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I have a friend that plays this game, he said he would start a new character with me to help me get to his main character's level. So, we'll both be playing together almost always. He has cousins and his cousins have friends whom play this game, so I don't think finding people to play with will be a problem.
I have one question though, I know this game is $12 (or was it 12.99) a month, but how about the initial cost? How much would it cost to get this game along with the expansions? Are all the expansions necessary? etc.
It's like 20 dollars on Direct to Drive for the digital Download including the original game and all 4 expansions, and a free month of play time.'diel-Collection-2008-Download
Oh, thanks. I was worried the expansions would run me dry. I'm relieved yet somehow disappointed. It's cheap and a final fantasy legacy yet it only has 500,000 players? I suppose the first few levels really kill it for some players.
I think if there's something about FFXI expansions, it's not running dry on content. I can honestly say that even until today I have not gone through all of the content in the first expansion. The same goes for the second, third, and fourth expansions - in fact, I'm rather behind on WotG content. The game is still fun for me because my linkshell continues to make good progress over the years.
To me, there's nothing disappointing about FFXI having 500,000 subscribers still playing after 7 years. I know it's unfair to make this comparison, but I don't know many video games that still have half a million players actively playing and paying for it after so many years.
FFXI fares well compared to other Final Fantasy titles, the 500,000 does not include those that played the game for a year (or more) and then stopped before the latest census. Personally, no other Final Fantasy title has kept me occupied for more than a year.