Well, that was a graph of the US electricity rates. I didn't really bother to look at other countries because I was short on time and pissed off at my school. Being that they are based in the UK I should have looked there first.
S'ok. no worries. I'm pretty interested in it anyway.
To tell the truth the more I consider it, the less I think that the stuff like the poor economic situation and such like had much of an impact on Jagex's decision to raise prices. It's more like they wanted/needed to do it anyway for a whole bunch of reasons and so they went ahead and did it and then I think people like me over-analysis the situation, needlessly.
Part of the problem is the whole damn secrecy surrounding everything thing that happens. I mean why can't they just say what's going on?
In other news, I'm sorry to hear about the bug-shittiness that has ruined your account and lost you all that dosh. I can only imagine how crap that must be.
how lamer could this game get, they are increasing membership by .95 cents due to "inflation"... lmao to all who play this....stop ,i found better things to do with the time i use to spend on this lame game
Also,Jagex and their staff members: Find something better to with ur money and ur lifes
oh stfu sick of fuckin idiots like you think they know it all dont like the game dont fuckin play it thers plenty of games whos subscripton coasts are higher telling jagex members to get a life thats a laugh
oh stfu sick of fuckin idiots like you think they know it all dont like the game dont fuckin play it thers plenty of games whos subscripton coasts are higher telling jagex members to get a life thats a laugh
Defending jagex is like defending a murderer that raped, and then killed your mother.
how lamer could this game get, they are increasing membership by .95 cents due to "inflation"... lmao to all who play this....stop ,i found better things to do with the time i use to spend on this lame game
Also,Jagex and their staff members: Find something better to with ur money and ur lifes
oh stfu sick of fuckin idiots like you think they know it all dont like the game dont fuckin play it thers plenty of games whos subscripton coasts are higher telling jagex members to get a life thats a laugh
Wow thanks mods you really know how to do your jobs
I get a couple posts deleted & warnings a month for posts more intelligent and with absolutely no cursing, but this guy gets away with this? This honestly makes me laugh at what a joke some of the mods on this site are.
Now that I think about it there's been other posts in the RS forum with atleast 12 curse words in them with people arguing that weren't deleted either.
Hey how's it going? I've been watching alot of Prank Calls lately and I plan on doing one to Jagex soon...just choosing the right soundboard to use lol.
Once again you are honest and your point is straight forward plus you are experiencing it "first hand" so I totally believe you.
Well, that was a graph of the US electricity rates. I didn't really bother to look at other countries because I was short on time and pissed off at my school. Being that they are based in the UK I should have looked there first.
S'ok. no worries. I'm pretty interested in it anyway.
To tell the truth the more I consider it, the less I think that the stuff like the poor economic situation and such like had much of an impact on Jagex's decision to raise prices. It's more like they wanted/needed to do it anyway for a whole bunch of reasons and so they went ahead and did it and then I think people like me over-analysis the situation, needlessly.
Part of the problem is the whole damn secrecy surrounding everything thing that happens. I mean why can't they just say what's going on?
In other news, I'm sorry to hear about the bug-shittiness that has ruined your account and lost you all that dosh. I can only imagine how crap that must be.
I hope gift-trading comes in somehow, soon.
oh stfu sick of fuckin idiots like you think they know it all dont like the game dont fuckin play it thers plenty of games whos subscripton coasts are higher telling jagex members to get a life thats a laugh
$7 is not alot of money, but it's important that you know what your doing, and what your doing with that money.
Defending jagex is like defending a murderer that raped, and then killed your mother.
oh stfu sick of fuckin idiots like you think they know it all dont like the game dont fuckin play it thers plenty of games whos subscripton coasts are higher telling jagex members to get a life thats a laugh
Wow thanks mods you really know how to do your jobs
I get a couple posts deleted & warnings a month for posts more intelligent and with absolutely no cursing, but this guy gets away with this? This honestly makes me laugh at what a joke some of the mods on this site are.
Now that I think about it there's been other posts in the RS forum with atleast 12 curse words in them with people arguing that weren't deleted either.
Hey how's it going? I've been watching alot of Prank Calls lately and I plan on doing one to Jagex soon...just choosing the right soundboard to use lol.