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You and I BOTH Know that it won't work. Because if it did work then we wouldn't be having problems now.
Our country faces its most serious economic crisis since the great depression. We have lost
760,000 jobs this year and some leading forecasters project that the unemployment rate will
exceed 8 percent by the end of 2009. Working families, who saw their incomes decline by
$2,000 in the economic “expansion” from 2000 to 2007 now face even deeper income losses.
Retirement savings accounts have lost $2 trillion. Markets have fallen 40% in less than a year.
Millions of homeowners who played by the rules can’t meet their mortgage payments and face
foreclosure as the value of their homes have plummeted. With credit markets nearly frozen,
businesses large and small cannot access the credit they need to meet payroll and create jobs.
Over the course of this campaign Barack Obama has championed ideas to address these
problems. Today he is announcing a comprehensive four-part rescue plan for the middle class
that builds on his existing proposals and adds new ways to directly address our economy’s
rapidly evolving problems:
1. Immediate Action to Create Good Jobs in America
2. Immediate Relief for Struggling Families
3. Direct, Immediate Assistance for Homeowners, Not A Bailout for Irresponsible
Mortgage Lenders
4. A Rapid, Aggressive Response to Our Financial Crisis, Using All the Tools We Have
All of the ideas in this plan can and should be done immediately. They either use existing
authority or could be quickly passed in emergency legislation. Middle class families have already
waited too long for relief. The time to act is now.
This immediate plan complements Obama’s long-term economic agenda, including his tax cuts
for ordinary Americans and small businesses, his plans to create up to 5 million green jobs, his
plans to bring down healthcare costs by $2,500 per family, and his commitment to enacting
broad new financial market regulations to help ensure we never face this type of economic crisis
The economy has lost 760,000 jobs this year – and some forecasters expect the unemployment
rate to exceed 8 percent by the end of next year. Addressing the financial crisis will help prevent
the most severe loss of jobs from the crisis. But taking direct steps to create jobs will also
strengthen the economy and help with the financial crisis. Barack Obama’s overall economic
agenda is pro-jobs, including his plans to eliminate America’s dependence on foreign oil and
bring down healthcare costs. But Obama believes we must take additional aggressive steps to
jump-start job creation right now:
?? A New American Jobs Tax Credit. Obama will provide a new temporary tax credit to
companies that add jobs here in the United States. During 2009 and 2010, existing
businesses will receive a $3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional full-time
employee hired. For example, if a company that currently has 10 U.S. employees
increases its domestic full time employment to 20 employees, this company would get a
$30,000 tax credit—enough to offset the entire added payroll tax costs to the company
for the first $50,000 of income for the new employees. The tax credit will benefit all
companies creating net new jobs, even those struggling to make a profit.
?? Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009.
Obama will give small businesses additional incentive to make investments and start
creating jobs again by providing temporary business tax incentives through 2009. The
February 2008 stimulus bill increased maximum section 179 expenses to $250,000 but
this expires in December 2008. This provision will encourage all firms to pursue
investment in the coming months, but will benefit small firms in particular, who
generally have smaller amounts of annual property purchases and so choose to expense
the cost of their acquired property.
?? Zero capital gains rate for investment in small businesses. Barack Obama believes that
we need to encourage investment in small businesses to help create jobs and turn our
economy around. That’s why Obama will eliminate all capital gains taxes on investments
made in small and start-up businesses. Unlike John McCain, who wants to give $200
billion in new tax cuts to America’s largest and most profitable businesses, Barack
Obama wants to cut taxes for the small businesses that create jobs but struggling with
restricted access to credit alongside skyrocketing health care and energy costs.
?? Save one million jobs through immediate investments to rebuild America’s roads and
bridges and repair our schools. The Obama emergency plan would make $25 billion
immediately available in a Jobs and Growth Fund to help ensure that in-progress and fasttracked
infrastructure projects are not sidelined, and to ensure that schools can meet their
energy costs and undertake key repairs starting this fall. This increased investment is
necessary to stem growing budget pressures on infrastructure projects. In addition, in an
environment where we may face elevated unemployment levels well into 2009, making
an aggressive investment in urgent, high-priority infrastructure will serve as a triple win:
generating capital deployment and job creation to boost our economy in the near-term,
enhancing U.S. competitiveness in the longer term, and improving the environment by
adopting energy efficient school and infrastructure repairs. In total, Obama’s $25 billion
investment will result in 1 million jobs created or saved, while helping to turn our
economy around.
?? Partner with America’s automakers to help save jobs and ensure that the next generation
of clean vehicles is built in the United States. Senator Obama pushed for $50 billion in
loan guarantees to help the auto industry retool, develop new battery technologies and
produce the next generation of fuel efficient cars here in America. Congress passed only
half of this amount – it is critical that the administration speeds up the implementation of
the first half and that Congress move quickly to increase certainty by enacting the second
half. In addition, Obama believes that with the tremendous uncertainty facing the auto
industry, and the small and medium business suppliers who depend on them, it is critical
that we keep all options on the table for helping them weather the financial crisis.
Even when the overall economy was growing, most American families were not sharing in this
growth. The typical non-elderly household saw its income decline by more than $2,000 from
2000 to 2007 as expenses skyrocketed. Weekly wages, adjusted for inflation, are now lower than
they were a decade ago. Barack Obama’s overall economic plan will relieve the squeeze on
families and foster bottom-up growth. But he is proposing that we implement several measures
?? A tax cut for 95 percent of workers and their families – plus seniors. Barack Obama
proposes a permanent tax cut of $500 for workers and $1,000 for families. A first round
of these tax cuts could be mailed out quickly by the IRS based on tax returns already filed
for tax year 2007. In addition, Obama would extend these expedited tax credits to senior
citizens who are retired as a down payment on his plan to eliminate taxes for all seniors
making up to $50,000.
?? Extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on these
benefits. Millions of Americans are looking for work but unable to find it in the weak
economy. Today, more than one in five unemployed workers has been out of work for
more than half a year – the highest level since early 2005. Obama supported extending
unemployment insurance this summer, but already 800,000 jobless workers have
exhausted those benefits and are being left without any unemployment compensation.
Obama believes Congress should immediately extend unemployment insurance for an
additional 13 weeks to help families that are being hit hardest by this downturn. In
addition Barack Obama believes that we should temporarily suspend taxes on
unemployment insurance benefits as a way of giving more relief to families.
?? Penalty-free hardship withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s in 2008 and 2009. Many
families are going to be facing unique economic hardship over the coming year. To help
these families pay their bills and their mortgages and make it through these tough times,
Obama is calling for legislation that would allow withdrawals of 15% up to $10,000 from
retirement accounts without penalty (although subject to the normal taxes). This would
apply to withdrawals in 2008 (including retroactively) and 2009.
?? Instruct the Treasury to allow seniors to delay required withdrawals from 401(k)s and
IRAs. Currently seniors are required to start withdrawing from their 401(k)s and IRAs at
age 70-1/2 and every year thereafter over their lifetime. But the explicit requirement that
withdrawals continue on an annual basis – and the related requirement that the amount
withdrawn be based on currently much higher year-end 2007 asset values – is based on
Treasury regulations, not the statute, which has a less specific mandate. That means the
Secretary of the Treasury has authority to change its regulations to protect seniors from
being forced, at this critical time, to sell their investments and “lock in” their losses just
after market values have plummeted in an almost unprecedented fashion. Obama is
calling on Treasury to temporarily suspend the required withdrawals for retirees over age
70 ½. Because retirees often make these required withdrawals late in the year, there is
still time to help millions of affected seniors – but only if done promptly. Treasury can
act now, rather than waiting for Congress to return to Washington and hoping they will
provide the needed relief in time for seniors to plan before year end. In addition, because
lower-income seniors may have no choice but to take withdrawals this year and in 2008,
Obama will exempt any withdrawals made up to the required minimum amount from
taxation. This will give seniors the flexibility they deserve – to forgo withdrawals if they
choose or to take those withdrawals tax free if they need those resources to pay their bills.
?? Funds to Counteract High Heating Costs this Winter. Obama is calling for supplementing
the recently passed LIHEAP funding to ensure that cold-weather states can cushion the
impact of high energy prices for their residents this winter. The Energy Information
Administration said that consumers will pay a projected $1,137 to heat their homes from
Oct. 1 to March 31—15% more than last year’s heating outlay during this time.
Homeowners that use heating oil rather than natural gas could see increases of 23%
compared to last year. As part of his $25 billion state fiscal relief package, Obama’s plan
will supplement existing LIHEAP funding to sure that state programs can expand to
cover more residents while continuing to provide a meaningful benefit.
Over the past two years, Americans have lost 20 percent of the value of their homes. In some
parts of the country home values have fallen by twice that amount. In combination with a rapidly
deteriorating economy that means more and more families are having a hard time meeting their
monthly mortgage payments. At the same time, many states are considering property tax hikes
that will burden homeowners still further. And millions of families who have seen the value of
their home fall below the size of their mortgage need assistance in restructuring their mortgages
to stay in their homes.
John McCain, after initially admitting he was surprised by the housing crisis and blaming
homeowners for causing it, has put forward a housing plan that fails to address these challenges
while bailing out irresponsible mortgage lenders. His plan would force the Treasury to pay full
face value for distressed mortgages, which would spend $300 billion on a windfall to mortgage
lenders, including bigger windfalls to lenders that engaged in fraud. The plan would guarantee
that taxpayers lose money. Further, his plan is inconsistent with the taxpayer protections in the
recently enacted rescue package and could require Congress to pass new legislation before
McCain’s flawed plan could even go into effect.
Barack Obama’s plan provides direct relief to help America’s homeowners pay their mortgages,
stay in their homes and avoid painful tax increases while protecting taxpayers and not rewarding
the bad behavior and bad actors who got us into this mess:
?? Instruct the Secretaries of the Treasury and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to
use their existing authority to more aggressively modify the terms of mortgages. Barack
Obama was an early champion of the HOPE for Homeowners Act program that passed
over the summer. In addition, Obama insisted that the financial rescue plan Congress
recently passed include authority for the Secretary to work with servicers to modify the
terms of mortgages for homeowners who played by the rules. Obama believes that both
of these should be implemented aggressively and comprehensively. In addition, Obama is
calling on Treasury and HUD to develop a plan to work with state housing agencies to
coordinate broad mortgage restructurings. The Dodd/Frank legislation gives states
broader authority to help struggling homeowners, and coordination is essential to ensure
that state and national efforts are working in concert to help as many homeowners as
possible at the minimum cost to taxpayers.
?? Reform the bankruptcy code to assist homeowners and remove legal impediments to
encouraging broader mortgage restructuring. Obama is also calling for legislation to close
the loophole in our bankruptcy code that allows bankruptcy judges to modify the terms of
mortgages on investment properties and vacation homes but not on primary residences.
He also believes we should clarify the legal liability of mortgage servicers so that
servicers who work with struggling homeowners to modify their mortgages will receive
legal protections. And we should remove any tax- or legal-related impediments to
encouraging shared-equity mortgages within the HOPE for Homeownership process.
?? 90 day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners that are acting in good faith. Financial
institutions that participate in the financial rescue plan should be required to adhere to a
homeowners code of conduct, including a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for any
homeowners living in their homes that are making good faith efforts pay their mortgages.
This will help create a pause and stability until the more far reaching solutions are
implemented and give both sides a chance to work out an agreement.
?? $25 Billion in State Fiscal Relief to Help Avoid Painful Property Tax Increases. Budget
crunches across the nation are putting our local governments in the untenable position of
having to choose between raising property taxes and cutting vital services. Obama has
proposed $25 billion in state fiscal relief that, coupled with the new emergency facility to
address the state credit crunch, will help states and localities continue to provide essential
services like health care, police, fire and education without raising taxes or fees.
?? Universal mortgage tax credit for homeowners. Barack Obama believes we should
immediately enact a 10 percent refundable tax credit on the mortgage interest paid by
hardworking American families that do not itemize their taxes. This credit will help offset
the cost of mortgage payments for at least 10 million middle-class homeowners.
Barack Obama believes that our deep systemic financial market crisis requires a systemic
response. He fought to ensure that the recently-passed financial rescue package gave the
Treasury the tools to stabilize the financial system, while protecting taxpayers and ensuring
CEOs would not get rich in the process. However, this stabilization will only occur if the
Treasury, Federal Reserve, FDIC, and other government entities use their authorities and move
quickly and aggressively to address the financial crisis.
It is now clear that our financial markets will not restart until financial institutions are lending
again. Because of the extensive losses many of these institutions have suffered, they need more
capital so that they will have the money to lend to families and businesses. Barack Obama
recognized this early, and was heartened by the Treasury’s stated intention – as announced on
Friday – to use its recently granted authority to inject capital into our financial institutions.
However, Secretary Paulson must turn this intention into action quickly and aggressively, in a
manner that strengthens confidence in our banks, protects taxpayers, does not reward CEOs, and
is strictly temporary.
In addition, our financial authorities must stand ready to take additional, complementary actions
– consistent with the systemic nature of this crisis – to ensure this Treasury initiative is
?? Be prepared, if necessary, for broader assurances for credit to banks. First, we must be
prepared to provide additional, temporary assurances to achieve the effective functioning
of financial markets. Depending on developing circumstances, these steps could include
additional measures by the Federal Reserve, extending insurance to all deposits, or
guaranteeing a broader range of liabilities of the banking system including overnight
loans. Any such steps should be coordinated internationally where appropriate and
feasible. They should be accompanied by additional oversight to ensure appropriate use
of guaranteed funds and by the expectation that financial institutions taking advantage of
these guarantees will raise more capital.
?? Extend asset purchases to unfreeze other critical sectors. Second, the Treasury should not
limit itself to purchasing mortgage-backed securities under the financial rescue plan
recently passed by Congress. The Treasury should use the authority it has under the new
law to help unfreeze markets for individual mortgages, student loans, car loans, loans for
multi-family dwellings and credit card loans.
No, you and I BOTH don't know it. I have no doubt that the fiscal action by Obama and other developed nations will ameliorate the impact of the recession and instead of a 25% loss in GDP over 5 years we might have 8-12%.
If we escape out of this suffering a few years of 11-13% unemployment, that is GOOD. You will have no idea how bad it could have been and it has been proven time and time again that government stimulus has an impact.
The very first sentence is blatantly wrong. Because no matter how much you know it - I don't. For all that matters it's amazing how clairvoyant everyone on forums seems to be, that society is not ruled by forum trolls is amazing: because honestly, a clairvoyant person who can tell just by a quick glance if it will work or not, can it get better? And your argument that we wouldn't be having problems now is like saying that since I plugged the hole in the boat there shouldn't be any water in the boat. Use your clairvoyance for something useful, like telling what weather it's going to be tomorrow, and stop telling people the hole is not plugged because there's still water in the boat. Thanks.
Year Of The Ox Looking Very Un-Bullish
HONG KONG, Jan. 23, 2009
(AP) If the global economy fails to recover in 2009, the housing bubble or credit crunch may not be to blame. It could be a lack of fire.
Chinese fortunetellers say fire - one of the five elements mystics believe form the basis of the universe - is essential to financial well-being. And fire is nowhere to be found in the mythology of this coming Year of the Ox, the Chinese lunar year that begins Monday.
"Fire is the driving force behind economic growth. Without it, the market lacks momentum," said Raymond Lo, a Hong Kong master of feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of trying to achieve health, harmony and prosperity through building design, the placement of objects and auspicious dates and numbers.
Chinese soothsayers see a deepening recession, millions more losing their jobs, and stocks and home prices continuing to fall. That's more or less in line with what some economists are predicting, but some fortunetellers are throwing in other dire predictions - massive earthquakes, rising U.S.-Russian tensions and trouble for President Barack Obama.
Mr. Obama, born in the Year of the Ox, is taking office in a particularly bad year for his Chinese astrological sign. The ox sign is in direct conflict this year with a traditional Chinese divinity called the "God of Year," considered a bad omen. Mr. Obama also is the 44th president, a number the Chinese deem extremely unlucky, because "four" is pronounced the same as "death" in Chinese.
"The new U.S. president is not having good luck this year. His honeymoon will only be short-lived," said fortuneteller Alion Yeo, predicting Obama may even face impeachment in his first year in office. "The Year of the Ox looks slightly better and less dire than last year, but it will still be bumpy."
Yeo also predicted that the U.S. mortgage crisis would worsen and the stock market would plunge to new lows.
But Malaysian numerologist Weng Shi Ming suggested Obama's birth year would offset his bad luck. Weng said the symmetry of 1961 is "the perfect mix of ying and yang," rendering Obama "immune to the effects of 44."
The ox, one of 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, symbolizes calm, hard work, resolve and tenacity. According to legend, the ox allowed the cunning rat to ride on its head in a race to determine the animals' order. Shortly before the ox crossed the finish line, the rat leaped off to claim victory. The Year of the Rat was marked in 2008.
Among the world's luminaries born in the Year of the Ox: former U.S. President Richard Nixon (1913), former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (1925), Princess Diana (1961), and Hollywood actors George Clooney (1961) and Richard Gere (1949).
The lunar new year is the biggest annual festival for ethnic Chinese, who make up about one-fifth of the world's population. It is a time of lavish spending, when loved ones exchange "hong bao," or red envelopes stuffed with money. But this year's festivities will likely be more subdued amid the economic slump.
"What's important is that the family has a good time. There's no need to overspend," said Ooi Lee Mui, a Malaysian housewife shopping in Kuala Lumpur's Chinatown, where the season's gold lanterns and bright-hued flowers bedecked streets and stores.
Joey Yap, a feng shui expert in Malaysia, saw no economic recovery before 2010.
"It will be a daunting year. We haven't really reached the peak of the problems yet," Yap said. "We haven't tasted the main dish, and will most likely experience it during the second half of the year."
But feng shui master Lo saw a glimmer of hope. The combination of two elements changes every lunar year, and this time it's two earths, the element that represents harmony and peace. Not since 1949, when the world order was settling down after World War II, has an Ox Year seen two earth signs.
"It is a year for healing ... from the turbulent time the world has experienced," Lo said.
I'll go with this (only cuz i was born on the year of the OX and so was Obama =P)
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
What total BS, There is no way you could know if that stimulas package would work or not because such far reaching plans can take YEARS to reach its full potential. Like others have said you much be a Clairvoyant to be able to see years ahead in time that well
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
We should wait years so Obama can keep printing money, increasing our national debt, and tanking the value of the dollar? The evidence is everywhere that this doesn't work. It didn't work in Japan, it didn't work in the '70s, and it didn't work in the '30s. Why would it work now? The only thing this "plan" does is prolong the recession, tank our economy, and indebt our future for the next 20 or so years.
His plan thus far has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per job expected to be created. Its not in the least bit an effecient plan.
Expecting instant gratification much?
Expecting instant gratification much?
What makes you think that if it going to work, it'll work in the future. It's not possible. It should already be working by now if it was going to work.
This kid is 13. Ignore any and all opinions he has copy and pastes.
The Official God FAQ
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
LOL this is funny.
PBBG List.
Isn't it? it must suck to get dissed by a 13 year old though. Really which part is funny?
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
Yes I did hate it when people called me a little kid when I was 13, but then I grew up and realized that I was a little kid back then.
You trying to justify your mature intellect with shoe size and height is a prime example of what we're all saying.
Just don't try. Everyone here can tell you have no idea what you're talking about.
The Official God FAQ
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
seriously tempted to take up your offer,i would rape you so badly you won't be able to feel your ass by the end...
just a little starter if you can answer this without using in the internet (obviously i can't check) i'll admit you know something, why did Asquith not become Prime minister even though he had won the general election of 1905/6 in Great harsh i know...btw this is history in case you didn't realise...
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
Isn't it? it must suck to get dissed by a 13 year old though. Really which part is funny?
OH NO!!!!
Ive been dissed by a 13 year old, i am so ashamed to be dissed so.
On a side note this website really needs a sarcasm Smiley
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Isn't it? it must suck to get dissed by a 13 year old though. Really which part is funny?
OH NO!!!!
Ive been dissed by a 13 year old, i am so ashamed to be dissed so.
On a side note this website really needs a sarcasm Smiley
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
seriously tempted to take up your offer,i would rape you so badly you won't be able to feel your ass by the end...
just a little starter if you can answer this without using in the internet (obviously i can't check) i'll admit you know something, why did Asquith not become Prime minister even though he had won the general election of 1905/6 in Great harsh i know...btw this is history in case you didn't realise...
Your stupid and quite threatening. Your so scary. I've already been raped, beaten up, spit on, it all doesn't really matter, what matters it, is that you beating me down harder. Gee thanks. That was help.
OH DANG, retromonster just served you up a nice hot plate of PWN...his feet are so much bigger than yours!!!!
No but seriously...Did you really just try to win an intelectual argument with your height and shoe size?
I'm 6'2'' and wear size 14 shoes...I must be REALLY freaking smart
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
Yes I did hate it when people called me a little kid when I was 13, but then I grew up and realized that I was a little kid back then.
You trying to justify your mature intellect with shoe size and height is a prime example of what we're all saying.
Just don't try. Everyone here can tell you have no idea what you're talking about.
Believe me, I know im young and so this and that but I know exacly what I'm talking about. I didn't mean that my size means a thing, I was just saying that I'm not little and it ticks me off when a 6'3" Man walks up to me and says "Minime" so thats what I was saying.
So yeah your right. Size doesn't mean sh!t but still, I know exacly what I'm talking about.
--Say, no hard feelings, I get mixxed up sometimes too. You seem like an awesome user
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
Yes I did hate it when people called me a little kid when I was 13, but then I grew up and realized that I was a little kid back then.
You trying to justify your mature intellect with shoe size and height is a prime example of what we're all saying.
Just don't try. Everyone here can tell you have no idea what you're talking about.
Believe me, I know im young and so this and that but I know exacly what I'm talking about. I didn't mean that my size means a thing, I was just saying that I'm not little and it ticks me off when a 6'3" Man walks up to me and says "Minime" so thats what I was saying.
So yeah your right. Size doesn't mean sh!t but still, I know exacly what I'm talking about.
--Say, no hard feelings, I get mixxed up sometimes too. You seem like an awesome user
Perhaps if you conducted yourself in a way that made you seem like you were more than 13 years old people would give you some more respect...I joined this forum in what? 2003? So I was sixteen at the time...That's not much older than you, but nobody questioned the things that I wrote based strictly on my age because I presented things in a way that wasn't indicative of a 16 year old...I suggest you try doing so as well if you don't want to be treated like our little Buzkashi goat.
edit: Did you seriously imply that I was the one that got mixed up? hahaha, I love you, you crazy kid
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Sorry didnt realise he was that young, tho i should have from his posting history
Age doesn't matter. I'd bet you two hundred dollars that I would kick your ass at History, economy knowledge, and anything, you name it.
Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean didely squat. You should really look at yourself when you we're 13. Didn't hurt when people called you "Little Kid"
I'm almost 5'8" and in size 11 in halves in mens sizes
Think before you get dissed by a 13 year old B!tch
seriously tempted to take up your offer,i would rape you so badly you won't be able to feel your ass by the end...
just a little starter if you can answer this without using in the internet (obviously i can't check) i'll admit you know something, why did Asquith not become Prime minister even though he had won the general election of 1905/6 in Great harsh i know...btw this is history in case you didn't realise...
Your stupid and quite threatening. Your so scary. I've already been raped, beaten up, spit on, it all doesn't really matter, what matters it, is that you beating me down harder. Gee thanks. That was help.
If you can't take it when people 'PWN' you then do act so high and mighty. You challenged me, i took up your challenged, 'PWNED' you and now you go and cry...grow up...
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali