So I have just cycled through 12 pages of (mostly) hate for this game. I am not (sigh) a fanboi, I am not even playing. I play another game, but I am looking for an additional mmorpg game to play in future. As such I take an interest in new releases.
Just a number of points:
1/ If you want to play with a smooth-ish mmorpg experience then surely it is obvious not to sub to a brand new game off the bat. All new games have troubled launches. If you want to sub to a new release then recognize the fact that it will have many issues at launch, that's the price you pay for being in early. So stop crying like it was some sudden and unforseen breach of your human rights.
Absolutely! It's like when you buy a new model car... dude... if it doesn't work... just shut up! you are lucky to buy it early! Stop whining and go drive the damn car and be happy it works for most of the time. God I can't believe this people that think that because they payed for the car they have the RIGHT to complain. Sheesh.
Or with a newly printed book... you can't read half of the pages because the letters are all blurred? DDDOHHH! it's a new book! This is the price you pay for having it early you moron! Stop crying! They are not like making a breach of your damn human rights.
Dude you are so full of common sense it hurts!
You do realize even hundreds of years after books were starting to appear in the world that was in fact probably a pretty common occurrence? I've ran into offline games that were released by good companies(for the most part) that to this day still bug out and make the game unplayable. Daggerfall(probably the best game ev4r) still is not perfect, but an incredible game still. The only thing people can credibly bitch about is Aventurine's lack of communication skills, but this can partially be explained by them not wanting to accidentally give us any more false promises.
Books just up and started 'appearing' in the world? Holy crap! Did they fall from the sky or just 'poof' they they were?
I imagine they first started appearing in the world when people started making them. But I'm sure you knew that. You're just being a mega-troll because you're sad you can't play the game. Its okay, I'll be sad with you.
Common sense told me not to pre order or touch this game until the company behind it show a shred of professionalism and can communicate information which is not contradictory. This past few months have been nothing but stupidity. Your seeing these types people on here :
Those with common sense.. and a wicked sense of fun for poking people ... Those with common sense and staying well away from this disaster. Increasingly Desperate Fanbois lacking any kind of common sense who are now staying quiet. Increasingly Desperate Fanbois lacking any kind of common sense who are even now plugging this disaster and being evasive. And finally my favourite ... the utter moronic still trying to get a pre order for this game.
Common sense is not needed in a three ringed circus. This is popcorn. This is tragic. It is prime entertainment. This game is revolutionary I tell you all !
Outstanding, Tombear.
You people are amazing. You are the same people who cried foul over the Rodney King incident, because you did not watch the 1st part of the video.
the people who are being told to have common sense are the folks that did pay attention to the 1st part. We saw a company with no established repupation brag about and lie about the game they were producing for years. So to come to the logical observation, that the launch was not going to work well or that there were going to be problems beyond what is expected with a normal launch, is not un reasonable.
Now fast forward to the point where people are able to play for hours at a time. How can you honestly trust a company with their track record to date to do the game any justice with fixes and patches and being true to the core of the game? To think not, is common sense thinking.
1/ If you are developing a game it's appropriate to communicate to your fan base about things like release dates, system specs and preordering more then 1 week in advance of release.
2/ If you are devloping a MMO you should have at least one production server farm and one test server farm. Changes occur to the test server first. (duh)
3/ If you are devloping an MMO you should try your best to learn as much as you can from previous MMO launches.
4/ When you do finally open a beta test at some point you should try to stress test the world servers, the patching servers, the login servers, the AI servers, etc.
5/ If you are enforcing NDA up to 1 week before release you are going to be ratcheting up the emotions of people that have been waiting for years.
6/ You should try to test and fix any user registration, preordering and ordering processes as much as advance as possible (hopefully more then 2 days, sheesh)
7/ If you release a 'hardcore pvp' game with limited pre-order slots giving some preferential treatment to beta testers alot of other people are going to feel like they are getting screwed. After all hardcore pvp attracts competitive people.
Don't get me wrong, I am waiting to play DF like many others. I just think the OP comments are really really one-sided and as such come across rather like 'I have my blinders on'
EVERYBODY and their grandmother knew the startup would be the mess it was, I certainly did. Now its over, the game is working fine, they are opening for sale, everything is stable and its a damn good game.
Back? LMMFAO! Thought you found someplace to hide. You are without a doubt priceless. Keep it up.
Or with a newly printed book... you can't read half of the pages because the letters are all blurred? DDDOHHH! it's a new book! This is the price you pay for having it early you moron! Stop crying! They are not like making a breach of your damn human rights.
Dude you are so full of common sense it hurts!
You do realize even hundreds of years after books were starting to appear in the world that was in fact probably a pretty common occurrence? I've ran into offline games that were released by good companies(for the most part) that to this day still bug out and make the game unplayable. Daggerfall(probably the best game ev4r) still is not perfect, but an incredible game still. The only thing people can credibly bitch about is Aventurine's lack of communication skills, but this can partially be explained by them not wanting to accidentally give us any more false promises.
Books just up and started 'appearing' in the world? Holy crap! Did they fall from the sky or just 'poof' they they were?
I imagine they first started appearing in the world when people started making them. But I'm sure you knew that. You're just being a mega-troll because you're sad you can't play the game. Its okay, I'll be sad with you.
Outstanding, Tombear.
You people are amazing. You are the same people who cried foul over the Rodney King incident, because you did not watch the 1st part of the video.
the people who are being told to have common sense are the folks that did pay attention to the 1st part. We saw a company with no established repupation brag about and lie about the game they were producing for years. So to come to the logical observation, that the launch was not going to work well or that there were going to be problems beyond what is expected with a normal launch, is not un reasonable.
Now fast forward to the point where people are able to play for hours at a time. How can you honestly trust a company with their track record to date to do the game any justice with fixes and patches and being true to the core of the game? To think not, is common sense thinking.
Surely all the below is common sense?
1/ If you are developing a game it's appropriate to communicate to your fan base about things like release dates, system specs and preordering more then 1 week in advance of release.
2/ If you are devloping a MMO you should have at least one production server farm and one test server farm. Changes occur to the test server first. (duh)
3/ If you are devloping an MMO you should try your best to learn as much as you can from previous MMO launches.
4/ When you do finally open a beta test at some point you should try to stress test the world servers, the patching servers, the login servers, the AI servers, etc.
5/ If you are enforcing NDA up to 1 week before release you are going to be ratcheting up the emotions of people that have been waiting for years.
6/ You should try to test and fix any user registration, preordering and ordering processes as much as advance as possible (hopefully more then 2 days, sheesh)
7/ If you release a 'hardcore pvp' game with limited pre-order slots giving some preferential treatment to beta testers alot of other people are going to feel like they are getting screwed. After all hardcore pvp attracts competitive people.
Don't get me wrong, I am waiting to play DF like many others. I just think the OP comments are really really one-sided and as such come across rather like 'I have my blinders on'
Back? LMMFAO! Thought you found someplace to hide. You are without a doubt priceless. Keep it up.