in the end of the day the game is all that matters not the box or a manual......if game rocks then i dont care about boxes and stuff like that. i have other magazines to read in toilet rather than a manual that cant tell me anything cause we are talking about an mmo..
I would pay $5 for digital download. So $20 with 30 days of gameplay.
There is no possible way I am going to pay $50+ for this as a pre-release. What they are doing is pure rape of anyone that thinks that they just have to be in early on yet another hyped mmo.
I would have liked to be in asap if the roll out was going to be done in any reasonable manner.
Now I will just have to wait until:
- there is a legitimate review that indicates there is any reason to spend any time here
- $20 to start and $15 ongoing
And if in March of 2010 it matters if my character is 13 months old or 12 months old then there wouldn't be any point in being around anyway.
It all just seems a little fishy to me. Considering they only picked people who have been absolutely in love with the game since the beginning, I’m not expecting to hear many bad things about it out of beta. Their saving grace seems to be the fact that the pre-order and launch is limited to only handful of people which gives them more time to attempt to work out some of the bugs I’ve been reading about. I also wonder if this limit is in relation to server capacity. To me it just seems like an absurd amount of money to pay for an Indie game as buggy and low quality as it is (meaning the types of bugs remaining). There is a reason smart developers don’t touch half the mechanics that will be in DF. I assume we will all get a clearer picture once this game becomes available to a wider audience.
not is not the case lmao you should read the beta boards heh alot of bitching and stuff it slove hate thing really
It all just seems a little fishy to me. Considering they only picked people who have been absolutely in love with the game since the beginning, I’m not expecting to hear many bad things about it out of beta. Their saving grace seems to be the fact that the pre-order and launch is limited to only handful of people which gives them more time to attempt to work out some of the bugs I’ve been reading about. I also wonder if this limit is in relation to server capacity. To me it just seems like an absurd amount of money to pay for an Indie game as buggy and low quality as it is (meaning the types of bugs remaining). There is a reason smart developers don’t touch half the mechanics that will be in DF. I assume we will all get a clearer picture once this game becomes available to a wider audience.
i dont know why i got picked, i have tested many titles in the past for aaa companies. Maybe they knew of me, or the team im on over at
In all my years here at, ive never given a fanboi review of any of the games ive tested or played, ive been quite jaded and unbias, look for your self...
If we get right down to it, and the right questions get asked, id answer then frankly as i always have..
Do i think darkfall is ready to go gold... hell no. Is it smoother then a warhammer release or AOc yea it is for what they are offering, and playability. Would i like to see more added, hell yea, will i pay for the game... still on the fence, the crafting is whats eating me combined with the full loot, but im also a father, and my kids come first, so i dont have the time i use to have a few years ago. To sit at a rock and click it, for days so i can afford to lose what ive made...
Thats the best i can give you there.
my bad on spelling, i got double vision im sleepy as can be its been a long day...
this is why your clan helps you with crafting much easyer than trying to solo crafting lmao ><
I think if you read the beta review that MMORPG has out you will get a good idea about the game. The only issue I have with the review, I think he was too kind. People who are apt to exploit are going to have a field day with this game, at least initially. My two major complaints, the world is very big, but very empty. You actually have to hunt down areas to hunt in. And crafting is a huge issue, skilling, materials etc., I did not like the system as it works right now much at all. This game is a work in progress. It will take awhile before Aventurine will get many of the issues worked out. If you don't mind playing in such an environment, have at it. Personally I expect more when I pay for a game. This comment cracked me up: "You can think your a god amongst men and get your ass handed to you by a naked guy, if you aint on your game, why cause he out played you, not because he out lvled you or out geared you" I don't think outplayed is a very apropos word for this sentence, I think out exploited would be a much better term. There were a number of exploits being used to kill people even in the beta and it will get worse on release. We will just have to wait and see how Aventurine responds to these issues and no I will not discuss exploits, Aventurine has been told about them.
I will agree with Ozmodan. It sounds like exploited rather than outplayed to me. I think it will be funny as hell if somehow Aventurine manages to push this shit back AGAIN... Just because NDA is lifted and pre-order info has been given out does not mean the game has been released. Although, honestly I do wish them the best and hope their game is good. But from the boat fight footage i have seen and shit i have heard it does sound like a cool idea but it looks and sounds just too EMPTY. Good luck on that pre-order guys.
----------------------------- Real as Reality Television!!!
in the end of the day the game is all that matters not the box or a manual......if game rocks then i dont care about boxes and stuff like that. i have other magazines to read in toilet rather than a manual that cant tell me anything cause we are talking about an mmo..
It's about how I feel about my purchase at the end of the day and at this point I don't feel that a digital download should come at a price equivalent to what I pay when I buy a game in a box at the store. Maybe the American release will be different?
I find it increasingly funny that it's always the business end of the entertainment industry that turns me off most these days...
"The liberties and resulting economic prosperity that YOU take for granted were granted by those "dead guys"
Wow 11 euros + 19% VAT... Just worked this out and its going to come to around £12.50. That alone has turned me off the game an incredible amount. Preorder price is also damn expensive. If your entering into a market which is so difficult to break into then seriously why price above the markets leaders...
I'll try it out if I'm lucky enough to get into the beta or get some kind of trial. Until then I'll give it a miss.
People who think exploiting is a big part of beta you couldn't be more wrong. I laugh at the posters here who claim that they lose 1v1 naked battles due to the countless exploits in the game.
THE ONLY exploits that have been used in the game up until now have been COMPLETLEY pve related and have had nothing to do with player to play combat. Those who claim this live in a delusional dream world where they replace their incompetense with a claim that others are exploiting.
Exploiting might be a big issue in this game, but as far as beta goes there has been no game braking exploits. And believe me, if there was I would be fucking using them.
Just copying and pasting my comments on the Darkfall forums: My honest critique now that the NDA is lifted is that I find the game terribly disappointing. I waited for the title for a very long time and knew quite well that DF would not stack up to modern titles in terms of polish and presentation but would make up for it in terms of depth of features properly executed. This hasn't been the case. I was definitely skeptical but thought I was such a sandbox, PvP fan who applauded their ideals that I could play through any issues. This hasn't been the case. It just seems like a very, very low budget mmorpg that couldn't be sold in any reputable video game store. If it did, people would take it back as an incomplete video game. There is no advanced PvP. Just swinging again and again. While the games environment looks decent, everything else is a far cry. So many features are totally unknown and it seems that most fights serve no meaning. Lots of exploits, functions that don't seem to work, people baffled by how skill advancement work, a crafting system many have gripes with, etc. I just don't think players should have to sacrifice this much to their game experience to simply say they play a PvP sandbox title. That being said, there are a lot of people in beta who apparently enjoy it which was a surreal experience. I really think it was more of a self reassuring cult mentality and that any reputable review is not going to be so kind. I just think this game is too broken on too many levels to have a decent release. I honestly associate it with something like DnL and think its going to disappoint a lot of PvP enthusiasts. There are countless free mmorpgs that seem quite a lot better. If you charge modern prices and subscription rates, you need a modern, competitive mmorpg. No malice at all towards DF and hope it succeeds to facilitate more titles along this vein. I thought Shadowbane was infinitely better. Especially with it being created 6 years earlier. Anyone who thought SB had a rocky launch will have a field day with this title.
Wow gets good reviews because its polished. Yet we all hate it...
As for your "it seems like a low budget mmo"... It is a low budget mmo. Its made by 20-30 people from and indie company.
The thing about Darkfall is that while it is low budget.. it is just so unique...
Ahh, how many times ive read the boards here and wanted to just smack the hell out of some of these trolls... damn NDA stopped me.... Back in thier holes they go good bye.... also the graphics are much better then those vids youve seen, game play is excellent, crafting is a frickin grind and takes forever... combat is awsome. Zero balance issues, pure fun once past the crafting ... I got a steady 80+ fps even in crouds on full graphics.
Some sound issues but, probably the most stable release around, even over warhammer. Some minor tweeks are in order but when they see what playerbase they get besides the nitch, they will tweek, but balance issues arnt something they need to tweek, its your skill on how you work your toon against your enemy. You can think your a god amongst men and get your ass handed to you by a naked guy, if you aint on your game, why cause he out played you, not because he out lvled you or out geared you.
From the reviews I've seen on here, the general feeling seems to be that you'll either love it or hate it, and that either way it could still use a lot of polish.
I think to begin with only the hardcore PvP'ers will go near this game as graphics, PvE, crafting or anything like that is irrelevant to them. All they want to do is kill. Whether that alone can sustain an MMO (WAR proved its not always the case) or whether AV are willing to flesh out the other aspects - well only time will tell.
I'm hoping they will make crafting a viable career in the game, but at the moment I keep hearing mixed responses from this camp, ranging from 'it's awesome' to 'it's awful'.
If crafting was getting a more positive review (at least more consistently), I would probably give it a go. As it is, the 'vast empty spaces' in between areas reminds me of Horizons. I shudder to think of it. Time IS a factor these days no matter how much fanbois cry 'Tough it up! Carebear!...etc'
If the game is good, offer a 7 day limited trial..starter area, level 1-10 maybe. I am sure more folks would go for it.
After being chomped by D&L and if not bitten then stung by AoC and to a lesser extent WAR, I think indies need to 'show some gold' before they go asking for 50 or 60 bucks.
Well if you want the facts, I have spent time playing it and I would not waste my time with it in the state it is right now. The game has sme serious issues and is at best in early beta state. And if you think this game does not have significant balancing issues you are seriously delusional. They will probably work most of this stuff out in time. It could end up being a very good game, it is not that now. I wish Aventurine well, but at present would not recommend the game to anyone.
Give us your Forum name, and make a post on the beta boards saynig "hey I am Ozmodan" or I don't believe you have played the game
***************************** I have nothing clever to say.
Just copying and pasting my comments on the Darkfall forums: My honest critique now that the NDA is lifted is that I find the game terribly disappointing. I waited for the title for a very long time and knew quite well that DF would not stack up to modern titles in terms of polish and presentation but would make up for it in terms of depth of features properly executed. This hasn't been the case. I was definitely skeptical but thought I was such a sandbox, PvP fan who applauded their ideals that I could play through any issues. This hasn't been the case. It just seems like a very, very low budget mmorpg that couldn't be sold in any reputable video game store. If it did, people would take it back as an incomplete video game. There is no advanced PvP. Just swinging again and again. While the games environment looks decent, everything else is a far cry. So many features are totally unknown and it seems that most fights serve no meaning. Lots of exploits, functions that don't seem to work, people baffled by how skill advancement work, a crafting system many have gripes with, etc. I just don't think players should have to sacrifice this much to their game experience to simply say they play a PvP sandbox title. That being said, there are a lot of people in beta who apparently enjoy it which was a surreal experience. I really think it was more of a self reassuring cult mentality and that any reputable review is not going to be so kind. I just think this game is too broken on too many levels to have a decent release. I honestly associate it with something like DnL and think its going to disappoint a lot of PvP enthusiasts. There are countless free mmorpgs that seem quite a lot better. If you charge modern prices and subscription rates, you need a modern, competitive mmorpg. No malice at all towards DF and hope it succeeds to facilitate more titles along this vein. I thought Shadowbane was infinitely better. Especially with it being created 6 years earlier. Anyone who thought SB had a rocky launch will have a field day with this title.
Funny, I have read EXACTLY this post months and moths ago, that guy (maby you) was proven to be a bullshiter then, and you are now.
If you have been beta testing prove it by posting "hi i am Herithius" on the Beta boards!
Trolling is stupid. Lying is even more stupid.
***************************** I have nothing clever to say.
They are charging almost $15 / a month for this shitty excuse for a game. They must be smoking some real good shit if they think anyone is going to pay that
The cult followers are the ones that are out of their mind. They are goign to pay for this crap of a game.
Wow 11 euros + 19% VAT... Just worked this out and its going to come to around £12.50. That alone has turned me off the game an incredible amount. Preorder price is also damn expensive. If your entering into a market which is so difficult to break into then seriously why price above the markets leaders...
I'll try it out if I'm lucky enough to get into the beta or get some kind of trial. Until then I'll give it a miss.
They are charging almost $15 / a month for this shitty excuse for a game. They must be smoking some real good shit if they think anyone is going to pay that
The cult followers are the ones that are out of their mind. They are goign to pay for this crap of a game.
They are charging almost $15 / a month for this shitty excuse for a game. They must be smoking some real good shit if they think anyone is going to pay that
look at aoc charging what 15 euro to eu people lmao now thats a shitty excuse for a game df is a sandbox less bug more stable than swg pre cu
a friend of mine spent a few day(s) creating hacks for the game, he's got some good ones.
if he can do it in a matter of a few days, I can't wait to see what happens when professionals get in there to do it... or what they manage to alter.
The Guild with the best hacks will control this gameworld...
While the game had it's moments, it's definately not fun for me. Getting ganked while at half health fighting a mob is not "fun".
And no, I don't think it's as ready for release as War or AoC.
Is "Open Hardcore PvP" an excuse not to hire GMs?
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title. "When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."
52.90 USD to buy 14.83 USD a month subscription fee. No box, no manual, no nothing. Digital download only.
The price alone is keeping me away from this one. I'm not paying that much for a virtual download. Honestly I believe this game would benefit more as a F2P game with micro-transactions (especially after reading how painful crafting is at the moment). I play some Asian F2P MMOs and spend lots of money on them,, on average more that $15 dollars a month (standard MMO subscription fee). I usually put about $10 a week aside and at the end of the month go on a buying spree from the virtual store, on average spending $40 or more. DF could make a killing this way.
But as far as I can gather, taking all I've read into account, this game is still in early beta stages. I've never paid to play a beta in my life and I won't start now. If this game hangs long enough and does well enough for a USA release, I'd definitely change my mind.
And just as a side note: A lot of testers have posted about the graphics of this game (which I never care about, gameplay is more important) and about how mediocre they are. I'm a bit confused... what happened to this game? Did they change the graphics to something worse or is this a falsified screen grab? Because, judging from this shot, these graphics are pretty damn great!
in the end of the day the game is all that matters not the box or a manual......if game rocks then i dont care about boxes and stuff like that. i have other magazines to read in toilet rather than a manual that cant tell me anything cause we are talking about an mmo..
there - now this i could understand and would be willing to do
I would pay $5 for digital download. So $20 with 30 days of gameplay.
There is no possible way I am going to pay $50+ for this as a pre-release. What they are doing is pure rape of anyone that thinks that they just have to be in early on yet another hyped mmo.
I would have liked to be in asap if the roll out was going to be done in any reasonable manner.
Now I will just have to wait until:
- there is a legitimate review that indicates there is any reason to spend any time here
- $20 to start and $15 ongoing
And if in March of 2010 it matters if my character is 13 months old or 12 months old then there wouldn't be any point in being around anyway.
not is not the case lmao you should read the beta boards heh alot of bitching and stuff it slove hate thing really
i dont know why i got picked, i have tested many titles in the past for aaa companies. Maybe they knew of me, or the team im on over at
In all my years here at, ive never given a fanboi review of any of the games ive tested or played, ive been quite jaded and unbias, look for your self...
If we get right down to it, and the right questions get asked, id answer then frankly as i always have..
Do i think darkfall is ready to go gold... hell no. Is it smoother then a warhammer release or AOc yea it is for what they are offering, and playability. Would i like to see more added, hell yea, will i pay for the game... still on the fence, the crafting is whats eating me combined with the full loot, but im also a father, and my kids come first, so i dont have the time i use to have a few years ago. To sit at a rock and click it, for days so i can afford to lose what ive made...
Thats the best i can give you there.
my bad on spelling, i got double vision im sleepy as can be its been a long day...
this is why your clan helps you with crafting much easyer than trying to solo crafting lmao ><
I will agree with Ozmodan. It sounds like exploited rather than outplayed to me. I think it will be funny as hell if somehow Aventurine manages to push this shit back AGAIN... Just because NDA is lifted and pre-order info has been given out does not mean the game has been released. Although, honestly I do wish them the best and hope their game is good. But from the boat fight footage i have seen and shit i have heard it does sound like a cool idea but it looks and sounds just too EMPTY. Good luck on that pre-order guys.
Real as Reality Television!!!
It's about how I feel about my purchase at the end of the day and at this point I don't feel that a digital download should come at a price equivalent to what I pay when I buy a game in a box at the store. Maybe the American release will be different?
I find it increasingly funny that it's always the business end of the entertainment industry that turns me off most these days...
"The liberties and resulting economic prosperity that YOU take for granted were granted by those "dead guys"
Wow 11 euros + 19% VAT... Just worked this out and its going to come to around £12.50. That alone has turned me off the game an incredible amount. Preorder price is also damn expensive. If your entering into a market which is so difficult to break into then seriously why price above the markets leaders...
I'll try it out if I'm lucky enough to get into the beta or get some kind of trial. Until then I'll give it a miss.
People who think exploiting is a big part of beta you couldn't be more wrong. I laugh at the posters here who claim that they lose 1v1 naked battles due to the countless exploits in the game.
THE ONLY exploits that have been used in the game up until now have been COMPLETLEY pve related and have had nothing to do with player to play combat. Those who claim this live in a delusional dream world where they replace their incompetense with a claim that others are exploiting.
Exploiting might be a big issue in this game, but as far as beta goes there has been no game braking exploits. And believe me, if there was I would be fucking using them.
Alright alright alright, shake it shake it.
ok so they want me to pay around £40 and an extra 19% so about £47 just for the game.. then over £12 a month (with vat)
erm no thank you.
Wow gets good reviews because its polished. Yet we all hate it...
As for your "it seems like a low budget mmo"... It is a low budget mmo. Its made by 20-30 people from and indie company.
The thing about Darkfall is that while it is low budget.. it is just so unique...
I guess you preordered?
From the reviews I've seen on here, the general feeling seems to be that you'll either love it or hate it, and that either way it could still use a lot of polish.
I think to begin with only the hardcore PvP'ers will go near this game as graphics, PvE, crafting or anything like that is irrelevant to them. All they want to do is kill. Whether that alone can sustain an MMO (WAR proved its not always the case) or whether AV are willing to flesh out the other aspects - well only time will tell.
I'm hoping they will make crafting a viable career in the game, but at the moment I keep hearing mixed responses from this camp, ranging from 'it's awesome' to 'it's awful'.
If crafting was getting a more positive review (at least more consistently), I would probably give it a go. As it is, the 'vast empty spaces' in between areas reminds me of Horizons. I shudder to think of it. Time IS a factor these days no matter how much fanbois cry 'Tough it up! Carebear!...etc'
If the game is good, offer a 7 day limited trial..starter area, level 1-10 maybe. I am sure more folks would go for it.
After being chomped by D&L and if not bitten then stung by AoC and to a lesser extent WAR, I think indies need to 'show some gold' before they go asking for 50 or 60 bucks.
Give us your Forum name, and make a post on the beta boards saynig "hey I am Ozmodan" or I don't believe you have played the game
I have nothing clever to say.
Funny, I have read EXACTLY this post months and moths ago, that guy (maby you) was proven to be a bullshiter then, and you are now.
If you have been beta testing prove it by posting "hi i am Herithius" on the Beta boards!
Trolling is stupid. Lying is even more stupid.
I have nothing clever to say.
I have nothing clever to say.
The cult followers are the ones that are out of their mind. They are goign to pay for this crap of a game.
I hope it hits them hard.
Don't you just love how the most obvious trolls can't grasp the fact that they are the trolls.
isnt aoc 15 euro?
The cult followers are the ones that are out of their mind. They are goign to pay for this crap of a game.
I hope it hits them hard.
nope plenty of money here
look at aoc charging what 15 euro to eu people lmao now thats a shitty excuse for a game df is a sandbox less bug more stable than swg pre cu
AoC was costing me about 11 pounds I believe. They dont slap a ridiculous 19% VAT on it, despite VAT being 15% in the UK.
I got a 60 day timecard from PC world for AoC for £10 anyway.
Now that the NDA is lifted:
a friend of mine spent a few day(s) creating hacks for the game, he's got some good ones.
if he can do it in a matter of a few days, I can't wait to see what happens when professionals get in there to do it... or what they manage to alter.
The Guild with the best hacks will control this gameworld...
While the game had it's moments, it's definately not fun for me. Getting ganked while at half health fighting a mob is not "fun".
And no, I don't think it's as ready for release as War or AoC.
Is "Open Hardcore PvP" an excuse not to hire GMs?
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
"When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."
The price alone is keeping me away from this one. I'm not paying that much for a virtual download. Honestly I believe this game would benefit more as a F2P game with micro-transactions (especially after reading how painful crafting is at the moment). I play some Asian F2P MMOs and spend lots of money on them,, on average more that $15 dollars a month (standard MMO subscription fee). I usually put about $10 a week aside and at the end of the month go on a buying spree from the virtual store, on average spending $40 or more. DF could make a killing this way.
But as far as I can gather, taking all I've read into account, this game is still in early beta stages. I've never paid to play a beta in my life and I won't start now. If this game hangs long enough and does well enough for a USA release, I'd definitely change my mind.
And just as a side note: A lot of testers have posted about the graphics of this game (which I never care about, gameplay is more important) and about how mediocre they are. I'm a bit confused... what happened to this game? Did they change the graphics to something worse or is this a falsified screen grab? Because, judging from this shot, these graphics are pretty damn great!