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Second Life: SpaceJunky Music Video

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696

SpaceJunky Music VideoSpaceJunky, a Second Life band has provided us with this music video to compliment our interview with their lead singer. Take a look and see for yourself if a Second Life start could lead to real world success.

Watch the video!


Jon Wood
Managing Editor


  • banthisbanthis Member Posts: 1,891

    God why is this crap even news?!? Who the hell cares about Second Life thats an actual MMO gamer...Second Life is NOT a game its a virtual space....why are we still giving it a forum.

    I keep up my constant protest about this game it should be wiped from on the basis it is NOT a game and this sight is about MMO Games!!

  • Arra_JinxArra_Jinx Second Life CorrespondentMember Posts: 29

    Sorry you feel that way, but I still stand by :


    M – yup its massive, largest world out there as a matter of fact, and SL is still growing.

    M – Yes sir its multiplayer over 50k people logged into the same game world at any given time.

    Lots of companies claim to be able to give you 50k at a time, but SL does it

    O – Online, again yes and its uptime is awesome.

    RP - everything from BSG rp to Gor rp. Truly something for everyone.

    G – Yea it’s a game, but its also a virtual world platform.


    MMORPG's can be about far more than grinding quests, and everyone’s opinion of what makes a game great varies. As to the concept “an actual MMO gamer” I would be interested in knowing how you define that, because many of the players I know in SL have played just about everything out there. I have my self been playing since UO, and have played dozens of games since then. I currently have four active game account, only one of which is SL.

    Hell there are those that even think its a great game to travel thread to thread trying to flame.

     This thread is about SpaceJunkies video, not what makes and MMORPG better than another.

    Arra Jinx

  • FlummoxedFlummoxed Member Posts: 591

    1.  Well i thought it was excellent.  Very tight musically and video-wise.  The studio, choreography and editing work on this was top notch Professional.

    2. 2nd Life is about as much of a mmog as FaceBook is, but...

    3. So what.  There is SOME degree of cross-over with our genre and as the largest virtual world Social Network it's not a bad idea to track what's going on there in case they some day accidently do something  interesting and innovative that applies to us mmog guys. 

  • FlummoxedFlummoxed Member Posts: 591

    And here's a thought - why don't bands and game publishers do concerts in mmogs?

    With all the games that have empty "pubs" and "arenas" that no one visits because there's nothing going on in them, i'm surprised no one has said hey, let's video a live band playing a set, motion-capture and 'avatarize' it, and then run it in-game as an Event. 

    The band would be on stage as in-game characters (non-interactive with the players for obvious reasons), the music would be good quality, and players could jump around and socialize in an Event setting.

    The music could even be appropriate to the fantasy setting - think: SteelEye Span plays IronForge or Marilyn Manson plays Undercity!   



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