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need Pros and Cons

SeasonzSeasonz Member Posts: 113

I am thinking about buying this game. And I am thinking about giving up on Lineage II for it.. after getting to a lvl 20 human mystic on Lineage II.. I have gotten dis-interested because..well.. you dont really improve anything when you level in l][. However in FFXI I heard the exact opposite. I heard that lvling is insanly hard but once you level up your stats change heavily.

Things I have hard;

1. Leveling dramaticly changes your character [each level up you definitly see an improvement]

2. Everyone looks the same.. ( Not sure if its all the time or just when people have nothing equiped, if people jsut look the same when somone has no armor on, i dont care.. but someone told me everyone looks the same at all times.. )

Please feel free to comment.

Lineage 2
Server: Ericca
Character: ShadowAeon
Race: Dark Elven
Class: Fighter
Aim: Sean Ok Thx



  • 1. Im not sure if there is a dramatic difference EVERY time you level, but with casters and most other jobs, every level has a noticeable improvement and every 5 levels is the most likely you are to see a BIG change with a new job trait or ability.

    2. This is a vast over-generalization people make about this game. Its true that there arent many faces for each race and for the first 30 levels different jobs use the same armor. However, the variation is sufficient enough that you will not see a solid clone of yourself for a long time the farther into the game you get. You may see people with your face, but the chances are that you wont see the same face/job/equipment ever, if at all.

  • TaruboyTaruboy Member Posts: 84

    the great thing about this game is it never gets old if you lvl a class to like 50 and dont want to be a tank anymore go lvl Thf or somthing and its just a blast to play

    some bad things atleast for me is ranking up and getting gil but hey lots of ppl like ranking up more then lvling

    but for me the pros out weight the cons by alot

    48mnk 38thf 36war 35sam 34whm
    30rdm 30blm 25bst



  • lonelyrobotlonelyrobot Member Posts: 194

    My largest problem was all of the twelve year olds and just over-all selfishness among the playerbase. I met some genuinely nice and wonderful people, only the fact that they were by far the minority kept me from really enjoying the game. I think i lost all hope when "Lordhaxor" trained over 6-8 goblins to my group in the dunes and warped out right on top of us (only to apparently receive a slap on the wrist).

    As for the game itself, the lack of character customization and the ecomomy's dependence on farming NM's eventually began to get to me. It was also depressing how no one would ever dare deviate from the usual Dunes > Qufim > Kazham leveling spots.

    Those complaints are minor compared to the community one for me, however. I'll play a terrible game with a decent community any day over one filled with a few thousand variations of the name "sephiroth" played by complete assholes.

    Independantly, FFXI as a game really isn't all that bad. It has it's problems, but they're manageable. I did enjoy the auction and job systems and hope they're implemented as the standard for MMORPGs from now on.

  • TaruboyTaruboy Member Posts: 84
    But after those places there is more choice where and what to fight to lvl up

    48mnk 38thf 36war 35sam 34whm
    30rdm 30blm 25bst



  • protorocprotoroc Member Posts: 1,042
    not really its pretty much crabs beetles and bats oh my! the whole way...monotonous...sad that the decent models in the game are never fought against due to location or difficulty (like manticores)

  • tho yes training against the same monsters is a problem, the missions and several quests enable you to fight more entertaining fights. Your first dragon comes around level 25, the Eco-warrior quest has a cool lookin monster to fight, as well as plenty others.

    you wont fight the cool monsters in a regular xp party, but in the more meaningful situations (quests and missions) there are plenty of cool foes to be fought.

    Also... maybe its the server but I dont see thie "bad community" everyone is always willing to help unless they are busy... from my experience, mean people are a minority in this game, and once WoW comes out I think alot of the d00ds will be gone, so the community will be even better.

    as for training areas.... I have been in pt's that deviated from the norm, and if you know what your doing people will be more inclined to go with you.

    thats all for me.

  • gargantroogargantroo Member Posts: 1,477
    I kid you not when I say there is more uniqueness in a Diablo 2 character. You cant even get unique armor... oh my god...

    FFXI- Quit after 10 months
    Ultima Online- Quit after 25 months
    Ragnarok Online- Quit after a week

    i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
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