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So I just logged on to my tier one marauder decided I would play a little because I really want to get into the game and enjoy but I have had some trouble getting hooked anyways I think what happened tonight is going to stop me from coming back. In region chat I asked if anyone was looking forward to Darkfall harmless enough question ya know just trying to make small chat why I quested. I then got personally insulted called out mocked with everything I said hence forth for about 30 minutes until out of frusteration I logged. What has the world honestly come to when people like that play games...just wtf? I could have turned off region chat but I dont want to have to play in silence. I could have ignored but I counted and there where 13 people in all doing it just living up being assholes for no reason. Its just rediculous how people can be.
I can see how people overreacted, but seriously why would you bring up Darkfall in a WAR regional chat? Just seems like asking for trouble.
"Capitalism is currently working as intended."
It is one of my interest I guess I am really looking forward to the release so I was just thinking about it at the moment didn't except to get flamed I mean its just a game I don't understand how mentioning it could make people hate me. I feel like I was a christian getting persecuted or some shit just for mentioning I believe in god lol like what the hell?
Asking about Darkfall in-game chat is just a silyl thing to do. I'am kind of suprised that you are actually admitting to it. Might as well do a chuck noris joke or talk about Litch King.
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
Weird.. the same thing happened to me... I was in a Pub full of a Blue Football supporters and I am a Fan of a Famous Red Football club in Manchester (The Teams are rivals)..... they'd just lost to the afore mentioned Red team. All that happened was.... I started singing and dancing "we won, we won lalalalala"on a table and they all tried to kill me and chased me round everywhere..... what IS the world coming too!!!
Seriously..... why did you do that and not expect to illicit all forms of responses from people who can and will perceive what you are doing as "pimping"? there would off been very few people in favour of that topic unless they were thinking of leaving....but then why be there?
OT for 1 moment - All I will say is if Darkfall doesnt have 24,000,000 people signing everyday in the Western Hemispere, no lag, Uber phat PVE loot from day 2 launch, no character glitches and a "I win button" then there are gonna be a "Certain" lot of people not happy with Darkfall, they WILL be back on these boards shortly after with EPIC FAIL posts. My thinking behind this is there appears to be a trend of people who flick around MMORPG's (ala comments in forums saying "long time player of WAR thinking of returning??? " yet.. the game was only released at the time 4 months just how?!? baffling with regards to a new game) as they will just compare every experience in game to previous games in the style of WoW or WoW itself as all they are looking for the same initial buzz they got from there first MMORPG... just a thought. Sorry for mini hijack.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi: We were decieved by a lie; we all were. It appears that SOE is behind everything, including the NGE! After the death of CU, the NGE became their new apprentice."
Are you serious?
Yes you just have to blame the community, the community of Darkfall...
For years there is always a Darkfollower in any game forum annoying other gamers, from Vanguard to Aion, From WoW to Warhammer, if this Darkfall propaganda start to reach ingame chats ( Im not saying you are one of the viral marketing Darkfall guys) ofcourse people will react.
Really pinkapples if you want to test a mmo community you have a lot of valid subjects, but today every MMO community is just sick of viral marketing, and I bet a lot of people saw your comment in that way.
You could talk about social aspects of life, art, movies, music, sexuality(anything really) and of course Warhammer related subjects, but why use the chat of game A to promote game B ? Especially when there are so many people worried that Darkfall can be a scam.
I have to agree with everybody else who has posted in this topic that you really where asking for trouble. I can understand your frustration in being insulted and such which is wrong and immature of people to do, but you should of thought twice before asking such a question... especially about darkfall lol.
I have to compliment nanachub on comparing it to being a united fan in a city pub after a game which is a brilliant comparison and being english myself i understand the humour behind it :P
Alright guys I said "Is anyone excited about Darkfall" Then I got insulted personally on every level possible. I didn't viral market anything I am 17 and live with my mom I doubt they are paying me to talk about there game its just the release is soon so I mentioned it didn't think that everyone would personally harass me for mentioning a game. I could have understood if they were like nah darkfall sucks blah blah blah but they went after me not even Darkfall thats a little messed up imo
You just don't talk about other MMOs in another MMOs regional chat.
Yeah I suppose I more open to wows chat where people commenly talk about other games
So many gamers these days are just asshats. Pure and simple. This kind of territorial "Bro-ism" comming into MMO games really just sucks.
Of course you should be able to talk about games in a video game. You know, like you guys had some common love for video games? But no, that is not the case with alot of gamers today. Its all about the ability to be a jerk via the annonimity of the internet.
I got trashed on for asking a question about WAR in WAR general chat. The nerve i know! Why the hell would anyone ask for help in a game with tons of other people around that might know the answer?
Honestly I wish MMO's had never got this kind of popularity. You would think it would feed the market and great games would come out full of players looking to have fun together. You would think.
Sorry if this sounds unsymphathetic, but if you were only playing a Tier One Marauder the best option would probably have been to delete it & reroll under a new name.
I agree that it is bad if you were genuinely insulted, but surely you expected at least some jokes when so many MMO players believe it will either never release at all or just 'Crash & Burn'.
No offence but whilst I might try the game if it ever does release just out of curiousity, I would probably have to class myself as one of the sceptics.
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
Take the Hecatomb? TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
Blame the Darkfall fanbots who spew their game and shove the feature list in peoples' faces. It's not your fault, it's theirs. Some people like me who enjoy WAR are being called carebear noobz when we have legitimate concerns about Darkfall. Some of us (like me) are willing to play loot PvP sandbox games, just not Darkfall, because we're doubtful. Yet they ramble on about how we're carebears, noobs, etc. Really gives Darkfall a bad reputation and leaves a sour taste in our mouths, so when you say you're interested in Darkfall, don't be surprised if we assume you're a fanbot.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.