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I played CoH in beta and launch. I stuck around for 2 months then cancelled. Ive gone back 3 or 4 times for a month or two.
The game was fun but very MMO light. Too simplistic in the end. Honestly there was only one thing to do and that was run instance after instance over and over again.
Since Champions is also a hero MMO and being developed by Cryptic can we expect the same system ? Or are we going to get a game with real crafting, non-combat stuff (Like maybe an alter-ego disguise), not so many limiting zones, etc.
When I first entered CoH i dreamed of being a tailor running a shop by day. And by night fighting crime all over the city. What we got was a bunch of zones with buildings just painted there and no crafting at all. Character creation was the best ive ever seen but otherwise the game was like Light Beer, okay but not very satisfying.
Also whats the rumored release date for this game ? Im following Star Trek Online and its said to be ready by the end of this yr. Since Champions started before STO is it wrong to assume Champions will launch this summer or earlier ?
Well in there live announcement podcast for star trek online Jack was asked by an audience member if they has a release date set yet, he said theres no release date set as yet but seeing that STO is using the same graphics engine as Champions and will be borrowing rescources from champions to then they would expect STO to release soon after champions, which he said would hopefully release in april of this year.
I may be wrong, but my best guess is that Champions will resemble CoX more than you perhaps want.
CoX had its strengths. It definitely had some very interesting zones and inspired design in some areas. In others, it was admittedly somewhat generic. Character creation was universally lauded. The combat system was fairly fun and fast-paced, arguably the game's biggest draw. The theme was also a whole lot of fan for comic book fans, especially fans of old school comics.
But you're right. It did not feature a lot of depth beyond that. It was very much a game about heroes, not about the person behind the mask. The roleplay element was extremely weak, primarily a bunch of retards roleplaying idiotic cliches in their chosen hotspots. Really speaking, the only place where your hero's background would get fleshed out was in your imagination. Of course, they did give you a few token features beyond this. People could read your backstory on your Hero Registration Card (the little para you type in when you create your char). You could also use one of your four costume slots to create a "civilian" set of clothes.
I don't believe any real "backstory" gameplay will make it into the game, simply because I'm not even sure it's possible. A comic book hero has a virtually unlimited array of beginnings. How do you translate all of them into gameplay and still accurately depict the backstory somebody has bottled up in their mind? How do you actually make that fun? For instance, what would you have done as a tailor by day?
The backstory is hard to create but an alter ego really isn't. For one thing you could do all crafting as your alter ego and have certain other quests just for them. If you accidently use your powers so anyone see them bad stuff will happen...
It is actually a fun idea OP, I am with you there
I have my doubts in Cryptics ability to make good MMOs. All I see in Champions is one big "pew pew" area. I mean, I am a big Superheroes fan, but the comics are about so much more than just fighting. Somehow both Champions and STO seem to be centered almost solely around combat. Endless rows on stuff to kill. I havent heard a bit about stories (as say in SWTOR) or exploring or social aspects, or crafting or whatever. Both their MMOs as we see them in the various vids is kill, kill, kill. It might all be cool in the end, but my faith in Cryptic is kinda limited. Comparing it to the professionalism of Bioware, Cryptic is a very poor company in terms of communication, also. Simply said, I think they have no clue about MMO business, so I too fear Champions will be simplistic beat-em-up. As STO.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well from what I have read and understood the gaphics, gameplay, character customization are supposed to be a big improvement from COX. The action mmo brings more of the rpg elements to the game and yes focuses more on combat than other types of mmos which I think is a good thing. The game will also have multiple story lines like WOW and Lotro. The best part about Champions will be the character customization. To be able to customize your superhero the way you want it in so many different ways will be the main factor as to why more will chose to play Champions over other games. I think Cryptic has a good game on their hands.
I am afraid that another Hero MMO will be like CoX in its simplistic nature. I have played CoX since its start and still go back to it now and then just for fun. One of the reasons for the the success of CoX is its ability to connect with all levels of player. I think that if you make Champions to difficult you will lose too many of the population of comic book readers to make it profitable. Just my opinion
Champions has crafting and items planned.
From what I understand, CoH / CoV has included tons of content in the last year or so.
You can now actually have a day job, and fight crime when you're not "working". So it might be possible for you to have that tailor shop after all. Also, witn the inclusion of "drops", CoH / CoV now has crafting. Had it for a while now. It may not be as complex as crafting in other MMOs, but it's very versatile and it's definitely there.
Also, there are bases in CoH / CoV, so you can decorate your "house", there are up to five alternative costumes, so you can play around with different looks, and there are plenty of events / player-made events.
It might not be as complex as LOTRO or WoW, but I wouldn't call the world of CoH / CoV simplistic. There's plenty to do there, and if Champions Online reaches half that level of content at launch, I will be very pleased.
A superhero mmorpg that doesn't provide for secret identities is just a multiplayer game. Its just silly to have an superhero based mmo community where everyone is in costume all the time. The game needs to provide an environment that people can develop a community in with dynamic and robust crafting, market, economy aspects.
As far as storyline, there should be one provided but participation in it should be up to the player not mandated by the devs.
Well they are kindve going this direction. I know CoX did this in one of the latest updates but it didn't work out so well. They have in CO what is called secret ID missions. You don't have to do these as you get to choose at the beginning of the game if you want to have a secret ID or not.
Also as far as simplistic, I think it will expand to some degree but not much. They are adding more customization into the game with items. I'm guessing you mean more end game? they have said there will be more focus on end game than CoX, wether this is true or not i'm not sure. If there is a scale like this:
( EVE-------------------(middle)----------------CoH)
I would expect CO to be here
( EVE----------------(middle)----CO--------CoH)
Wow, you dream big don't you. I play games to do things I can't do in the real world, not emulate the real world.
Wow, you dream big don't you. I play games to do things I can't do in the real world, not emulate the real world.
Yeah but some here want a mmo to be a second life ,not because they dont have a real one they just want imo to much for a GAME.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
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