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I know it's early days, but with all the hype built up around this MMO it feels kinda hollow now to be playing it having had such huge expectations. Does anyone else feel the same or have I just built my hopes up too high?
providing your legit about playing it your just an average player to took the rose colored glasses off earlier than the rest
I'd withhold judgement for a few days, considering I played for 6 hours yesterday and didn't even get to legitimately fight anything.
I don't care about the game anymore. I'm just here to ruin others dreams, that's all.
Well... When you have lots of rabid fanbois proclaiming this game to be the greatest game of all time, there's bound to be a letdown. The fans brought this upon themselves.
The fans themselves brought out all the trolls, not the other way around. You can still read some posts from today, where some people are still calling this the greatest game ever! That's just silly. In the end, it may turn out to be a pretty good game, but let's cut out the nonsense and have a reality check.
must suck to not know the touch of a woman
I am 100% certain that there are 50000% more trolls than fanbois. If you want we could go through every post and calculate the real number, but then you wouldn't get to troll
Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.
must suck to not know the touch of a woman
thats not true someone has to put his diaper on
The fans told the trolls to click on Darkfall in the gamelist? Are you serious or just pretending to not be intelligent as a joke? I cant tell
Anyways 90% of the fans that are playing are loving it.. so the fans didnt bring anything on themselves except a game they love. You and all trolls are just bitter because the mmo they play sucks
I assume you made a representative survey for the 90%?
I learned long ago to not do two things. Preorder an MMO, get into all the hype about any upcoming video game.
The truth of it is every new mmo that is going to get released generates way more hype then it should. Players get sucked into this and start thinking this particular MMO will be the greatest MMO ever created. So there will always be plenty of let down with every game released, even if it happened to be a near perfect MMO there would still be disappointed people. And this is far from just a Darkfall problem, every game goes through this, the latest example being WAR and AoC of course.
People just weren't releastic enough with what this game would be, to both extremes. Some thought it would be the MMO to end all MMOs, others thought it would be the worst MMO ever created and never work. The truth being it was a small indie company that wanted a tiny piece of the market. They hyped themselves (as did the players) to more then they could achieve and brought in more players then they could handle.
A lot of these people will end up quitting over the problems, the hype will die down, and they'll probably end up with close to the player base they had planned on once they get the bugs worked out. Right now all the hyped people are just angry because they expected so much, and all the negative people want their told you so moment. But unfortunatly they will probably just jump on to the next upcoming MMO and build hype again and be disappointed again.
Now I didn't preorder darkfall, don't have any plans of buying it, and haven't tried it. I'm just saying this as an overall to what happens everytime a new MMO is going to release. Best thing to do is learn to not preorder, and give any new MMO a month or two to get stability issues and in game balance issues worked out before you decide to get involved. I'm at the point where I wait until a game gives a free trial so that I don't feel I wasted any money on another game that gets old in the span of a few weeks.
I assume you made a representative survey for the 90%?
I assume you know what the term "nit-picking" means?
The fans told the trolls to click on Darkfall in the gamelist? Are you serious or just pretending to not be intelligent as a joke? I cant tell
Anyways 90% of the fans that are playing are loving it.. so the fans didnt bring anything on themselves except a game they love. You and all trolls are just bitter because the mmo they play sucks
I think that's a gross exaggeration. This game has had one of the biggest failed launches. Not only did they have sync issues which caused some people to say it was "unplayable", but the ordering "fiasco" is huge let down to a lot of potential players. I fear that if the ordering situation isn't remedied that Adventurine may be facing legal matters, as well.