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Could someone throw some advice my way? My specs: p4 2.4ghz/ ATI Radeon (aiw) pro 128/ 1gig kingston ddr pc3200 sd ram.
Now I'm not jokeing but I'm on one of the least populated servers (somthing keep?), and I've tweaked with the settings like mad. I'm not looking for max graphics, but I don't want to be playing on extreme performance either.
Earlier on Saturday, I was playing on some really sweet graphics settings which was running at about 30-40fps. Than 4 hours later I tried logging in and I was running from 1-10fps. I didn't change a thing between that time. Now I've been forced to tweak with the settings even more, and I can barely play on balanced which gives me about 10-15fps.
Does anyone know what is going on? Any advice, I don't want to play this if it can't look decent, and run decent at the very least. Why was it running well the first time, than not? Or is my system whack? Thanks.
What kind of graphics card is it? You only said a Radeon AIW Pro, but what model? Maybe youve got soemthing overheating, try turning off your compute for awhile and see what happens when you play right away from startup.
Naa, Doubt it, Im sure its Just a LagFest!
This is EQ2.. Of course its going to lag! Of course, I think that was one of the major concerns that swept across forum boards everywhere... which was, This game may rock, but its going to be laggiest thing in the world! You wanted it so bad, guess you'll just need to get use to it
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
it's the ati. it is a brand model, not a generic. i don't buy generic, if i can help it.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
Actually, there is very little lag. ask around. most people who have played the game will tell you they have never had any at all. Personally, I've only had any noticable lag once and that was during beta in a very crowded part of the city. I'm not running the game on a top of the line system either. In fact most people around here would say my comp has less than average specs. The rare instances of lag appear to be on the users end. usually caused by graphics card issues, outdated drivers, etc.
Sorry to disapoint you
The lag has gotten progressively worse on my end.
The first day I played I had no problems. Now, even with pretty much everything set at its lowest setting, I have lag so bad that the game is absolutely unplayable. I have a pretty high end machine, so I know it's not the resources doing it.
But like I said, the lag is so bad for me that the game is unplayable. I played the WoW stress tests and open beta and never had a lag problem. I play L2 and never really have a lag problem. But with EQ2 it is awful, which is strange because the zones are so small in the game.
Most of the lag problems, if you use the recommended settings for your computer, are due to server over-population. Some zones have 100 plus folks in them, and you can still move.
Congratulations, I suppose your one of the lucky few, But I guess thats not why there are posts on forum boards like " I've got mad lag..."
Dissapointed? No
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
I remember when i played DOOM I on my i286 computer. Trust me you don't know what lag is...
Man i played all weekend on Blackburrow and its crowed -i have no lag issues at all .
Thought the game is running good .
You're an idiot. Lag is almost always not really lag, but underpowered-systems being overworked. I have had zero lag problems on an mid-upper system including well populated zones.
Why are you even posting here ?
Requiiem, Coercer
Requiiem, Templar
I've experienced really bad lag in North Qeynos. Everywhere else, I seem fine. My system specs are:
BFG 6800 GT 256 MB
AMD Thunderbird 2400+
1GB Corsair 2700
I've cranked the graphics settings to EXTREME PERFORMANCE and I've still experienced lag. Mind you, nowhere near what I get on Balanced or anything, but still some lag. Yesterday I was on and I left Task Manager open and ALT+TABbed out for a second to check it. Showed my CPU locked at around 99-100%. So, I think in my case, it's my CPU that's bottlenecking my system. Hopefully I'll be upgrading to a AMD64 939 3500+ in the next month or so and hope it rectifies my problems. I'll probably still go with only a gig of dual channel memory though.
Outside of town and anywhere else, I have relatively no lag. I have 0 lag on EXTREME PERFORMANCE settings outside of town or anywhere else. So, my issue is definitely system lag as opposed to network lag, so I can see how most people are not experiencing any lag.
If his system was running good at one point within everquest then i would guess that its not entirely his computer as an end user(as far as system specs go). But it could be due to latency to the server. I get lag on my amd 64 3400+ 4 gigs of ddr 400ram at cas 2.(ati xt800 256mb) 5mb cable connection.(on performnace setting/ no lightinf/shadows). Lag comes and goes for me in towns at times.. for a few seconds then come to run a few yards forwards its smooth as silk. I get lag in the shire area. I think its due to how many people are populating the area at the current time and also due to server fluctuation of latency. This doesnt stop me from enjoying thr game thus far though.
Calamities are of two kinds: Misfortune to ourselves and good fortune to others
So does anyone have any helpful ideas about my situation? I forgot to mention that I'm running on a T1 connection.
I have read somewhere that eq2 had a memory leak which is causing slowdowns if launched... played for few hours /quit to desktop/ then started again. They suggested after a few hours rebooting then start Eq2 again. This is what i read somewhere and may not be much help but could be worth a try. I'm sure you did all the driver updates and defrag etc.. so that area is covered. Is you lag constant? Mine seems to happen only in certain spots or when in certain groups. Although it happens allot in cities.Did you set in performance section/options.. to set v-sync to match? That gave me an extra boost in frame per sec and lighting set"Max Bumpy Point Distance" to -1 made a big fps improvement. Anyways here is a good disscussion on how to tweak the settings...
I hope this helps a little.