I was inetrested in playing either a Warlock or a priest and was wondering if anyone could tell me a little bit about your experiences with any or both characters as to what their pluses and minuses are. Also, which races are good for each and why. Any help would be great and thanks for any advice in advance.
I don't got time for some LONG text but here it goes, real qick.
Warlock: Evil, moslty DmG spells, and they have a pet wich it a +. Good solo class, and also wery good in the PvP backround for suport. The soul stone thing is not good, having to make them for certian spells, or somthing. (Corect me if i am wrong)
Priest: Good, no pet. Has many DeBuff spell, and may Buff spells, many healer, almost no Dmg, dmg spells.
A suport class, Wery hard to solo, unless you have skills, or just think different.
For the race choise. All races that can be warlock is good, the only main difference is the racial abileties. That you will see at the charcter creation screen.
Hope i gave you some tips. Enjoy retail
Yeah deal with it, or else
Cheers! I'm out
Cheers! I'm out ::
I never played either of the two classes that you are thinking about playing. I have grouped with several of each classes, though. From a third-person perspective, I noticed a lot of little things about each class. Not sure if the information is any good, but here it goes.
First, the Warlock:
In the group I was in with a warlock, the warlock mostly used it's pet as a tank when it got into trouble, but mostly we had a warrior to do that for us. The warlock turned out to be helpful, but I didn't really pay enough attention to see how much damage it was doing. I dueled a warlock and beat it quite easily, though. First, I took out the pet which is usually a bad idea when fighting a caster but found I still had enough time to litterally destroy the warlock.
The Priest...
This was most likely the best class to group with, but since I never played one, I am not too sure about soloing. When I played in a group with the Priest, I served as the personal protector. When ever the Priest would heal, it would gather up "Healer Aggro" and monsters would start to target that person. So, since I had high DPS on account of me being a Rogue, I could rack up Aggro pretty quickly so I stayed back and helped the Priest and it worked out well.
Both are caster-type classes, so when grouping, plan on staying in the back and as a Warlock, you will have to use your pet a lot so that you won't be taking all of the damage. As a Priest, you are the healer of the group, you will you have to make sure to keep an eye out for everyone's health bars, including your own. Usually, if the Healer goes down, the rest of the group isn't too far behind.
That's about all that I know about each of these two classes.
I played a priest in beta, got her to about 18 and she was pretty good, I solo'd most of the time and it was fairly easy.. maybe not as easy to solo as other classes but you'd expect that from a healer class. Her dmg spells were pretty good and so were her DoTs, they can only wear cloth armor (maybe another higher up in lvls but I didn't get high enough to check) so the with only cloth armor you do get knocked around a bit, but you do get some pretty good buffs to compensate. Healing causes quite a bit of threat (aggro) so you have to be careful when fighting a bunch of mobs when you're in a group and hope you have a good crowd controller or someone who can hold aggro. Like I said I only got to 18 but she was pretty fun.
Now the warlock I only got to lvl 6 or so, but she was also pretty fun. Having a pet is cool, but I don't know what it's like at higher lvls so I can't really say alot. I think the best thing to do is play them both for awhile and also some of the other classes to really know which you'd like best. I heard from a few people that they ended up loving the beta characters they played even though they weren't the usual type they play in most games.
Hope this helps a bit, and have fun
(insert pretty sig here)
Kayos Theory
Rogue at Heart
Most of these posts are completely wrong.
Priests have several different paths they can take with your talents. Talents enable your character to progress better in certian area's. Example: A priest has 3 different talent tables to choose from - Holy, Shadow, and Discipline.
Holy of course being the light magic, Heals and protective apells/abilities.
Shadow, being the dark magic - Direct damage type spells/abilities.
Discipline, being the spell casting reinforcement spells/abilites.
So, there is a ton of options to choose from. You could decide to put all your talent points in Shadow, making yourself a insane damage dealer. Or, you could put all your talents in Holy, being an incredible healer and buffer. then there's Discipline, you can use all your talent points in this catagory and become much more defensive.
You can also mix the three to become alround powerful. You wont be able to max out every talent available, because their aren't enough talent points to do so.
So basically, a Priest can be a damage dealer, a straight up healer, or a little bit of both!
The warlock is an all around damaging spell caster, they aren't so much on Direct damage as they are Damage over time. Their pets, are also a important factor, doing both melee and spell damage.
The warlock has 3 different Talent tables - Destruction, Affliction, Demonology.
Destruction is basically self explanatory, this set of talents improves your overall damage.
Afliction is your spell casting reinforcement table, these Talents help to eliminate spell failures.
Demonology is your pet talent table, These increase the effectiveness of your pets.
About your question I played a priest to level 29 in open beta and it wasn't bad at all. If you like helping the group by healing go priest. The priest can solo though not as well as others. I had no problem with soloing, as I always managed to do my quests but if you are kinda new to the game then you might want to try another character. -- BTW priests can do good damage! well at least I could I pked a warrior 3 levels higher and beat him just fine. I also dueled some other people and only lost 1 out of 10 duels so... lol
My friend played to a level 29 warlock. I found myself helping him with a few of his warlock quests because they were kinda odd and complaticating at times having to run to the barrens for 1 of his pets(succubus) etc. They do hold Agro quite well (if you dont know, agro is like aggrovation they hold monsters attention quite well) so I found me as a priest being able to heal more effectively grouping with a warlock. If you like pets play hunter or warlock.
ITs all about prefrence if you hate healing people DONT play priest because thats pretty much what you are there for until you get really high level and spec in shadow talents.
Hope this helps you out
Hope to see you in WoW !
:: Botan ::
:: Botan ::