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Recently I was testing Afterworld, to my dismay a newbe dropped in and ask some questions and was refured to the wiki. Suddenly this newbe started threating another player with pvp. This was not very mature to start with, not everyone ingame has the knowladge one might be seeking. The worst part was when this player started telling everyone that he/she was on staff for two gaming sites and he/she was going to write a game review regarding Afterworld.
First of all I beleave it to be very unprofessional of any game reviewer to base a review on one players conduct.
Second: A true game reviewer seldom makes themselves known, I for one lurk in the shdows testing the game while watching the social interactions in chat.
Third: In my opinion people that claim to be game reviewers just to garner attention or some favor from dev's or other players is just plain wrong. This type of person is just such a turn off.
If you want to be successful work for it, yeah it will take time,effort and maturity. but you can get the respect of others and a sense of self accomplishment that is unmatched by any other means.
Perhaps this person was not actually a game journalist; adult players aren't likely to act in such a way unless they're extremely frustrated and at the end of their rope, but MMORPGs allow one to be whoever they'd like to be. Obviously, this is part of the attraction and it's also in the genre's title: "role-playing".
However, some people lie about their identities and act like fools. Writing a bad review about a good game when so many others will be able to testify whether the game is good or not, based solely upon a few interactions with players in the game does not seem like mature, professional conduct to me.
I would certainly lurk, though I'd also email the developers as I enjoy speaking to game developers and picking their brains!
Have the manners of MMO gamers negatively changed? Are people becoming particularly hostile to one another without there being any reasonable reason for doing so? A lot of "newbies" are put-off by the likes of arrogant players who're unwilling to help them.
I know that I'm speaking only for myself and a select few MMORPGs here, but the sense of community for many games appears to have disappeared!
PS: I would like to look at this Afterworld game and maybe we could compare notes regarding reviews? It would definitely be a delight to co-write a review about something we both have a passion for. :-)
Well if you ever drop into Afterworld look me up. Indana. Like indiana jones Would love to share opinions etc.
No respectable gamer reviewer ever admits they work for a gaming site in game. This was probably some kid that posts on some blog site that claims at being a reputable game site and is really just a place for gold spammers to advertise
Thats not always true there mate. My friend workes for gamepro magazine, He usually joins a guild when he does a mmorpg review. He lets the guild leader and a few other High ranking guild officials know that he is going to be making video and filming a lot of the game play that goes on and their characters. It depends who you are doing a review for I guess. If I was doing a review for a website working for a site that is I would probably let them know they will be on a video review out of courtesy
By the way your Topic Title "Player Haters" made me think of this song... lol