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Greetings Reclamation Fans

RadiowaveRadiowave Member Posts: 9

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment to stop by and introduce myself to all of you.  I'm the owner of MMORadio and I happen to be a former player of Underlight.  Its been quite some time since I have been in the City of Dreams and I do miss it but I'm especially excited to watch the news on Reclamation.

MMORadio IS planning on broadcasting news and fan opinion about Reclamation when the time comes and we also have plans to broadcast on air shows and live entertainment for the players of Reclamation when the game goes live to the public.

We are looking for Underlight players who might be interested in becoming DJ's for MMORadio when the time comes.  Our station is owned and run completely by hard core gamers and role-players like you so when we take an interest in an up and coming game, our listeners want to hear it from the horses mouths. 

This station is completely for gamers, not gaming companies, to profit from.  If your interested in becoming the voice for the people in Reclamation on MMORadio, please drop us an email at and mention Reclamation so we know which game your interested in.  Come check us out at

Ok now for the personal stuff.. I'm dying to know if I will be able to play a fatesender or soulmaster again :)  I was peeking on the Reclamation website but couldn't find any information on that.  Anyone know? lol

Thanks and if anyone wants to email me personally, don't message me here because it will take forever to get to me but send me an email at or just PM me on

Talk to you all soon



  • Dragon_ULDragon_UL Member Posts: 18

    Good to see ya taking notice to the game, I myself as well as many others are eagerly waiting for the release.

    As far as the Focus's go, Yes, you can be a Fatesender, or a Soulmaster.  And the other two that wa sin Underlight, Gatekeeper and Dreamseer.

    As a side note, there are 4 other foci as well.  The section is under Game Info > Encyclopedia > Foci.

    Or just follow the link :P


  • JMandrakeJMandrake Member Posts: 139

    what Dragon said!


    oh yea and always nice to see old face coming out of the woodwork.

  • magnetulmagnetul Member Posts: 1

    Hello there,
    I have listetened to MMO radio for some time :)
    I think it would be a great idea for rec however one thing I know about Lyra is that they are strict on IC/OOC rules.

    So I dont think there wouold be any big probly with general chat, but possibly a problem with a DJ announcing that there is a Mare attack in such and such area ::::06::

    Just my view but hopefully Lyra (if intrested) Would allow this.

    and momma always told me I had a face for radio and a voice for a mime. :)


    err ack.. I just want to add that my thoughts and opinions are of mine and no one elses::::08::

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