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   While playing World of Warcraft over the last few days, I've noticed that sometimes players make extremely harsh comments to people from other countries that cannot speak English as well as we can.  Someone will ask for help or try to answer the question of another player.....or just try to join in on a conversation....and because they speak broken English there's always at least one jerk that will chime in with some really shitty and cruel comment like, "WHO TAUGHT YOU ENGLISH??"  I can't even begin to tell you how offensive this is to me.  It's so childish and inconsiderate, and yet, when I ask for them to be treated with a little more patience and understanding people pounce on me within seconds like I'm the one being a meany.  My question is, would YOU say anything?  How would these comments make you feel?  Will this stop once the game comes out and there are GM's to handle this?  I hope so, because people are sort of treating eachother like dirt right now and I didn't notice this in the other betas I played.  On the flip side, I have a new friend from China and he's really a sweet person.  HI MING!!!!image ..... image If you hear something like this in-game, beta or otherwise, please speak up and let people know that it's NOT OK!!!!!!!! image 

Thanks, Ginny

Ginny from Halas

Ginny from Halas


  • TaskyZZTaskyZZ Member Posts: 1,476

    I see it all the time in online gaming and real life. Some poeple just do not have a clue as to how to deal with other people.

    My wife is Korean and one of my best friends is Russian. I am always correcting their English, because they want me to. And we laugh sometimes when they say stuff funny, but I never rip on them for it. My wife always tells me I talk like a four year old when I speak Korean, except that I know all the cuss words :)

    And you never see people ripping on other poeple for it in real life. Only online where there are no repercussions do people act like total asses.

    I myself have no problem dealing with people who speak broken English online. In fact, I would prefer grouping with people from other countries, because if they are willing to group with you and you are willing to group with them, that usually means that both of you are repectful of the fact that you are from another culture and are willing to accept it.

  • KayosKayos Member UncommonPosts: 6

    I agree, I don't think it's right at all. I haven't seen alot of it since I've been playing. The fact that alot of people from other countries can speak and type more then one language is a pretty awesome accomplishment. And the people complaining who have spoken english all their lives can barely type properly.

    Just the other day I was grouped with 2 people from Hungary and they were really great, we died a bunch of times but we had a fun time. Their english was a bit broken but it doesn't bother me at all.

    BAN ;)



    (insert pretty sig here)

    Kayos Theory
    Rogue at Heart

  • punkrockpunkrock Member Posts: 1,777

    i find it really mean when people do that. but dont worry alot of time those are the people that dont get the game hehe. for that i have seen anyways

  • vmopedvmoped Member Posts: 1,708

    Yes it is a shame that some people will mock others based on their inability to speak english very well, but I just take this is a sign of their ignorance or bigotry.  Cheers to those who don't speak english as a primary language, yet try to. image

    MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S

  • Crono1000Crono1000 Member Posts: 128
    yea i see that alot to somthing should be done about it but the fact is that it happens in most games and all i can say is that they are mosty 10 YO who have everything they want, and his parents pay his supscription (when it comes out)and doesent care about others feelings our they just dont understand yet how hard it is to learn a language(currently learning Japanese could be the hardest mental challenge ive ever had lol)but yea to wrap that up to one sentince it pisses me off lol

    but most of them will be cut out when game does start to cost money =)

    WoW Destromath!
    Revion lvl 70 Warrior

    Altar of Storms
    Smeagol 60 Paladin

    Revion 60 Rogue

  • tephystephys Member Posts: 128

    You'll find that those people who are rude as you described are simply ignorant. They are people who grew up in a uniform, homogeneous society with little contact to other cultures. They are in their own "little" world.

    On the other hand, people who grew up in multicultural settings have no problem tolerating and interacting with any people. They are more capable of understanding and tend to frown on intolerance. They don't blame other "peoples" on issues that negatively impact them and more constructively focus on more important issues in life.

    At the worst, you have xenophobia, where fear of other cultures comes out either in attacks or avoidance. These phobias are mainly a result of upbringing more than anything else.

  • PaganchildPaganchild Member Posts: 159

    I agree. People can be VERY rude. You ask in/ooc for some information, and you get "STFU n00b!" or "Are you a stupid a$$?" and many more colorful insults. It gets to the point where I actually feel like turning off OOC chat ( if I knew how), because there are so many rude remarks and people just being plain asses to each other. ::::21::

    Level 21 Gnomish Mage

    Level 19 Night Elf Hunter

    Silvermoon server

  • RadmuzRadmuz Member Posts: 85

    Isn't it interesting that frequently a person who has not done the work of learning more then one language is making these types of comments. Who is the "unlearned" one, the person who knows two languages or the one who has only learned one?


    I have good friends that speak either French or German as their primary language. The French speaking friend puts things together in English is some very funny ways at times. He knows he does and we laugh together over them. However I had so much admiration for him, because he has done more work then I have so we can be friends.


    My German friend and I fight over politics, or at least argue some over them privately. It is a great learning experience for both of us. Her English is actually extremely good and she is always wanting to improve upon it. She does miss sometimes in what she says, but not often. When she does she wants a friend to coach her a bit on where she missed it. Again this is a friend who has done more work then I have so we can be friends.


    Those gamers who make the extra effort to speak a second language while gaming are admired by most mature gamers and add so much to the enjoyment of us all. I would hate to see the relationships we have lost.

  • crushrcrushr Member Posts: 27

    I personally am a dutch native speaker, but i surely know how to talk and read/write in english.
    When some $%^$ complains about my grammar or even the difference between US english and UK english (Color Vs Colour, etc) i can, and will, get pretty P-ed off.
    I wanna bed a million that i can speak better english then many americans can speak dutch (if they can even speak another language).
    When you can understand what is being said; don't complain, but respect someone for trying. image

    PS: Korean is a funny language. I've been there once for my sport and it is like learning secret code. At once point i could actually read it (letter by letter) but i had no clue what i said image.
    "where the toilet?"
    "its on that sign, i tought you can read it?"
    "i can, but i have no clue what Hwangsanril (or something like that) means"
    "It means toilet..."
    ".. ah .. "

  • Mad-E-FactMad-E-Fact Member Posts: 70

    In this particular case you should take into account that it's an -US- open beta, so you normally expect the players to speak english somehow fluently. Howover, a large portion of the current players are obviously from different parts of the world, so infact you can't be sure if you're talking to a foreigner or just an american who quit school after the 4th grade. In most cases though the rude and cruel ones turn out to be the latter.
    A lot of people I met and grouped with were foreigners (myself included) and most of them were nice and friendly, but I hate when I try to talk to someone (I played on the WC RP server btw) and get ignored, as I never know if they can't understand me or just don't give a damn.

  • jsnockjsnock Member Posts: 18

    I honestly don't know why anyone would WANT to play on American servers...personally I'd like to play on a Euro/Aussie server but that won't be allowed either :/ . Don't get me wrong I love my country but all the bnet kiddies get to me after a while. Don't pay attention to morons who make those kind of comments online. Chances are they are just trolls who want to make the most trouble possible. I always take those comments to mean I will take anything that person says into consideration again. Not to be rude but I've seen just as many hateful comments about America from foreigners as well so the door swings both ways. I just don't understand people who hate, we ALL have more in common than different. ::::28:: I know a bit sappy but true.

  • KidMoeKidMoe Member Posts: 3

    Insulting somebody on an mmorpg is like insulting someone over the phone. Cowardly. They wouldn't do it in real life, because they'd get smacked in the face. And they don't do it in real life, because they're really a weedy little nerd with parents that have more money than sense.

    Take it on the chin, and get a screenie if possible. Because what would mummy say if little Timmy has just thrown away that 6 month subscription.

    P.S By "mummy" i mean mommy, for you americans. image

  • MykosMykos Member Posts: 2

    I have seen a lot of these type comments as well.  It really is ridiculous for peopel to act the way they do, but such is the thigns we see in online worlds.  I can only hope that with Open mBeta over and people having to purchase the game that this will reduce its self at release.

    I tend to put people that show insulting and low intelligence remakrs on my ignore lsit quickly.  I hope the release lsit is big enough to handle the many I am sure that will need it.


    Exiled Community Leader

  • GreyinnamGreyinnam Member Posts: 43

    I think this is going to be a larger problem on WoW than any other MMORPG simply because of the Diablo kiddies and all the under 18 people that blizzard is going to attract....

    I dont think it will matter on the PVP servers as alot of ppl i know love to group with foreinger (god my spelling sucks) simply cause it is funny when they talk and it helps you to work with them and broken english for when you find someone in the real world that doesnt speak english as a primary language......


    but i've never known this to be a problem with any MMORPG until i read this....   which is why i am lead to beleive that is cause of the ppl blizzard attracts

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