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I walked for 30 minutes and i see no Mobs except Goblin....and Tree, flowers and rocks, tree, flowers and rocks....and again.
The cities are so empty, just a few npc and nothing more.
After 30 minutes walking.. i saw a new kind of mob !! cool...but he owns me...
Are they serious ?
This world is as it was in beta or something is missing?
I've never seen a world so shallow.
and padentic hje looks like they are having problems with the game... o well your fault for buying this game so early... if i were you i would have given it 2 months more and then see if it improved... inda doubt it will :P
I've heard the mobs are a rare spawn in DF. Weird.
Call your bank and request a refund,before it's too late.
file a report if you feel ripped off..
Nothing happens when I click on the button.
the level of desperation trolls are resorting to now is just delicious. look at those freshly made accounts go!
more please, i need more amusement.
The game is not trying to be like every other MMO where there are mobs in every zone wherever you walk. If you want that then darkfall is not your game. (not yet anyway, and i hope they dont give in and make it like that)
This same question has been adressed in another thread somwhere but i cannot be bothered trying to find it. But basically mobs are located around the world in areas.. and inhabit those areas. You have to adventure out and find these areas.
Another reason they have done this (not official ofc) is that the world has to provide for mass pvp battles - Battlefields without monsters agroing players and being troublesome.
You should expect to be travelling for half an hour and not see any monsters, but you will find them and i believe that is their intention.
Personally that is an appealing aspect of the game also
no idea what you mean!
Yes Of why pay for what is seems an open beta.
Every MMO have some problems at launch but not like this IMHO
it 'wasn't ready to launch... That's all folks
This is my GUESS, and I swear I have neither side in this. Actually as an Indie dev myself, I'd like to Aventurine pull off a win (makes the Indies look good), and on the other side Tasos' PR skills make me ill (makes the Indies not look so good)... so I'm in the middle.
I think DF is still technically in open beta testing, even though the sales have started. I've seen others describe this as paid beta. I don't know if that's for real, if Tasos agrees, and at best its speculation on my part.
I'm willing to bet that the lack of mobs is to avoid having them eat resources (assuming they are finished and turned off, rather than don't exist at all). Something said in one of the press releases makes me think this is the case, namely a comment about mobs eating "slots" that a player could be in.
Other things which support this are:
View distance (technically scoping) between player and mob (or player and player) is an insanely long distance (guessing 500 meters or more). This means that the server has to keep a data structure up for every player that encompasses every other player and every other mob inside that distance. That's hellish cpu and internal bandwith expensive.
Real projectile combat, probably with a range at least as far as the scoping (if you can see it, you can hit it with magic [assuming it's not moving]) also eat cpu. Most likely while in flight, each arrow or magic bolt eats a similar structure the same as players and mobs.
10,000 players per world (I've heard this number in the features lists) is a ton of people. A small-time Indie self-develops their own MMO engine and all of it's networking and pulls of 10k players would be a serious miracle. Per cpu numbers around 150 are not uncommon, so that would mean their cluster is 67 machines in a top-tier data center just for player servers? My guess that wasn't really in the budget so the world is running on much less hardware than what it really needs.
What I expect (a guess at most) is that the cash infusion will pay for a server upgrade for server #1 (I doubt server #2 is coming anytime soon, but that's a guess too). When that happens, the mobs can be switched on and the PVE side of the game will be more meaningful.
NOTE: I had heard also about "rare spawns"... I just don't know how rare they are talking about. Mob density is a design option. In the game I'm working on, there are over 20,000 standing mobs at any moment in a world around of around 100 square miles. DF prob would have a much lower dendity, but not as low as what was in beta (walk miles see nothing).
Probably TMI... but I'm wired on caffiene and stuck here waiting for my own servers to load up
This is my GUESS, and I swear I have neither side in this. Actually as an Indie dev myself, I'd like to Aventurine pull off a win (makes the Indies look good), and on the other side Tasos' PR skills make me ill (makes the Indies not look so good)... so I'm in the middle.
I think DF is still technically in open beta testing, even though the sales have started. I've seen others describe this as paid beta. I don't know if that's for real, if Tasos agrees, and at best its speculation on my part.
I'm willing to bet that the lack of mobs is to avoid having them eat resources (assuming they are finished and turned off, rather than don't exist at all). Something said in one of the press releases makes me think this is the case, namely a comment about mobs eating "slots" that a player could be in.
Other things which support this are:
View distance (technically scoping) between player and mob (or player and player) is an insanely long distance (guessing 500 meters or more). This means that the server has to keep a data structure up for every player that encompasses every other player and every other mob inside that distance. That's hellish cpu and internal bandwith expensive.
Real projectile combat, probably with a range at least as far as the scoping (if you can see it, you can hit it with magic [assuming it's not moving]) also eat cpu. Most likely while in flight, each arrow or magic bolt eats a similar structure the same as players and mobs.
10,000 players per world (I've heard this number in the features lists) is a ton of people. A small-time Indie self-develops their own MMO engine and all of it's networking and pulls of 10k players would be a serious miracle. Per cpu numbers around 150 are not uncommon, so that would mean their cluster is 67 machines in a top-tier data center just for player servers? My guess that wasn't really in the budget so the world is running on much less hardware than what it really needs.
What I expect (a guess at most) is that the cash infusion will pay for a server upgrade for server #1 (I doubt server #2 is coming anytime soon, but that's a guess too). When that happens, the mobs can be switched on and the PVE side of the game will be more meaningful.
NOTE: I had heard also about "rare spawns"... I just don't know how rare they are talking about. Mob density is a design option. In the game I'm working on, there are over 20,000 standing mobs at any moment in a world around of around 100 square miles. DF prob would have a much lower dendity, but not as low as what was in beta (walk miles see nothing).
Probably TMI... but I'm wired on caffiene and stuck here waiting for my own servers to load up
As if someone would read this wall of text filled with shit.
Lawls... fogot da audience here...
needz moar beta.
That's not WoW or WAR, don't expect mob spawns one after another. The gap between monster spawns are usually 5 to 15 minutes away of each other of running. Yes mobs are though, learn to dodge attacks, use terrian, block, use bow and magic to kite them.
Get a party and preferably a clan, this game is not for loners.
agon united