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Vendetta Online, the sci-fi space MMORPG from Guild Software has been released to the public and their servers are live. You can pick up the game in major retailers including EB Games and GameStop for about $29.99. You can also purchase the game online from the official site with a free trial offer.
Give this game a try and let us know what you think about it!
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The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
I've been watching and playing this game for some time. The thing that keeps me coming back is the unusual development team and it's relationship with the users. There's only 4 developers in the company, and they've written the game engine by themselves, done all the art by themselves, written the story, managed the website - everything- yet they still are very present for the users. They aren't some huge faceless conglomerate, and they honestly do seem to want user suggestions. It's kind of refressing.
The community is pretty nice, once you break in. The game has been up and running for free for about 2 years, and there are some players who have been with it for almost the whole time. I guess they've seen a lot of noobs and sometimes get a little weary of the same old noob questions - but they still answer them. Since the game just went pay-for-play there might be fewer of the vets on, hard to say.
The game developers are saying they had taken it as far as they could without charging (and it was cool for free), and are saying that they'll be able to add a lot of content, now that they're eating regularly. It's not a fully-polished game yet, but they're not charging tons and it sounds like they'll be adding stuff all along. I kinda like the idea of a game evolving even after I buy it.
Right now you can trade, pirate traders, take some other missions (scan this, kill that, take this there), and fight bots or other players. The bots range from wimpy to deadly, but are kinda repetitive - like bots are. The player vs. player combat is very cool though, as the "twitch" based combat really takes some skill and strategy (as opposed to the roll-the-dice kinda thing other space games have used). I've had some epic battles. New pilots will be frustrated at first.
I'd say if you want to get in early and say you were there when it all began, and you can tolerate a few rough edges, go for it. If you want a fully-polished gaming experience, you should probably wait a few months until they add stuff. I think Vendetta is a game that will always be mentioned when the MMORPG genre is discussed.
Well said, Harbinger ...
When a friend told me about Vendetta in spring 2003, my search for a good 3d spacegame was over. My first thought was "oh, nice ... a bit like elite, a bit like wc, but with interaction with other players from all over the world ... great".
I joined the test, had a lot of fun, saw the game growing and still have a lot of fun now Vendetta went p2p.
To whom it may concern: If you like spacegames, interaction with other players, a nice community and the chance that your wishes for a game get heard by the developers ... give it a try.
Linda (-:
P.S.: If someone will find grammar or other faults, take them and enjoy. I am no native speaker ...
Well, I've been playing since mid 2002, and was recently made a game guide. Kinda like a mod, we're supposedly there to enforce discipline, but in reality spend 99% of our time training new players. Just my kind of job.
I've seen Vendetta come a really, really long way. When i joined, it was one usable sector, and two others that nobody stayed in for long. Rounds were 10 minutes long. Eventually, (admittedly, totally non-interactive) stations were added. Then, things started to take shape.
The universe expanded to nine sectors, then twelve, then eighteen. The number of available ships grew from three to eleven. Money was added. A basic mission hauling stuff from here to there became available. Our world was growing.
Then, things started to go downhill, mid last winter. Money became tighter and tighter. Three of the developers were working from home. Many of us in the community pitched in what little we could, their family and friends helped, and they pulled through.
Suddenly, big changes happened. The alpha, open for two straight years, closed. The universe exploded from eighteen systems to more than 7,600. A component station system was introduced, and the beta opened to nearly 1000 beta testers who flooded in over the period of two weeks. Then they found a distributor. Strategy First wasn't a publisher, so Guild retained control of their endeavour.
Now, release is here. This game has walked a long road, and I'm honored to have been there for some of it. Right now, money is still tight. They're still four guys, total, operating our of a 400 square foot office, and what they've accomplished is frankly stunning. Try to keep the following things in mind when considering the game:
No, they don't have an art department. There's one guy, Waylon Brinck, who does the art, modelling, textures etc.
They don't have a room of 50 coders working on stuff. There are three of them who are dedicated coders.
This isn't some product churned out by Sony or another faceless megagiant. There's no whip-cracking higher-ups whose only objective is a bigger profit for the shareholders. This is a labor of love in the truest sense. Five years of work coming closer to fruition at last.
For Serco, may she rule forever! Death to the treacherous Itani!
For Serco, may she rule forever! Death to the treacherous Itani!
The developers seem to listen to our suggestions on the testing forum and are always giving us new stuff to try out. If there is a bug they usually respond within a couple of hours and provide great customer service
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Regarding the actual game:
You can develop your character any way you want. Im a trader who does some fighting on the side. I like the feeling I can develop my own ideas and dont have to stay on a scripted path. I can actually role play. I dont feel compelled to keep gaining levels because I can defend myself with the equipment at my current mid-range level. In other games (EQ) I didnt like playing with people who bought their uber-characters. In this game I AM the weapon and you cant buy that.
The server seems extremely stable which is very important to an on-line game. Ive experience MINIMAL lag issues.
The community is VERY helpful and will jump in to answer questions, mentor, give hints, etc. And they also like to just shoot the breeze.
How does it compare with Jumpgate
The 1st ever space MMO.
I can remember being told about Vendetta Online ages ago and thought it looked interesting so i downloaded it as soon as I heard it was available and here are my impressions of Vendetta Online, please note they are my impressions and while I may still be in shock they are only opinions so dont flame me for them fanbois.
Gameplay - 2D DOS like station screen (little detail) market/mission tabs.
Click mission get mission open 2D map click box as dest, exit station (loading screen) move 3000 m out for warp range (I think) click enter and see ship zoom away, loading screen again (2D low detail) enter space click X locate target ..... Lead crosshairs ahead of target kill bot collect (run into) dropped loot push X to locat next target and so on.
General Graphics - Very poor, the level of detail even on max is worse than E&B even the HUD is worse the Star/Sun is very bright and the planets and roids are erm.. ok, ship Gfx are like..... lego maybe.... space is.....dark so thats erm...ok.
General Sound - erm... "ploo ploo ploo" (guns) "whoooomph" (movement) background musik was erm... ok
Game Universe - seemed pretty small , very quick travel times.
Chat interface - think E&B and then set your expectaions 10% lower, it has a fantastic timelimit to send a message or 2
As for anything I may have missed out (which is probably 99% of the game) its because this could not hold my attention for more than 10 mins after I suspended my disbelief in its utter crappyness
Seriously how did the devs or the beta testers ever think this would work? its like for 10 yr olds living in 1980s I'm sorry if you are a fan and I know it has "twitch style combat" (lolz) but its just pants
On second thoughts flame on.... this is too funny! Do your worst....
Very well. I won't flame, but I'll try to address a few of them. Perhaps you have some time left on your trial still, eh?
>Gameplay - 2D DOS like station screen (little detail) market/mission tabs.
Yeah, lemme just agree with you. The interface is absolutely barebones-functional right now. They haven't had time to do more, and have been working to get the game's basic play online before pretty-fying it.
>Click mission get mission open 2D map click box as dest, exit station (loading screen) move 3000 m
>out for warp range (I think) click enter and see ship zoom away,
Yup, that's right.
>loading screen again (2D low detail) enter space click X locate target ..... Lead crosshairs ahead of
>target kill bot collect (run into) dropped loot push X to locat next target and so on.
Right there's a damn good tactic list for killing an Orun Collector, the easiest of the bots. Anything but that or perhaps a DenTek collector, and you'd be dead using that tactic. If you like a challenge, ask someone to duel you, but first ask someone to train you to duel. Of course, to do that you have to be in general chat, but more on that later.
>General Graphics - Very poor, the level of detail even on max is worse than E&B even the HUD is
>worse the Star/Sun is very bright and the planets and roids are erm.. ok, ship Gfx are like..... lego
>maybe.... space is.....dark so thats erm...ok.
So you turned object distance level of detail up, etc. Also try increasing game and texture resolution, or just picking a higher preset. right now it isn't going to be up to the level you expect of a big-name game, because 4 guys (one of whom is the entire art department) just can't manage that. They'd hire more artists if they had the money, but at the moment they're utterly lacking any funding whatsoever.
>General Sound - erm... "ploo ploo ploo" (guns) "whoooomph" (movement) background musik was >erm... ok
Sound is, I'll admit, a bit lacking ATM. From what I know, that will change fairly soon. Of course, I can't promise anything, because I'm not one of the devs.
>Game Universe - seemed pretty small , very quick travel times.
I'm gonna guess that you stayed inside your own system. There are 29 other ones, too. More will be added soon.
>Chat interface - think E&B and then set your expectaions 10% lower, it has a fantastic timelimit to send
> a message or 2
This time limit is in place to keep those lacking in instruction-reading ability out of general chat. After they realized that some 99% of the general populace lacks said ability, they have decided to make basic chat in channel 100 the default in future versions. To join non-timed general chat, type "/join 100" without the quotes, and you'll be able to yak to your heart's content (within your 8-hour limit, of course).
>As for anything I may have missed out (which is probably 99% of the game) its because this could not
>hold my attention for more than 10 mins after I suspended my disbelief in its utter crappyness.
>Seriously how did the devs or the beta testers ever think this would work? its like for 10 yr olds living
>in 1980s I'm sorry if you are a fan and I know it has "twitch style combat" (lolz) but its just pants
After that final flood of oh-so-helpful commentary, I'll leave you to respond if you choose, or not. Play more if you choose, or don't. Entirely up to you.
For Serco, may she rule forever! Death to the treacherous Itani!
For Serco, may she rule forever! Death to the treacherous Itani!
Ctishman I already admitted that I did not spend very much time in the game because the game looks awful sounds awful and plays awful, Its a shame its not better but do you think its worth $15 per month? do you really think people will be attracted to this game vs all the other mmorpgs out there now or those to come in the future ?
As an independant software company my hats off to them for that alone but the Product is outdated of poor quality and they are asking $15 a month for it!
I'm sure the established community around vendetta may have an interest in attracting more players but Im not trying to be helpful toward them or Vendetta here just honest.... it really is the worst thing I have seen for a long time.
Best of Luck....
Erm, it's 10 bucks a month, less if bought in packages, but that's quibbling over numbers. Right now, no. I don't expect people to be attracted by the pure out-of-the-box wow factor games like EvE or EnB have.
I don't expect Sony-level graphics or sound just yet, because they don't have access to the facilities to make these. I do expect good gameplay, and I believe this game offers it. One thing that I do know is that the devs will listen to complaints, and do what they can to address them. What specifically is it that you dislike about Vendetta's gameplay? Please, go into as much you can. What did you expect from the game, and what did you see instead? I'll pass those on to the Suggestions forum for you if your account has expired. Criticism is good, so long as it offers suggestions on how to fix it.
For Serco, may she rule forever! Death to the treacherous Itani!
For Serco, may she rule forever! Death to the treacherous Itani!
I am also a long time tester of Vendetta but I think that gives me a better view point from which to state my opinion.
If you are looking for a game that is the best graphics, sounds and artwork, don't buy Vendetta.
If you are a looking for a game that allows you to mold your character any possible way, have skilled combat instead of dice rolls and is actually fun, then try out the 8 hour trial.
While Vendetta does not have the best graphics or sound it is extremely fun. To me a game does not need to be shiny to be fun though.
Honestly Vendettas graphics are not that bad, yes they are not the latest ground breaking things, but they are very decent IMO and allow a lower system requirement.
One of the major things that has kept me with Vendetta for so long is the fact Linux, Mac and Windows people all can play. I have many mac and linux friends that I like to play with and multi platform games are lacking.
The other thing is the potential of the game itself. Graphics and Sounds can be replaced, but a game that is entertaining and fun with tons of potential is something rare.
nice- thanks for the vendetta link...
I didn't hear from Vendetta Online until I started to visit the few remaining Earth and Beyond forums. Since the game offered a free trial (unlike those very presumptous people at EVE) I decided to give it a try.
I love it. The graphics are crisp, the gameplay smooth, the lag nonexistant, the community superb, and you have the chance right now to help shape the game into something greater than any other game out there.
Give it a try, people; you'll be pleasantly surprised.
We are the Pagan Gods. Sure, Yahve beat the crap out of us, but we got the Internet licked.
We are the Pagan Gods. Sure, Yahve beat the crap out of us, but we got the Internet licked.
The graphics are crisp? think not, its dam ugly and dated mate. Go on admit it your one of the Devs from Vendetta right? lolz.
And those very presumptous people at EVE do offer a free trial and have done so for a bloody age..... thanks for all the misinformation in your post
For starters, the game is only $9.99 a month, mostly because I think the developers agree with you that some elements still need work and it's not worth $15/month. Unlike a $15 game, Vendetta is evolving rapidly. In fact, the game would probably not have gone live at this point if it could have been completed on the remaining savings of the 4 developers. Nonetheless, they seem to have a vision for Vendetta and have found a way to try and make it happen.
I agree with you about the sound (who wouldn't?) although I actually like some of the music. I think that you were too harsh with your other criticisms. The graphics aren't all that bad and are occasionally quite beautiful. Some of the older ship models need to be updated.
By your own admission you didn't play very long at all, and you were ignorant of the ability to join channel 100 to speak to more players and avoid the timer - despite the fact that this is mentioned in the manual, the automatic updater, the website, the on screen tips, and usually by any other player who sees you chat on channel 1. You also appear to have missed the other 7679 sectors that make up the current universe. In short, I think that you have written an irresponsibly scathing review of a game that you failed to adequately explore.
To the more open minded player, I would simply say that this is not a polished commercial product yet. This is a valiant effort by a small company serving up something a little bit different in a way that is rarely seen in the gaming industry these days. If you're the kind of person who only watches movies from Lucas Films or Disney, you won't like this. If you enjoy an independent film from time to time, jump in and play. You get 8 hours free with no other limitations, so why not?
Ok you got me it is $9.99, It's still awful but what do I care.... it's awful.
"Some elements still need work"
Agree with you there also, elements like the all the graphics,chat interface,gameplay,sound,hud.
"Unlike a $15 game, Vendetta is evolving rapidly"
Makes no sense what so ever, your saying a bigger software house is somehow less able?
"I think that you were too harsh with your other criticisms."
Nope disagree as the graphics are dated/poor, the sound is poor, the HUD/Interface is awful as for gameplay its a poor version on TIE-Fighter.
"The graphics aren't all that bad and are occasionally quite beautiful. Some of the older ship models need to be updated."
Yes the graphics ARE all that bad and everything NEEDS to be updated (from the 1980's).
"By your own admission you didn't play very long at all"
Yes because its THAT awful. hell if I saw even a glimmer of hope in my liking this game I may have kept playing.
"and you were ignorant of the ability to join channel 100 to speak to more players and avoid the timer - despite the fact that this is mentioned in the manual, the automatic updater, the website, the on screen tips, and usually by any other player who sees you chat on channel 1 You also appear to have missed the other 7679 sectors that make up the current universe. In short, I think that you have written an irresponsibly scathing review of a game that you failed to adequately explore."
Why would I want to see any more? It's really very poor all round and there are far better games to play (imo).
"To the more open minded player, I would simply say that this is not a polished commercial product yet. This is a valiant effort by a small company serving up something a little bit different in a way that is rarely seen in the gaming industry these days. If you're the kind of person who only watches movies from Lucas Films or Disney, you won't like this. If you enjoy an independent film from time to time, jump in and play. You get 8 hours free with no other limitations, so why not?"
I for one would never jugde a game by a players review period, if there is a free trial there is no reason not to go and have a look for yourself even this (There are many many many many better games than this around in my opinion and I would spare you the DL, but its just my opinion).
Most games that are released have a history and a player following from the beta testing days or past games from the software house, these people have invested time and effort in helping to shape the game and or have developed a sense of community with their fellow testers/players/Devs and have an interest in attracting more players to what is in their eyes "the best game ever" so that it may continue and they can play.
It's the reason why there is such a heated debate in WoW vs EQ2 or this game is better than that game and if you play that game your a dork attitude regardless of reality as they cannot see beyond their opinion however biased it may be.
The Fanboi can attract many new players to a game by glossing over its faults, making excuses and posting on forums saying how great it is and how much better its going to get and how much the other games suck, but this cannot keep new players playing if the game is poor at the end of the day.
I posted my opinion of this game here and have done my best to explain why I am of that opinion to those who enquired, enough ok its awful your not going to change my mind.
Ya know, it's funny how some people make it their mission in life to bash particular products. It makes me wonder why they care so much, it's only a *game* after all I think you've stated your opinion clearly enough, Naos, there's no need to keep coming back every other post with snide comments. You have your opinion, let other members have their own.
My personal opinion of this game is that it absolutely rocks. I've been playing for about two years now (since alpha stages) and it's the one game I keep coming back to. Kind of hard to put a finger on what makes it so addicting, all I can say is that if you enjoyed EV:Nova and wished there was a 3D online version, this is the game for you. It's a 3D space combat-trader MMOG, with twitch based combat that emphasizes player skill more than license levels (although it is possible to "level up" certain licenses to gain access to better equipment). It's really YOU flying your spaceship, controlling the thrusters, weapons systems etc.
The backstory is unbelievably rich and thought-provoking. Even if you don't play the game, just read the backstory; it's over 50 pages (on MS word) and a darn good yarn:
The game itself has a high level of configurability that honestly is not very user-friendly, but it lets you do all kinds of things like scale your HUD, add your own custom soundtrack, even write your own scripts. It's also available on Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms which is a definite plus. The network code is unbelievably stable and very lag resistant, you can hear John (one of the four devs) talk about it on this webcast (about 2/3 of the way through, you don't have to sit through all that stuff about Myst: Uru ).
The game doesn't have the content of bigger MMOs right now, but it is rapidly evolving, and I mean very rapidly. We just had an entire asteroid mining system/skill tree added a couple weeks ago, and this week we're getting a new bounty system that will utilize a universe-wide news system (ala Cowboy bebop). The best part is; the targets will be actual players who have earned bad reputation by harrasing trade convoys of particular factions and whatnot.
The most solid thing about the game is the combat engine... it's just plain fun. You can have a game with all the content/best graphics in the world but if you don't get those 30 seconds of combat right it doesn't work. Well, Vendetta got it right, and I hope it continues to grow and gain more recognition as time goes on. Oh, did I mention that FOUR people made this game? Four! And they started out in their parent's basement! If you're a supporter of underground games then there's no reason not to have this one. You can download it for free, and it's only 9.99 a month. But you don't have to take my word for it, try the free trial (no credit card required) at, or check out this cool player-made gameplay video.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
(First post woo!)
You know this game has been in "paying" beta release for a while now. I've been in and out of it and the real joy of this game isn't the graphics or the sound or the interface. It's the following things:
1. Guild software has gotten the combat RIGHT. Combat is based on your actual piloting skill, not on virtual dice rolls, or whether you have higher levels, or more powerful items, or any of that crap. An experienced player can create a brand-new character and give another player with a well-established characer a run for their money. I suggest a serious joystick setup unless you like cramped fingers from mashing keyboard keys. PvP and group combat in this game is FUN.
2. The community of players is small and tight-knit, talking with the developers is a common occurence. (Of course as soon as they actually start advertising Vendetta they won't be able to do this anymore.) Suggestions are seriously debated by the development team and the playerbase and things usually get added rather quickly. For a small playerbase, there's a surprising amount of intrigue and player-generated content
3. It works on Mac and *nix as well as on PC. Obviously I'm on a Mac (Yea I know, lemme alone) so my choices for this kind of MMORPG stuff are always limited.
Sorry Phaser but I thought the backstory (yeah I finally READ it) was repetitive and yawn-provoking. I'd suggest a 2-page "Executive Summary" version, with deeper detail in it if you want to read it all.
Anyway if you're looking for a space PvP game this one is very fun. If you want to trade and build things and do the crafting grind, then I'd say look elsewhere.
Oh and hi Phaserlight/Lin/ctishman/JexK et al
(This Itani is gonna come kick ya in the face now!)