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In a recent Producer's Letter to the EverQuest II community, the folks at EQ2 say they will be rethinking the recent revamp to the fighter archetypes and they are looking for player input to help them determine how to proceed.
Recently we’ve been working on some changes to the fighter classes, particularly in the way that they manage hate. Our intent was to adjust these classes so that fighters would rely more on their taunts and abilities to gain and hold aggro and less on high DPS and hate buffs from DPS classes.
Why do we feel this is necessary?
Well, we’ve been talking since the last Fan Faire about how we’ve drifted away from the hate management and damage sink that tanks were originally intended to be. With this, there has also been an increase in the DPS that tanks have been doing while in combat. This begins to impinge on the role that we’ve envisioned for the Scout and Mage classes, and we feel that moving forward we need to make some adjustments, as it is increasingly difficult for us to do proper and cohesive game balancing as the lines get more blurred.
We introduced this to the test server in early January and the response from the community was strong. Recognizing that this is a very sensitive and delicate topic, we postponed the revamp for more testing and evaluation.
In the end, with all of your feedback, we’ve decided to re-examine the structure of the fighter revamp.
Read more here.
I have been playing EQ2 for a LONG time, and while I am out of the game now, I dont understand why they want to make such a deep change to an overall running system?
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
well this is a disaster just waitingto happen. Honestly, the fighter class needs a few tweaks but not to the scale they are wanting to doit. I swear at tiems i think Sony likes to run people off
It sounds like they just need more people playing on Test Server to give more feedback because there is no overall consensus on what exactly it is that needs to be done.
Whatever they end up doing though, they need to do it quick because a lot of people are getting bored and have been looking forward to the new content and changes for a long time now . I've never taken a month off since I started playing in over 4 years now but I've been considering it lately and waiting for this LU to happen is making the choice to take some time off sound more and more appealing.
I dont agree with you guys at all..
The changes to fighters is so much velcome in my opinion, this was how they first made fighters, and over time we have changed into something we are not..
A class that is tanking should be able to out dps the dps you have in a group/raid at all, not even come close..
As it is right now you can make a raid filled with shadowknights, chanters, bards and healers, there really is no need for anything else, cause those 4 classes makes up for everything you might need..
Shadowknights can do GREAT dps, tank and take a beating all in the same time..
They do need to change something, and making us into a "taunt" bot seems like a very good idea to me..
OFC, they will need to make us be able to do dps while in offensive stance, but the we should not be able to take any beatings at all, mtigation should be lowered to that of a scout with same quality of gear, but in defensive our dps should be close nothing only giving from our autoattacks and hate giving ca's..
Just my 2cp
I dont have followed the planned changed in every detail, but the label "taunt bot" sounds like the worst nightmare to me, TBH. When I played Warrior or Paladin in EQ2, it was... well like I wanted to be a fighter, someone dishing out damage with my huge 2handed axe, not be a taunt-spammer. I never liked this conception of "tanks" just being a mere meat-shield. It kinda feel quite un heroic when all you do is spam taunt and let yourself get beat. I dunno who enjoys doing such a thing, but I certainly dont. I always preferred to hold the aggro via the damage output and maybe put aggro raising elements inside certain attacks, but standing there like a statue and just yelling at the enemy all the time doesnt sound like fun to me.
Again, it worked so long, why change a running system? Sorry, but thats something only SOE can pull off.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert