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When it comes to choosing which race to make, I find myself torn between quite a few and all for different reasons. I would like to hear everyone else's input and ideas as to why they're going to choose the race they are. Here are some things that intrigue me:
Human: Equal stats and is well balanced. (I'm not sure how much starting statistics matter such as STR, VIT etc...)
Dwarf: Small, yet very well done IMO visually.
Mirdain: Seems to be Archery-inclined which is what I find myself leaning towards.
Orc: Once again, well done visually and is Melee-inclined.
Mahirim: Rumor has it that they do not needs mounts to run at mount-speed. (Correct me if I'm wrong) and Archery-inclined.
Alfar: From the looks of it, this race has the smallest hit box, but is it much smaller than the Dwarves? And if so, how much of an advantage does this give?
IMO, Alfar have more enemies = more people to kill without consequence. However, as a Human Dwarf or Legolas carebear you have more allies. Just depends. Ultimately your clan will decide which races it takes and then it won't even really matter. Beauty of a sandbox.
Mahirim: You are right and wrong. They should "some day" be able to run on all fours and not need a mount. Today? Not working so much...
Dwarf... because Why would you play any game that has dwarves and not be a dwarf!?!
Being a Dwarf is a privillage not a right...
Yes but why can't I make a dwarf with anything other than a white beard?
Has anyone had the opportunity to play to see how much the starting stats actually affect the overall strength of the character? I added the starting stats up and this is what i've found
Humans: 120 pts total
Mahirim: 120
Dwarf: 117
Mirdain: 117
Alfar: 115
Orc: 110
Is this fair to have the Orc with 10 less starting points than the Human and Mahirim? Does it make up for it somehow with a racial ability of some sort?
I chose Alfar because they are not allied to anyone else, so I can freely attack all other races. I imagine the hitbox issue will be fixed in the future so I wouldn't choose them for that reason. I will probably end up going Red later on anyway so probably didn't have to go Alf.
Mahirim also a good choice if they ever add 4 legged run.
Humans/Dwarves/Elves good if you want a lot of allied players as well as access to more towns.
And Orcs if you want to be big and bad ass.
Well ur alfar logic is flawed is there 3x as many alfar as there are of the other races....
Is this true? What makes you think? I have actually worried about that a little bit.
Stop trying to apply WoW logic to this game.
"It's not fair"
Here's a video of the game play in WoW, if you've never played:
What I'm picking: Mahrim.
Mahrim are something different. Period. I'm aboslutely sick of elves.
What i'd still pick if Mahrim wasn't an option:
Dwarves: They're always cool and carry al ot of character.
Orks: See explaination for dwarves.
Are there any racial advantages in this game besides the Hit-box, and starting faction alignment?
Not really, and the smaller hit-box on Alfar was adjusted to be larger. Race means little other than the strife factor. Skills will all level off and become homogenous in the long-run and even if there's a slight additive to skill or attribute points between races, it will be negligible at best.
So, your essentially choosing a race based on strife/allies and role-play.
Awesome, thanks for all the input everyone. I appreciate it
access to bind spots and cities. 4 cities for alfar, 12 for human.
access to dungeons and hunting areas around the map and still have associated safe bind spots (cities). alfar limited to south ONLY whereas human can go west, east and north.
Good To The Last Drop.
access to bind spots and cities. 4 cities for alfar, 12 for human.
access to dungeons and hunting areas around the map and still have associated safe bind spots (cities). alfar limited to south ONLY whereas human can go west, east and north.
Hadn't thought about that. Good one.
Humans for the alliance and abundance of safe cities.
Dwarfs for the low profile and crafting bonus.
Alfar for the low profile, they have slight magic bonuses. Seems to be well populated, allied with no one, and pvp each other quite a bit.
Mahrim for the huntspeed and slight reach advantage. The speed passive for this race is huge. They have the largest hitbox. 4 legged run is not and will never be in game, they are already speed OP enough with the one passive runspeed skill. at 100 this skills allows normal run speed to be close to everyones sprint speed (sprint is the same speed across all races)
Orc for their axe passive. They have a slight reach advantage. Allied with just Mahrim.
Miridian for the alliance with everyone else. More npc cities i hear as well?
Remember a smaller race has a smaller hitbox but shorter reach. The orc axe passive skill and the mahrim runspeed passive are seriously useful and imo make up for the extended target they provide.
So thats the general breakdown from what i see being discussed in game regarding all the races. The worlf race with their near sprint regualr run (mahrim huntspeed at 100 however) and the orcs axe passive, which is incredbly usefull for axe users are far better than the other race skills, however they all have significantly smaller hitboxes, and dont stand out like a sore thumb in the wild.
Unless it's changed signifcantly your race means very little Vagore2. Every major clan is ARAC so it won't matter.
I played exclusively Orc and while I was only allied with Mahrim, I found while melee'ing alfar/dwarves I have to aim down to hit them. Wolves were taller than Orcs, so they had to aim further down. This was a large pain in the ass, due to all the side strafing, frantic bobbing/weaving going on.
Wolves are the tallest, and cover/concealment in this game means something. It can be a blessing or a bane depending on how you use it. Wolves speed apparently is that much better, i personally never realized that.
The "good" races....Mirdain, Dwarves, Humans have many NPC cities and are spread out. I thought it was odd that the Wolves and Orcs started out so far away from each other.
Alfar's starting area is near the bottom center of the map and yes, they have no allies so this too can be a boon or bane depending on what you are looking for.
Elves are the only ones that can use the Sunbow, unless that's changed. I never took advantage of the Great Axe bonus as my 2H weapon of choice was clubs.
In the end, I would say choose which race that you find the most aesthetically pleasing or you like the most. I personally thought the male Elves looked like faires, and their ambulation looks ridiculous. I found the dwarf models a bit blocky and the Alfars somewhat disconcerting. It really means very litte later on.
Good luck.
Playing: BF4/BF:Hardline, Subnautica 7 days to die
Hiatus: EvE
Waiting on: World of Darkness(sigh)
Interested in: better games in general
Didn't I hear about AV modifying melee weapon which makes Alfar's range slightly smaller? (Ninja nerf by the way, it's based on player feedback who have noticed a pretty important different to melee weapon on their alfar characters. I don't know about Dwarves).
possibly Madness...couldn't say. I still follow this game for some reason, not sure why. I do miss playing it though. I spent at least an hour and did some research before making my orc. I realized after playing for awhile I should have made an alfar.
Alfar were numerous and very difficult to hit in melee. Not surprising, most alfar i fought used polearms which made it worse.
It got to the point i would try and fight them at range. I never ran into too many dwarves unless we were hunting deep or on a siege.
I guess i'm saying if they fixed it, that's great.
Playing: BF4/BF:Hardline, Subnautica 7 days to die
Hiatus: EvE
Waiting on: World of Darkness(sigh)
Interested in: better games in general
Ork. I like the underdogs.
Dwarf, Mirdain or human
Darkfall is 95% PVE and those races will give you the best PVE spots.
Dwarf/Miridian/Human for more PVE
Ork/Mahirim for blend PVE/PVP and good racial skills
Alfar for stealth and more PVP (no allied races)
Simple as that.