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Our guild vault was robbed tonight. Everything is gone. Everything we collected since the early start for Warhammer is gone, work of 60+ players. HERE is a link to an article I wrote about this on our guild site with the screenshot of my CSR conversation.
Future Feature : Warhammer Online needs logs for guild vaults. Right now, today, anyone can completely empty your guild vault and you will never be able to find out who it was. Just like what happened to us. CSR won't tell you even if someone actually took the items or if it's a bug. There is no logs you can check. Nothing. Gone, done, move on. No logs in a AAA title. This is insane.
60+ people is pretty decent guild size. More likely that one of them just decided to clean house.
Sounds like an inside job to me.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
Sure it is. Something like this happened to my kinship in lotro, someone cleaned some of the chests in the kinhouse. We never found out who was.
sounds like the start of one great story...i highly suggest finding out who it is and hunting him down (ingame).
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
its just a matter of time really. look for the guy who suddenly wants to quit the guild. Someone walking around with that much loot will brag about it to someone at somepoint.
I know it suck cuz open guilds are nice and no agro but, human nature being what it is, you will have to restrict the vault to two people. The leader and the 2nd. Thats it. if your stuff goes walkies then it won't be hard to find out who did it. It's a pain for other guild mates but it's better than getting rolled.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
Never have I heard of such a shocking injustice I cared so little about.
Wow. Deep.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
Check to see who the last person was that you gave access to for the guild vault......I'm not sure how restricitve access is in WAR but if it has been safe to this point I'd suspect someone that has recently been given access.......Like another said also check to see if anyone just leaves out of the blue.
That's what you get for assigning guild permissions and promotions carelessly.
A vault log sounds like a good idea. You should suggest this to Mythic, IMO. While it wouldn't prevent guild vaults from being robbed this way, at least you'd know which officer did it.
The person who did this is still in your guild. It's gonna happen again.
This wouldn't work. Too many suspects fit that profile these days in the game. Especially with some guilds doing the "Quit/Rejoin/Quit/Rejoin" for guild points. Did your guild engage in that trying to get a higher level? If so, you'll never even be close to finding out simply by who just quit; because you all would have been "just quitting". (at least for the day)
That guild is really just beat.. CSR's don't give people bags dropped properly in raids but that bugged half the time, so no way they get a full bank back. Just chock it up as a learning experience and have your guildmaster be smarter about setting limits on who gets access.
I'll have to defend Mythic 100% here. Shoddy leadership and oversight led to this I would say, or maybe your tax rates were too high in your guild and someone wanted a "rebate".
This is a lesson never to trust anyone from the internet. Only give permission to people in your guild you can trust (ie. your guild officers). It might be troublesome for the officers to get things out for members but in the long run there's better security and prevent anyone from just easily wiping out your guild bank. Another system we set in place is to assign a couple of guild officers as quartermasters, they are in charge of getting things out to guild members who requested it and mail it via in-game mail. They're given money allowance for this job (also to pay for mailing fees) from the guild bank.
Also understand that game companies can't reveal information like from logs and stuff to other players due to privacy laws. Although GMs can check logs to see what players are doing at any given time they can't reveal them to another player due to the TOS agreement (plus you wouldn't like it either if a GM is spying on you and revealing your private chat to a third party).
I'm very sorry this happened to you and your guild. It's not really your fault for trusting others.
Yes, we can all say you should have set permissions etc, but nobody seems to be blaming the prick who did this to you.
If I was working for Mythic, I'd want this asshole banned forever. They are no better than a low life thief.
If you can state which server you are on, and if indeed we are on the same server, I would like to help you.
I don't have loads of items but I can offer some lower level stuff if you want it.
Best of luck, Amafi
He's on Magnus.
It IS his fault this happened. After reading his link, It turns out HE'S the guildmaster, and the one who left the door wide open. The OP, and the OP alone, had the ultimate responsiblity to lock his own vault. He chose not to. In this case, his guild named "We Are Right" was clearly wrongheaded here. This part now is just unnecessary QQing.. literally.
So he's got all these lower level people joining the game and his guild, and he has no idea who they are, or where they come from but they can go right into the bank anyways? That's about as dumb as a sack of hammers, lol. Could have been anyone.. someone he or his guild pissed off, then made an alt. Then he starts beating on the poor CSR for not "confirming it" even though the CSR clearly says it's not likely an issue with the vault, because others can see things and draw from it. He then goes on to threaten the CSR, which is wholly unacceptable conduct for a guildmaster. Not once, but several times.
I have no problems defending unwilling victims when raped, but this dude was walking around with no panties on and letting people hit it anyways... someone just took a little too much, thats all. He claims in the post here that all he and his 60+ guildies worked for is gone. Yet, in the screenshot, he's telling the CSR that it was "all the things that his 130 guildies slaved for over the past 6 months." Here on MMORPG, its 60. To the Mythic people, its over twice that number. Playing the victim usually means, you consistently play the victim and not try to pump up your story with fabrications to get what you want.
Funny... I don't see him with any posts in forums championing about Mythic not having logs for six months of "slaving" that he and his guildies did, but now all of a sudden after he got robbed from his own gullibility/stupidity, they are to blame. Just put in the official request for logs and move on. Not sure what else you are looking for here but sympathy?
Sorry, but as cruel as it sounds... I don't feel for you one bit, dawg.
EVE has corrupted me. In both AoC and WAR, everytime I looked in my guild's vault I kept thinking "you know, i could empty this out, and use or sell it all and nobody would ever know".
That major guilds don't get pillaged from the inside by people amazes me, altho with WAr and other games, the GMs would probably end up helping recover the stuff and protect carelessness.
Just to answer few commensta dn questions :
1. Our guild now has over 130 characters with a limit on alts. It was 60 at launch. The things that are gone are mainly result of work from the original 60.
2. HERE is the announcement for the steps I took to prevent this form happening in the future.
3. I did acknowledge that it was my "fault" that people who could not be trusted got into the guild vault. Our forum members are currently voting if they want to replace me on poll located HERE.
4. CSR refused to tell me who took the items ( even though i am the guild leader ).
5. We are on the Magnus server ( order side ).
I can tell you all that you never ever expect stuff like this to happen and it's always a surprise. It will not happen again. You expect stuff like this to happen in guilds who accept younger crowd, but we are all adults in this guild. You would think this kind of stuff would not happen.
Trust no one.
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
Yeah, only hard working, loyal gaming people like taxes, lol. And why would the thief care if you raised the tax to 90%? They are already rich. I hope you don't further assume that anyone who leaves the guild because they just saw a 15% increase in their tax (through no fault of their own) is a freeloading thief, hehe. I guess if you lose 30 people, it was a conspiracy then.
I think you should stop writing when you are angry. You can lose good points that way. I think saying "Hey everyone... We just got ripped off. We need to make it back to continue our guild activities. Who doesn't like this idea?" Then put up a vote.
Nothing like guild drama to crack you up.
well if one steals all that stuff he needs to sell it too.. maybe youl get lucky finding a low lvl selling hundreds on items on AH just check all members on AH, should take less then 1 or so
Since I read this, I have a different opinion of in game scams.
Imagine a rag tag band of real life thugs joining forces but not knowing eachother well ... you wouldn't trust everyone of those with the location of your life savings, would you? I've led a guild in WAR as well and I always kept one of the vaults for officers and GM ;-
edit: oops, linked the wrong scam! I ment this one:
My brand new bloggity blog.
I took it all bud, thanks for the loot
I took it all bud, thanks for the loot
You must be one of those gutless fools who claim to have committed crimes yet haven't the balls to do it yourself..You just try and claim credit for an appalling act..Shame on you.. You are nothing but a cold and timid soul..You will never amount to anything..
still I did it heehee
The question we must ask ourselves is very simple.
Who the hell cares? Furthermore, why is he even telling us this? Does he want us to kiss the boo boo and make it go away? Does he want pity? Sympathy?
The only thing that can be done about to past is learning from it.
Well, I care..maybe because i'm human and I hate to see people robbed.
Yes, we can all learn from our past..And maybe at some point YOU will need your booboo kissed!
Maybe if something bad happened to you, then you could sympathise.
If not, then lucky you..
But I believe in Karma..
This is true, but that's why people make alts. There's tons of alts selling high level stuff that people do legit everyday. Sell from an alt; no one can track you. This booty is long gone, there's no finding it.