choose to advance more. It is clear now that some players will try to master a specific weapon and let other weapons and styles example 1 handed and shield left behind. A friend specifically was insisting that he will rip apart other players he will confront because he will have his 2 handed sword skill to 100. Thats where this system i believe will show its greatness. A hybrid unlike most games i feel here will die less times than a highly specialized fellow. Less deaths means less lost time ,harder to kill in many situations and therefore he will advance his skills faster . The specialed fellow ofc will be deadlier but also easier to kill .
Whats the fewling though like playing skill lvlling? From my expirience u get a continual fewling of advancment which usually leads to the point of playing these games. Addictive lvl . And thats what been missing from most mmorps. Make u get stuck with agame. Tactical choises of which skill u ll lvl is a factor we ve missed so far.
Oups my7 boss is coming be continued
"Lol wut?"
Comes to mind.
Ahh shit dude, you beat me too it. GRRRRR
I am all for more customized characters and not too found about levels but I am not sure I like the DF way either, but we will see if they make this work it will be the strenght of the game.
Otherwise they will get run over by Mortal online and World of darkness online which will use similar systems.
DF hangs on 2 things: It must be fun and the servers must be stable (crashes and lagg is a disaster with full loot PvP). The skill based system might be very fun but it all depends how well they made it.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say :S
Lost me here.
I really don't think DF will be deep in CC. And I still don't know how much of an effect raising your skill will do? Everyone keeps saying noobs can fight along side vets with the same gear ? Kinda confused on that part.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
ever play ULTIMA ONLINE??
what he said
Pain is the little thing that reminds us we are alive.
Wisdom is what's left after we've run out of personal opinions.
WWII-Online Stats this map:
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UO was hard-capped at 7 masteries.
UO did not have skill loss... well not like DarkFall has it anyway.
How will those differences manifest themselves? Will they be better or worse?
UO was also a macro-fest to get your skills up to max. That is one "feature" of UO that I was hoping DarkFall would have found out a way to change. Unfortunately that does not appear to be the case yet in Beta.
I'm not really sure what the OP is getting at, but I know darkfall doesn't offer much more than other games in this aspect. It still retained the grind, and instead of starting a new toon on another game you just change weapons/armor and skills in the hotbar on DF. They cut out control-type spells (pets/corpse control), which leaves the game with the normal big four types of magic attacks; missile, AoE, buff, debuff, and any combination of the four. I think they would have been better of going a general skill point accumulation that lets players set their skills as they see fit.
Lost me here.
I really don't think DF will be deep in CC. And I still don't know how much of an effect raising your skill will do? Everyone keeps saying noobs can fight along side vets with the same gear ? Kinda confused on that part.
Yep, I have seen that stated quite a few times as well. It simply isn't true. If you give it any thought at all, how could it be true? This isn't a FPS.
From the information I have read, the system will be pretty much the same as what UO had, with the exception of the hard cap. So yes, the super-macro fest will be in effect.
Character/skill levels, two different paths to the same end.
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