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I think this just made me want to play EQ2 even though it doesnt have PvP.....
13 pages of ppl complaining about a decision, and Blizzard refuses to change its stance.... not to mention this was the ONLY reason i was going to play this game for any length of time..... I guess i can play Halo2 until KotR2 comes out.....
fuk tho.... no infernals.... what bullshit, in Warcraft 1 couldnt you summon a fucking demon and elementals? and they wont let the pet class in thier MMORPG get a damn infernal.... so, you get 2 horses as a warlock, but no infernal.... yep, just decided that i wont play this game more than the free month, and that only cause i prepaid for a copy
Beta 2 (Nerfed Forsaken) Nerfed Warlock
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
It's not that you CAN'T get an Infernal, at the moment they are just somewhat of a pain. I think people just need to figure out how they are useful, or even Blizzard might improve the situation in a patch later on if it remains a constant problem. It's Blizzard. They don't settle for a 100% pissed off community.
You'll get hooked on WoW in that first month if you forget your sour attitude and play the game.
I agree with Rhevin.
You cannot please all the people all the time. If you choose to play EQ2 instead of WoW, have fun.
Yeah I was a little ticked when I saw that at your highes lvl your pet wants to kill you when u summon it. It should be changed or tweaked like your infernal is your pet but cannot regernerte life so after a certain amount of beatings it will die. or it has a timer say 15min with 1hr cooldown.
the Doom Gaurd I can understand since it would make warlocks hugely overpowered.
ok, so i read through most of that (a lot of fast scrolling too) and i am ok with the concept of the demon guard and infernal wanting to kill you. That concept is cool with me and i think most people in that forum are semi-ok with it. I think the big thing is the enslave demon thing. It seems pretty useless with it only working for a few seconds and then going away. I think most people expect for enslave demon to become a fixed duration thing and the damage of the infernal and demon guard to be upped substantially.
From what i've been reading it seems like the damage of the two is too low to be useful when they have to be recharmed every 20-30 seconds at the cost of a soulshard. It seems like most people would find then useful if enslave demon lasted for 5 minutes (fixed) and then -1 minute per recast until the summon was immune. Also they would like the DPS of the infernal and demon guard upped so that it was useful.
I think Blizzard was saying that they weren't going to change the two wanting to kill its caster and needing to be charmed. I think Blizzard will address the duration of the charm and the DPS of the summons. So no need to be saying Blizzard isn't listening because I think they are. They are simply working on bringing the two summons up to a playable level slowly because they are probably extremely worried about overpowering them this close to release. Just give them some time and I think they will manage to make the infernal and demon guard worth the risk to summon them, ie. high risk = high reward.
Mattimeo - Officer in Light Brigade - Daggerspine
Dwarf Rogue
IF that one skill makes you want to quit playing WoW and play EQ2, than you have some issues. I understand its an important skill, but its blizzards game you know? I play a gnome mage, and If for some reason they decided to nerf my fireball spell, or ice blast spell or "something powerful/important " to me, I would be mad, but I would get over it and learn how to work around it. The idea is to make the game balanced and fair. I wouldnt leave the game and play the "competition" ( which is how some like to look at it I guess ).
My decision on leaving the game would have to be more concentrated or declared than just one skill. If they nerfed leatherworking, skinning, fishing, first aid, and cooking all at once so they were all useless, along with 3 of my major class skillz, than I would deffinitly be upset and consider stop playing, but not over one skill.
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
Let me translate the origional poster's post.
I can't go afk while my infernal kills things!
I can't go PvP and send my pet and run like a noob while the other guy dies! (DAoC)
Whaaaaaaaaaaa! mommy my milk spilled on my computer, will you buy me a new one? Whaaaaa!
ok, well here is what i gots to say....
Taurak, i dont want to go afk while my infernal kills things.... i dont think i said that when i originally posted this thread either.... it would be fine with me if they gave a lvl 50 or 60 VW a .00001% buff to anything, and gave it the infernal model. Its not like it would unbalance the game to be able to summon an infernal.... ya ya ya, doomguard and whatnot should stay where it is, but there SHOULD BE a lesser infernal, or one that you summon as a regular PET
hmmm.... Taurak, again, let me reply.... I dont want to send my infernal to go get my screenshots for me in PvP.... but if you read the WoW community boards to see what the devs post, you would have seen it posted multiple times about the infernal being the warlocks PvP pet.... so i expected something like a VW with a crappy stun, not the end all rampaging noob slayer from hell
FrostFreiDen, its not that ONE spell..... first it was poly for my mage, then it was my race the forsaken getting made into humaniod, now this.... i usually play a caster, i'm not big on being a melee for some reason.... now my mage doesnt have invis anymore, cause ppl thought it was unfair that a mage could be invis and then nuke you, then they nerfed sleep, then they made it so that you had to be facing someone to land a spell on them (which SEVERLY FUCKS CASTERS, for lack of a lighter term) then forsaken, then this.....
FOR ME, this is going to severely affect how i play and what i play.
Now for anyone that actually read that whole 13+ pages, there was a warlock whom summoned, awww, hell, i'll just copy the post.... now first, let me say that doomguard/infernal could be DECENT (not really great, but usable in some situations like the devs said, but for it to work that way enslave demon would have to be reworked.... if you rework the way that infernal/doomguards ARE TO RESIST enslave demon, then it would make them have a negative effect in PvP, which would contradict what the devs already said about it being a PvP pet, now for the post about how good that infernal is, or a couple of posts)
""I was playing around with this pet in blasted lands today - the infernal that is - just to see how stupid it truly is.
I cast it on 2 of those vulture (the double spawn right near the collect quest npcs) the ae hit them both and i made it attack them. These mobs are grey to me, it was doing a pretty good number on one of them, when the spell broke.
At this point - i was hoping the mobs would keep attacking it, and it would defend itself (this would make it situationally useful - maybe)
To my dismay, once the charm broke, immolation no longer struck the birds, and all 3 of them (infernal + both birds) came charging towards me.
In all fairness i did try to recharm - but it was impossible to land with 3 mobs hitting me - so i ran.
Feeling downtrodden! i decided to go charm a real demon and see what kind of hell i could raise with that. Down in that new opened area sw corner (festering scar?) there's a bunch of level 61 elite demons that are INCREDIBLY tough.
I charmed one successfully for almost a minute - this demon had a 500 damage fire nova, and hit regular hits on 52 mobs for around 700-1000 damage. It then broke and obliterated me, but hey it was pretty awesome.
Infernal = risk and ZERO reward, i couldn't even kill 2 grey mobs.
Charming elite demons = RISK + incredible reward (and a horrible dead) (this thing went around 2-3 shotting green con mobs and ae blasting so hard i couldn't taunt anything off it if i tried)
Food for thought.
I honestly can't think of a situation i would ever use that piece of crap infernal in any situation given the fact of how utterly pathetic it is for all the risk involved. "" Vesarius 12th page, copied from another thread
"Have to say,I had been looking forward to playing a Warlock to use Infernals as well. Also thought the engineers sounded cool, with mythril Dragons and all that jazz.
When I found out that the Dragon only lasts for a minute and then has a huge cool down time I didn't really care about it anymore.
Seems rather similar to an Infernal. And while several posters have commeneted that "Infernals are not toys." I fail to see the huge diffrence between them and some of the enginnering gimmicks. Engineering seems widely regarded to be full of toys. It's a shame that Warlocks "Ultimate" spells aren't really anything that much better than some crackpot engineering pet. " - Albus pg 8
""Another problem with the Infernal/Doom Guard is that they can easily be banished each time u use enslave demon on them So whats to stop an opposite faction warlock from banishing my ultimate pet for the small 3 times Im able to enslave it? Also whats to stop him from enslaving my enslaved Infernal/Doom Guard? How are the pets supposed to be useful for pvp if we cant keep control of them in pvp? This would be on par with letting a priests mind control allow him to make the opposite faction member attack his allies, or cast harmful spells on his allies. If the infernal is to be our PvP pet, I think it should have a timer for how long Blizz feels is appropriate to allow us to have an infernal in PvP, make it a summon ritual like the doomguard(without a player death no one will help if thats the case but this makes groups necessary) and make it immune to all magic except for the summoning warlocks enslave demon. Unless Blizz wants warlocks entire roll in raid PvP to be fighting over the several infernals that will litter the fields of battle, instead of fighting actual PCs. I hope not =( "" - Demonbane pg 14 (this would be something i mentioned above)
the kick in the teeth is no devs respond to this..... anyways, next time i find some pertinent to my gameplay and affects the games i play, i just wont post it.
Well, Fine, Thats fair enough, but you need to realize another thing.. This is Beta.... Still. Yes the game is released in a few weeks, but its Beta and this is where changes go on...
Lets pretend you never even beta tested the game.... You buy the game at release... you wouldnt have anything to complain about... Better for them to nerf it now, than for you to get the game, play for a month and love being the mage, and than suddenly have them nerf poly, stealth, and sleep off your mage! Its almost contradicting to complain about what they do during closed beta.
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix