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Three Canadian organizations fear that Canada will soon legalize polygamy.
The Canada Family Action Coalition (CFAC) has joined the Institute for Canadian Values and the Muslim Canadian Congress to issue a news release called "Polygamy - The Road to Fiscal, Legal, and Social Chaos." A poll conducted by Compass Research for CFAC shows that 85 percent of Canadians do not want the government to legalize polygamy.
Executive director of CFAC Brian Rushfeldt says the poll is in response to a court case in British Columbia in which two men are challenging the polygamy ban based on the fact that Canada has already legalized homosexual "marriage."
"We said this from day one. If we destroy the foundational premise of marriage as one man and one woman and open it up to any two people, which is to appease the homosexuals," he notes, "then we're going to have other groups and others forms of relationship using the same argument that the homosexuals did."
Rushfeldt believes that would make it impossible to set any parameters for marriage. "Are they going to say one man and ten women or one man and 20 women? Then the women are going to say what about one woman and 20 men?" he contends. "And so we will virtually put ourselves in a position where we cannot put a definition on marriage, and therefore marriage will no longer exist in the law."
The pro-family leader does not expect a ruling on this case until sometime in the fall.
I love my dog so much...and my goat,cat,etc
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
The problem with polygamy is that you have to find enough partners who are into that.
I have watched shows with Mormon polygamists, and the men always look haggard and exhausted. I can understand why.
Keeping just one woman happy is a fulltime job -- I can't imagine what two or three would be like. Yeesh. Crazy, crazy crazy.
That being said, IF that's what you really want, go for it. It's your life and it's your funeral.
That's the thing. You know why women on average live longer than men? Because they drive men to their graves. Now compound that with being married to multiple women at once. Seriously, that's just messed up.
Point taken...but they use the same argument that the gays used to change the law,that being said the slippery slope argument bears witness.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
That's the thing. You know why women on average live longer than men? Because they drive men to their graves. Now compound that with being married to multiple women at once. Seriously, that's just messed up.
One woman for one life is more than enough for me.
One of the things I noticed is that what seems to happen sometimes is this crazy dynamic that is truly scary. The elder wives adopt the younger sister wives as if they were little sisters/daughters. The women then gank the man on freaking everything. Everyone who knows me knows I love women -- I have at least as many women friends as men.
The idea of being ganked on a regular basis by sister/wives is terrifying. Well, in bed it might be fun -- but everywhere else it would be a nightmare. No way a man could win ever in that situation.
I have some acquaintances that have a foursome -- that SEEMS to work out better, but one couple prefers one another so there is some tension there. Been awhile since I've talked with any of them, so I'm not sure how that's working out.
Well yeah. People who are in favor of keeping marraige between a man and a woman for social stability have always said that if you legalize gay marraige you have to also legalize polygamy. I would agree. It wouldn't seem quite fair to redifine marraige in one manner but not allow others who want to redefine another way to do so. But most advocates of gay marraige are against legalizing polygamy. Not exactly sure why, but I think most argue that there is only a tiny minority who are in favor of polygamy. But by that rationale, numbers aren't the criteria. The simple fact that there are those who are in favor of it should be sufficient. I'm not sure why gay marraige advocates would be in favor of redining marraige one way but not allowing it to be redifined another way. Seems hypocritical to me.
Well yeah. People who are in favor of keeping marraige between a man and a woman for social stability have always said that if you legalize gay marraige you have to also legalize polygamy. I would agree. It wouldn't seem quite fair to redifine marraige in one manner but not allow others who want to redefine another way to do so. But most advocates of gay marraige are against legalizing polygamy. Not exactly sure why, but I think most argue that there is only a tiny minority who are in favor of polygamy. But by that rationale, numbers aren't the criteria. The simple fact that there are those who are in favor of it should be sufficient. I'm not sure why gay marraige advocates would be in favor of redining marraige one way but not allowing it to be redifined another way. Seems hypocritical to me.
Yup. It's definitely hypocritiical. As you would imagine, since I favor human self-ownership, I believe anyone of a mind to contract can make any marriage contract they want, as long as all individuals are capable of contract.
The government has no place in such things other than recognition and to protect the parties right to contract. In fact, that part of it is one of the proper functions of government.
I want to preface this discussion with the fact that I can feel the hate coming from some of your (not just Zin here) posts. Oh and polygamy means having more than one spouse, not just one man being married to several women although admittedly that would probably be the most common case. Now I would like to answer Zinds question despite the stench in this thread.
The gay advocates are against polygamy because such marriages are very likely to be heterosexual, involve a family where both the mother and the father are simultaneously present and husband and wife. This pushes back the gay agenda that supposedly doesn't exist.
There, I said it.
I don't agree with polygamy because I believe that there are several unhealthy and undesirable things at work in such a marriage where you are his or hers' mate #198689 and you have a dozen offspring that may or not be yours in a beehive/ant colony. However where a male can convince a dozen females to marry him it is unlikely that they will leave him, and the image of a heterosexual family foundation regaining any kind of prominence probably bothers a lot of the gay activists.
Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien
Ah, so understanding what a superior woman wants from her man, being deleriously happy to provide it for her, and also being willing to joke about it is hate?
My my.
I'm fully in support of polygamy or partnerships of any type, marriage should maybe be replaced by a freeform contract either specifically worded for each occasion or using fitting default templates if not, essentially making this a m:n relationship (since if you can have gender 1:n and same gender combinations, what's stopping you from making mixed groups of whatever weird combinations suits your desires acting as one family). Social customs and religion should suck it up.
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Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.
I want to preface this discussion with the fact that I can feel the hate coming from some of your (not just Zin here) posts. Oh and polygamy means having more than one spouse, not just one man being married to several women although admittedly that would probably be the most common case. Now I would like to answer Zinds question despite the stench in this thread.
The gay advocates are against polygamy because such marriages are very likely to be heterosexual, involve a family where both the mother and the father are simultaneously present and husband and wife. This pushes back the gay agenda that supposedly doesn't exist.
There, I said it.
I don't agree with polygamy because I believe that there are several unhealthy and undesirable things at work in such a marriage where you are his or hers' mate #198689 and you have a dozen offspring that may or not be yours in a beehive/ant colony. However where a male can convince a dozen females to marry him it is unlikely that they will leave him, and the image of a heterosexual family foundation regaining any kind of prominence probably bothers a lot of the gay activists.
Would you please point out the hatred in my post? I know this is a common tactic used by people of opposing views and, indeed, I can't guarantee that this thread won't head in that direction. But in a deliberate attempt to be diplomatic, I used nothing but logic to make my point. And still I took a hit. Just goes to show that you can never win with some people.
what are you talking about?
Love can't be shared!!!
In part this is true, but it's really more true of the women's movement than it is of the gay movement, and it's one of the main reasons why the women's movement is in support of same sex marriage (apart from the fact that lesbians continue to be very prominent in the leadership of the women's movement) -- it denorms to an even greater degree the idea of H and W being present in a family, which has been a key goal (one could say the central goal) of the women's movement since the 70s.
For the gay movement, I think the main reason it has come out against polygamy is because it is politically advantageous. They are well aware that the same logic used to support same sex marriage can be applied to other kinds of non-traditional relationships, and that this argument is often deployed by the anti-same-sex marriage movement. So one way to get around that argument is to come out forcefully *against* extending marriage "rights" to polyamorous arrangements. If polyamorous arrangements are adopted and permitted under the logic that led to same sex marriage being adopted and permitted, gay people know that this will lead to it taking much longer for same sex marriage to be adoped more broadly than it already has been (for example, in most of the United States).
So I think in part it's following the logic of the women's movement, as you point out, and in part it is political expediency as well in terms of not allowing something to happen which could undermine the further spread of same sex marriage.
That's the thing. You know why women on average live longer than men? Because they drive men to their graves. Now compound that with being married to multiple women at once. Seriously, that's just messed up.
In the end it can be narrowed down to the decision: a short and awesome life or a long and less awesome one?
Yeah, what he said. I am in definite agreeance.
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WTF?! there is no way to share my love with others