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So i quit RS about a year and a half ago, about the time of the massive horrible horrible update in which they ruined pvp, trading and everything that i found fun about the game.
I've been getting kinda bored with WOW lately and I'm kinda looking for a game to play on the side for awhile. I played RS for 2 years, i gave my account away because i was totaly fed up with the game.
So my question for you is would it be worth comming back or did they mess up the game more?
oh and PS, one thing that really pissed me off about RS was the language filter, have they made that a bit more linient?
It still sucks, they improved the language filter a bit though.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
It is getting lamer by the day .. lol some things never change.
Random Runescape Review:
"Whereas the initial appeal is nice and there are a few new things to check out, it quickly gets old. The maps are plentiful but have little to do on them and the graphics are mediocre at best and honestly bad. There is almost nothing new and the quests are tedious collections, message sendings, monster killings, nothing new. The grinding is horrible and if you make a mistake and die, you lose all your money and your best of your equipment. Fights incorperate less strategy than a game like maplestory! You dont just hack and slash and jump and cast, you stand and hack. Without the slash. Like, there is so little interaction. The games sound has nice appeal and isnt bad but Id say Id rather stick to my iPod. Also, there should be more high level and low level appeal. Tutorial island should be skippable. They need to do something about the hacking. 5.6 would go 4.6 but looking at my too kind reviews, yeah. Im not Simon (americans will probably know the reference) but Im not going to let go easy on it. It sucks, Im sorry. Again, its initial appeal is all Id play it for. Like every game maker that gets players, they can make it seem better than it is until youre in the game. I dont like this game. Sorry!"
and yes, rs is as lame a usual. glad to see you, devilicious. cant wait for mechscape
It gets worse and worse every year. Hopefully MechScape will be Jagex's saving grace.
Meh, RuneScape failed the day they decided on listening to all the morons who need to learn to play. All the updates you see today, all of those were implemented because some idiotic newbie didn't know how to play or didn't have any common sence and got scammed/hacked.
The trade limit is more of a hindrance than a help. Maybe if it was implemented at the beginning of the game I would say otherwise, but only because we never knew any better. But now that the game is bigger it was the autoers who made the games economy (and it is in any MMORPG with botters).
The only thing I like about RuneScape over World of Warcraft is that you lose something when you die. Yeah, I like that. Why? Simply because it makes you fear death, or in the least it makes you not want to die because you do not want to lose your items.
I hate WoW's system. Oh boohoo, I lost some durability loss. Hell, in Battlegrounds you don't even lose that so you lose NOTHING when you die. And anyone who complains heavily about the cost of repairing items on WoW (or any game) needs to get a life anyway, it's only a game, if you have invested your life into it then find another hobby PLEASE (and I mean playing it, not developing it).
Finally someone who shares my annoyance with people who cry about death penalties in MMORPGs. Boohoo I lost 5% exp or I lost something unimportant like durability . And those are just the games that cater to 'casual' gamers so they're essentially games for babies. Man someone should take a shovel to their dome. I remember playing EQOA on the ps2 back when it first came out and I messed around and died a few times when I was around level 40. It wasn't death penalties back then you had exp debt which was basically a pool of exp you had to pay back before you started leveling regular. My exp debt was so large I could've leveled 2 or 3 times and then I still had to continue trying to get the level I was trying to get in the first place from where I left off, but I didn't complain.
Yeah I predicted Runescape failure once they started listening to dumb noobs and took away holiday drops.
I personally, am a casual player for MMORPG's. But even I hate those death penalties. I don't like losing EXP however because at the high levels it seems unjustified (but it's also a good death penalty because I don't like it).
I have no problem paying 50-100g for a complete repair of my armour. 50g on World of Warcraft isn't much by level 80 and, if you can't make that amount by level 80 easily then you need to look up things called "daily quests"...
Those who complain about death penalties being "too harsh" need to learn how to play the game better. I loved RuneScape when it wasn't full of such moronic skilless noobs who needed Jagex's help with EVERYTHING.
When I played we got NONE of that. You got hacked? It was your own damn fault, Jagex never implemented crap to help you. You didn't know how to make items or start playing? You ASKED PLAYERS, not the damn developers. You got lured/killed in the Wilderness? Boohoo, that's called Player vs. Player, get the hell over it.
Because of all the crap Jagex implemented, the once "hybrid" or "flexible" system of rs becomes a rigid system. Personally, I like to call this as the "skill cape craze". They don't want kids to feel the pain of losing items in the real wildy. They just want them to play fun in player vs player with all those kissass safe zones, hell yeah. But most of all, they want kids and teens to do skilling. To get that skillcape. I myself, once a noob, used to aim for high levels too, but I don't level myself for the 99 skill. I level myself for the flexibility of the skill. Does anyone get that? Ok. Now what Jagex did is they cut of the flexibilities, and replaced it with the skill cape. Now, as many people here once mentioned, previously, I don't really find point in having the skillcape. It seems like the catalyst to child's play? You decide. When they cut off free trade and pking, alot of the "willpower" that was once geared towards merchanting and business was transferred to the fact that
" I have nothing else to do but to make money so that I can skill. To make money so I can finance more skillcapes. I have to get more skillcapes, this includes the cash I get of course."
It is pretty obvious, and the evidence is everywhere. I might as well make a ED article about it.
I just DAMN HOPE that Mechscape won't have any fuckin trading limits, child's play, or angst filled teenagers. I hope they all stick to runescape, and a new generation of players fills mechscape. As they said, it would be geared towards adults. That points to me.
Personally, when the Skill Capes were released I ignored them because I knew I was never going to get them. I didn't level skills for the sake of leveling but for the utility of having the level.
I enjoyed leveling Fishing, for example, because at the Fishing Guild it was simply one of the easiest skills to train and I actually enjoyed it. Woodcutting I also like, but to a lesser extent, and this is because I can go AFK while I do them (not literally AFK though).
Skill Capes have no point except for people to brag about having them. The extra +1 to the skill is pointless because it's not going to change the game mechanics so much that the skill will become rediculously easy at level 100, instead of 99.
As for MechScape. We all know it's just going to be a RuneScape rip-off but more futuristic. So why even bother saying otherwise?
Let me say this, Mechscape might be or not be a rip off. Yes, there will be similarities, but im sure it will not be 100% SAME. I will cross my fingers on this, and see what happens. I always have a backup game if this thing fails anyway. A very very good game. Runescape was degraded because it was part of Jagex's master plan. Back in 2005-2006 when I was in my runescape prime, I never would have imagined it would become this worse. That's because I believed that Jagex would be wise enough to be able to preserve the full flexibility and originality of rs even when under fire. We all know what happend. Now about Mechscape, the reason why I put my bet on mechscape, is not because of the theme of the game. Not because of the similarities with RS. Because it is mentioned as an adults game, and might be a good alternative to runescape. Look at it positively. Jagex still has chance. Runescape is grim. That's why I look at the two quite differently right now, but 1 month from now might or might not change that. I will cross my fingers and see what happens, you do what you have to do.
"Basically, they turned Runescape, a game for babies, into a game for fetuses." - see this peoples, this sums RuneScape up in one goddamn sentence.
Guess where I got that? where else.....the best website in the
Hah, the one thing on that website we can actually say is true!
Just wonderin, has anyone ever read Jagex's book "betryal @ falador"?
Personally, I have not. RuneScape's "lore" does not interest me, I played the game for it's gameplay, not it's lore. Which I find to be extremely subpar, to be honestly.
In comparison to games like Warcraft, any Star Wars game and the Lord of the Rings games, RuneScape doesn't stand a chance.
Looks like Jagex is "gettin" geared for mechscape. Just check out their wallpaper.
I don't think this will be what MechScape is like. I do think it's going to be something quite different.
Why would you make another RS just with a different theme? They've already got one RS, they don't need another. No point spending millions on a different version of the same game.
It will be futuristic/sci-fi though. I've seen some of the concept art and it will definitely follow that theme.
We should have a MechScape thread on here, although it might get moderated off.
Don't worry about mechscape being here.Trust me, it is in good hands, thanks to General Correspondent Mike who is a long time rs veteran and also a moderator at the mechscapeworld forums. One question for you you think mechcscape will have trade limit?
Wish I knew.
I hope they've learnt from RS and tightened up the RWT loopholes so that MechScape can function normally without all the limits.
Edit* never mind misread what you said.
By the way if you post there, I'm Arain321.
OK quoting myself is super-lazy but...yeah.
I just read an in-rs comment from Mod MMG (via screenie, cheers MSworld) that Jagex reckon they have solved the RWT problem for MechScape - or at the very least made it very, very hard for gold-farmers to function effectively.
I'm really, really intrigued by this and I really hope it works. If they have managed to cure that ill, MS will be a much, much better game for it.
I guess there will be a trade limit. Honestly you know, it's hard for a man with an EGO bigger than his brains to get over his paranoia.hmm..When Jagex will learn that the game is not always in favor for "the innocent" but hey, let's just see what happens. This game is going to be based on Java, so I won't expect much. Maybe a good one for variety but for the rest, it's just gonna come very soon. By the way, what's your rs username, acephaloid?
Edit* never mind misread what you said.
By the way if you post there, I'm Arain321.
See you there.