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4GB Shared Dual Channel DDR2 at 800MHz
256MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T6600 (2.20GHz/800Mhz FSB/2MB cache)
How much better would a Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8600 (2.40GHz/1066Mhz FSB/3MB cache) be?
Its a labtop.
Well the specs you listed are all much higher then the recommended so... My guess is it would run fine.
That processor difference probably wouldn't be noticable. Biggest influence on how well games run is video card, ram, and processor in that order.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
It will run as good as possible.
I'm sitting here with ATI radeon 4870 X2, and Q9550 and 4 gig RAM. It didn't really run anything more than 5-10 FPS better than my Q6600 3 gig RAM and 8800 GTS 640 Nvidia.
See my point? WAR is a fucking mess, technically. You'll be as fine as need be.
So would it run with everything maxxed out?
Yes, it should. Don't quote me on this, because that graphics card is either make or fail.
If you can upgrade the graphics card, I seriously advise you to. It's not that good.
No matter what specs you have, WAR is still going to act up until they tweak the performance more.
Hmm.. gotta pip in w my experience... WAR is pretty much a CPU hog, especially in large open RvR situations so you do need to put a bit more emphasis on the proc. RAM is quite important as well.
The gfx card is actually not that crucial here. You will lower your settings in large fights - there is no gfx card in the world that can handle 200+ characters on screen with full details and fx the game is capable of. The gfx card determines only whether you'll have to lower the settings in a 10v10 fight or you can wait unitl it builds up to 30v30 (tops). Basically - PvE=gfx card, PvP=CPU (and decent RAM).