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While their are other factors besides us, i'd have to agree that in a way, we are partly to blame for what's going on in Mexico, with as many illegal drug's we buy in this country.
Problem is how do you stop the buying and selling of illegal drugs?
Seems our "war on drugs" is going no where.
Legalize them all. However Mexico is just at fault here, drugs are illegal in their country too. The War on Drugs failed from the moment Nancy and Ronnie started their "Just Say No" campaign. A waste of time and money. On the bright side, the US government good dig us out of their defecit by taxing marijuana 20%. The black market drug trade is a multi-billion dollar market, and one that is currently not taxable. I truly feel we are on the verge of legalizing Mary Jane, and maybe all the rest of the drugs too. Imagine what that would do for tourism!
Yes the U.S. is to blame.
Legalize everything. It can't possibly be a free country if the government controls what we put into our own bodies. Arrest those who break laws, whether under the influence or not.
The Official God FAQ
I agree legalize it all in a restricted fashion similiar to cigarettes. The problem with complete illegalization is that it promotes black markets. That why I also think prostitution should be legal. By doing this you take control from cartels and put it into the regulated control of states and pharmecuticals. Prostitutes could have frequent health checks taking out that danger, and it would reduce sex trafficing. I think making it all have a legal age of 18 would also be good including alcohol.
Exactly, nobody wants anarchy. Just responsible freedom.
The Official God FAQ
Might as well legalize it all. I'd buy stock in a cocain company, you know they'd have a good loyal customer base and make a tidy profit.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
You either legalise them, or grow your own.
I'd rather there be a drug war with current illeagal drugs, instead of future illeagal drugs.
Right now it's cheaper for drug cartels to use current illeagal drugs to fuel their wallets. If you introduce competion to their work that would happen from leagalizing it, they would look for the next illeagal drug(s) that's(re) likely worse.
The people who do fund their wallets with illeagal drugs have made it painfully clear that they do not care about human life, that they have enough money to do almost anything they want, and that they won't stop their business no matter what happens to it. This is why I draw this conclusion, as evil and cold hearted as it is.
Basically the Governement is deluding you that the war on drugs is supposed to go anywhere, becuase it's not because it can't. They are just keeping things stagnate so they don't get worse.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Prohibition has never worked. No matter what it trys to stop, all it does is drive the practice underground where it is totally out of control. Human chimera engineering or drug smuggling, it is all the same. By making it illegal you instantly remove all regulation over it. Anyone can do it and there are no guidelines on how it is done. Prohibition is anarchy.
Yea, I would say the U.S. is partly to blame since there is a market here for drug cartels to sell their "goods" . I also would say just make the drugs legal but lots of people can't even be responsible with alcohol with all the drunk driving deaths and alcohol abuse.... I don't think people can handle legal readily availble angel dust, crack, or the icky sticky.
But we're just setting ourself up for another repeat of history where something "worse" comes along in the future.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
The US is almost completely to blame -- well, every American who continues to support the drug war is. We who have been against it all along are of course blameless.
All of this is the inevitable result of prohibition. No surprises here.
Actually it is the people who support the war on drugs who are the ones who make it painfully clear they do not care about human life, in fact, the only reasonable reason to support prohibition is because you think it's cool when people die.
It is what prohibition did the last time it was tried, and it is exactly what it is doing this time around.
If you like people dying, especially if you like kids being murdered, then you must love the war on drugs.
to rationalize the lawmaking and listen to what ppl really want, its the justice which is acceptable to the weak can be called true justice. take those who are influenced by drug advices.
Actually it is the people who support the war on drugs who are the ones who make it painfully clear they do not care about human life, in fact, the only reasonable reason to support prohibition is because you think it's cool when people die.
It is what prohibition did the last time it was tried, and it is exactly what it is doing this time around.
If you like people dying, especially if you like kids being murdered, then you must love the war on drugs.
Responseless for the most part. But I still think we're dealing with a bigger issue than can be looked at from one perspective.
I know that what I've posted is what will hold true to some extent or another. Even if the current drug lords settle down and only participate in legal market competition if various things do get legalized. There will always be someone who will utterly love to profit from selling something illeagal, and most certainly completely new types of drugs will be in there.
I'd actually love to see some major changes to drug laws, in particular sentances for non-violent convictions. These are really just people who just have hobbies some person in govt. doesn't like, or just fell off the system and couldn't find a better way back up.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Is this even english?
The Official God FAQ
I believe we will get rid of a syndicated criminal force if we get rid of bans on drugs, prostitution, and gambling. In the '20s the mobs started to arise because of prohibitiion. When that ended they moved to prostitution and gambling, the effect of the mob continued to fall off until the '70s as both prostitution and gambling are legal in some easily accessible areas. However, rescently more drugs have been illegalized and legal prostitution is shrinking. It should be no surprise that Drug Cartels have risen to power in the '70s and sex slave trafficing started to become more rampant.
Although it won't get rid of crime it will significantly decrease it as most convicts in California are on those charges.
What a bunch of bull. That's like saying that all MMOers are to blame for the gold selling in MMOs, all blacks/mexicans are to blame for the crime rates in cities, and all white men are to blame for the fact that people are raped.
Just because a minority of people do something illegal does not mean it's the whole's fault. Hell, a majority of people could be doing it and it STILL doesn't make it everyone's fault. Are people really so stupid that they have to blame everyone for the fault of one of its parts? Oh wait I guess you all already answered that question.
Instant death penalty on the spot for anyone caught using drugs in the Judge Dread. Watch how quickly people stop using and run to the nearing clinic. Start broadcasting on TV, radio, paper, interweb for a few months about mass annihilation of anyone using Coke, Crack, ect. No jail. No jury. A quick cleaning of the dumbest people in the gene pool.
Pure, utter, irrational fear has amazing coercive abilities;) j/k people.
But seriously, there has to be a limit on whats acceptable. With alcohol or smoking, responsible people don't go too far. The addicting qualities are limited. But drugs like Crack remove any rational behavior. Make it all legal and it'll ruin a lot of innocent lives in the short run, but maybe its for the greater good? You don't just use Crack casually like Beer, Wine or a Cigarette. The instant death penalty is still the easiest solution=)
Is this even english?
Well it's not french.
Except alcohol and nicotine are actually more harmful/addictive than many... many other drugs. Marijuana being the glaringly obvious example.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Crack already ruins innocent lives. But it ruins the lives of those who were going to let any substance do it.
Believe it or not, you can use crack and heroin responsibly. You don't do these drugs once and instantly become addicted, that's just a lie fabricated to scare people away from them. You could use heroin twice a month and you'd do no more harm to yourself than drinking every weekend. The problem comes from excess.
The Official God FAQ
Legalize them all. However Mexico is just at fault here, drugs are illegal in their country too. The War on Drugs failed from the moment Nancy and Ronnie started their "Just Say No" campaign. A waste of time and money. On the bright side, the US government good dig us out of their defecit by taxing marijuana 20%. The black market drug trade is a multi-billion dollar market, and one that is currently not taxable. I truly feel we are on the verge of legalizing Mary Jane, and maybe all the rest of the drugs too. Imagine what that would do for tourism!
Legalize it, tax it. Makes more sense than anything else. Just look at prohibition. People used to kill each other with machine guns over the liquor trade. Now, you go to the grocery store and buy it, and there's no mobsters fighting each other or the police over turf for Moonshine.
Originally posted by Sabiancym
Crack already ruins innocent lives. But it ruins the lives of those who were going to let any substance do it.
Believe it or not, you can use crack and heroin responsibly. You don't do these drugs once and instantly become addicted, that's just a lie fabricated to scare people away from them. You could use heroin twice a month and you'd do no more harm to yourself than drinking every weekend. The problem comes from excess.
The problem comes when it wears off.
Crack already ruins innocent lives. But it ruins the lives of those who were going to let any substance do it.
Believe it or not, you can use crack and heroin responsibly. You don't do these drugs once and instantly become addicted, that's just a lie fabricated to scare people away from them. You could use heroin twice a month and you'd do no more harm to yourself than drinking every weekend. The problem comes from excess.
Beleive it or not, there are a few way of doing crack (and I mean making it, not doing it) and some of those way produce a substance more addictive than other crack. If you take it from the strongest crack YOU CAN SMOKE 1 PUFF AND WANT MORE AND MORE AND MORE until you become a whore for it. I saw it first hand. A girl I know was doing the lesser one and was not addicted and then she met a guy who knew how to make it stronger and BANG crack became her everyday problem.
Lets legalize all drugs and see what happens. I wonder how companies would profit with their flavor or drug when you can get better and stronger stuff still from dealers? Would dealers like losing business to companies who have a cleaner more pure uncontaminated product? I'd like to see how the cartels would respond to heavy competition. Would they disband or just transfer their will to power to something else like territory or some other addiction(gambling, prostitution, etc..)
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!