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Should I Return EQ2?



  • KetenKeten Member Posts: 27

    Hm, I consider myself a mature serious gamer and I LOVE WoW, great game, but EQ2 is looking good to so I guess I'm also stuck between both, guess I'll play both but really I want to stick with one game, not teetertotter between 2 so I guess i'll play WoW until I get bored since it seems ppl say it runs out of content fast then play EQ2.

    splortch... gurgle...

    "The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little." --Porterfield

  • NamjaNamja Member Posts: 117
    Can you believe all the WoW trolls around here? Jeez get out of our game. If you wanna knock on a game go to Lineage 2 forums or CoH. Even people who don't like EQ2 have to admit it is one of the best mmorpgs out on the market. I'm sure WoW will be too. But like Shobu said you have to try it for yourself. Reviews will help you only 10% of the time because there is only a small chance that the reviewer has the same game tastes as you. For example: Gamestop gave EQ2 what a 7.8? And gave CoH 8.4! Now even WoW fans will agree EQ2 > CoH. Gamestop also went as far as to rate GTA: San Andreas better than Halo 2 and Half Life 2!!! Can you say CRAZY?image It's official gamestop has lost all credability in their reviews. Plus reviews are biased here. Even me. So the decision is on YOU. If you don't give EQ2 a shot, I say no biggie for us. Your loss.

  • HyoukanHyoukan Member Posts: 307
    I have EQ2 and I played in final beta of Wow, and it's like this. If you want something that is extremely emersive, and will give you much much more prestige especially when you hit the level cap EQ is for you. WoW is a very easy, simple game, no doubt. It's fun, pvp is great, but at the end of the day you dont have much more than that. Can I see myself playing WoW for a year? Hell no.

    Though, I've heard rumors of them bumping up the level cap in an expansion in stuff. If that happens, I'd definately go for WoW over EQ 2. I normally go for more of prestige and individuality in a game. Anyway, I wouldn't return it, try it out, if you dont like it sell it to someone for 20 or 30.

    This post has been brought to you by... Cat Steak Inc. "If it's not cat, it's not steak"

  • ShobuShobu Member Posts: 195

    My serious answer is if you want to play among people who are aloof and consider themselves to be better than others, while doing little more than fighting monsters with no actual reason to level up your character other than to fight more monsters, supported by a company that has one of the worst reputations for support and customer service in the history of gaming, go with EQ2.

    If you want to play among regular people, while building up characters who are part of an exciting war between two factions, with the facility to test your skills against your peers in PvP arenas (which according to reports will eventually include game types like capture the flag and many others), supported by a company that has a reputation for consistent excellence in everything they do, go with WoW.

    And remember...

    HAPPY CHRISTMAS >>>>>>>>>>>>> WoW

    SAD CHRISTMAS >>>>>>>>>>>>> EQ2


  • KelsonmacKelsonmac Member Posts: 313

    Originally posted by smaku

    Make sure if you do end up getting EQ2, you try out WoW. I have played both, and in all honestly , EQ2 is a horrible game. Everything the above poster said about game features is true. Think about what he is saying.
    But, try it out for sure, and make sure you try out WoW.
    I don't know anyone that has tried both and gone back to EQ2, but i have seen a lot of people that have never tried WoW and say EQ2 is a good game.
    Try them both, then decide.

    I played in the WoW stress tests and open beta. I can honestly say that since EQ2 came out, I have not fired up WoW since. One of the main reasons for this is purely cosmetic. I know many, many people love it, but I find the graphics in WoW to be beyond horrible. The game is not even out yet and already the graphics look outdated. I also can't stand the fighting system . . the battles are very unrealistic. Also, WoW is WAY to linear in early levels . . yes, there are a lot of quests, but 90% of them are solo quests, and they have nothing at all to do with any story line. In my book not only EQ2 is more fun than WoW, but also FFXI and Lineage 2.

    I am not saying that EQ2 is great either, I am just stating that in my opinion it is much better than WoW. I don't like the zones in EQ2 . . as I believe that this detracts from the feeling that you are in a fantasy world. The lag is bad in some areas, but never when I am fighting . . only if I am in a congested town.

    I DO agree with you when you said to try them both and then to decide yourself. Personally, however, I thank Blizzard for their open bata, because it convinced me that WoW is not the game for me. Saved me a bunch of money, because I know I will not be buying it. That is one good thing Blizzard did that SOE did not do . . .made an open beta available. I bought EQ2 blind, as I HATED the original EQ, and did not know much about EQ2 at all.

  • I'm trying so hard to figure out why people keep saying WoW is so easy to solo...its ANNOYING AS HELL to solo.  The combat is slow and boring, and you can only take on 1 MAYBE 2 creatures (assuming they are no more than equal to your level) at a time.  This especially makes it difficult when most mobs spawn in groups of 5+.  I will not be buying WoW for this one major point (also because almost all the quests are pretty similar).

    I am curious, though, how combat is handled in EQ2?  People keep saying that you are forced to group...does this mean that combat is as hard and slow as in WoW?  I surely hope not.  I'm still on the fence about dishing out the money to try this title (I also give thanks to the open beta of WoW which saved me money).

  • kulgan18kulgan18 Member Posts: 74

    I have only played wow, but when they say no PVP for eq2 that made me feel like...eq2? dont think so. I mean they didnt even add the possibility to duel somebody?, thats kind of a turn off, and also, when they say group feels too forced? another turn off, in wow i group a lot, but there is times when i have to go solo, its still fun to go on your own sometimes, why force us to anything?.

    Both games have quest and pve instanced zones, but what are you gonna do when you have done all of the quest and pve content?, fighting your friends and strangers is always nice... :). I mean pvp is always the real challenge, nothing can compare to a human mind using differents strategies and imagination...

    Other than that, i see that eq2 graphics look nice but i dont want to base my decisition only in that. And i also hear that eq2 has more content than wow... im reluctant to believe when you say," i have seen 70% of the stuff in wow", given that there is  2 entire continents ( one for each faction) and  they are both huge. Lets say i believe you, in any case you can always try the other faction when you have done all there is to in your faction. In any case if eq2 quests are more part of the story that would be a great plus. Quality over quantity for me at each its own

    As a side note, in both games more quests will be added am sure, thats just the way of the mmorpg, and i think in wow, they are gonna add "life quest" or something like that ive read in an interview i dont remember where...

    WOW sure has problems, i think its too oriented to casual gamers for now at least, they have said that they are gonna add some special "hero classes" to caped players, that will have special abilities and what not, again this is the way of the mmorpg, " more things will always be added"...

    After a while i really got tired of using the same spells only with different ranks, ( in wow each spell has a different rank thats a more powerful version of the same thing). I dont know, i like having a lot of completly differents spells that do a lot of different things like in Guild Wars. Not just the more powerful version of the same thing. Also the fact that you have to run a lot when you are a sure has some transports, but only for the big cities and towns, but having to spend like half of the time running for a simple quests, its not that fun( maybe its too make mounts more special). hey maybe its the same with eq2, i dont know...

    Also what they did with the items duration, another "boring"... they could have done some other money sinks, more fun ones, but instead they went for the secure thing.

    But the worse thing about wow is the regional servers thing, the fact that bliz has screwed up in making such idiotic policy is the only thing that has make me doubt( other than that  wow is a great game for me). I really want that more people try eq2( and am wow fanboy :) ) for this reasonwho knows maybe blizz drop the ball in that policy finally because they are losing customers...

  • MetalHead300MetalHead300 Member Posts: 5

    well i'll say this much first, havent played WoW dont plan to. Just dosent look like my bag of chips. On the other hand after playing EQLive for 3 years (release to PoP expansion) i'm highly excited about EQ2. Granted i'm going to have to throw down $300+ for the game and PC upgrades. Take it from me thats ALOT of money to me.

    Anyways, out of everything i've seen about WoW (which is a ton), I havent seen 1 thing that would make me pick it over EQ2. Graphics look decent, but not even close to EQ2 (even on low settings).Quests sound far to simple, EQ2 has many many complex and involved quests. Immersion is probably the main thing that EQ2 really has over WoW in my book. I mean really, how can you be immersed in a game when your going to get a quest and the guy has a huge yellow !!!! over his head?

    EQ2 all the way for me and i would suggest it for anyone else thats looking for a very immersive experiance.

  • kulgan18kulgan18 Member Posts: 74

    Originally posted by DavetheWonderCat

    I'm trying so hard to figure out why people keep saying WoW is so easy to solo...its ANNOYING AS HELL to solo.  The combat is slow and boring, and you can only take on 1 MAYBE 2 creatures (assuming they are no more than equal to your level) at a time.  This especially makes it difficult when most mobs spawn in groups of 5+.  I will not be buying WoW for this one major point (also because almost all the quests are pretty similar).
    I am curious, though, how combat is handled in EQ2?  People keep saying that you are forced to group...does this mean that combat is as hard and slow as in WoW?  I surely hope not.  I'm still on the fence about dishing out the money to try this title (I also give thanks to the open beta of WoW which saved me money).

    Without knowing the details, it seems eq2 and wow are the same in that sense, the only way to take a group of mobs that team, is well... to make a group, there is no other way. :)

    I have to agree with you to some extent, but you have to consider that taking 2 mobs of your same lvl doesnt make sense from a character point of view. They are of your SAME level, so if you take 1 thing of your same level thats a great accomplishment, from that point of view.

    Also what classes are we talking about?, because in wow there is still a little more balancing to do to some classes(mainly casters), i played a shaman, a druid and a mage, and the mage, sure has problems soloing...there is no comparation with the shaman, it was great soloing, i was taking mobs 2 levels above me and 2 mobs at the time. All classes should be like the shaman, i had so much fun with it.

    Lets hope they buff some of the classes in wow, but there is the danger of the game becoming "too" easy, and thats gonna turn off people... in any case its gonna be fun to play. Lets not just get in to the casual vs hardcore gamer issue, that gives me a headache...

  • ShobuShobu Member Posts: 195

    Originally posted by MetalHead300
    well i'll say this much first, havent played WoW dont plan to. Just dosent look like my bag of chips. On the other hand after playing EQLive for 3 years (release to PoP expansion) i'm highly excited about EQ2. Granted i'm going to have to throw down $300+ for the game and PC upgrades. Take it from me thats ALOT of money to me.
    Anyways, out of everything i've seen about WoW (which is a ton), I havent seen 1 thing that would make me pick it over EQ2. Graphics look decent, but not even close to EQ2 (even on low settings).Quests sound far to simple, EQ2 has many many complex and involved quests. Immersion is probably the main thing that EQ2 really has over WoW in my book. I mean really, how can you be immersed in a game when your going to get a quest and the guy has a huge yellow !!!! over his head?
    EQ2 all the way for me and i would suggest it for anyone else thats looking for a very immersive experiance.

    You have a lot to say about two games you haven't even played.

    Graphics are a matter of personal choice and since you've seen neither in actual gameplay, your opinion is void. I personally prefer the graphics in WoW approximately 1000000% more than the graphics in EQ2, as the graphics in WoW have more artistic flair, imagination, and creativity in any one character than in the whole of EQ2.

    The exclamation marks are there in WoW to prevent frustration in finding quests or where to return them. Frustration is not a good thing when it's unnecessary and doesn't add to the gameplay, so Blizzard took care of it.

    As for EQ2, what's immersive about being told by a color code which mobs you'll find easy or hard to kill or which will need a group to kill? What's immersive about sitting staring slack-jawed at a loading screen while the next part of the world loads from your hard drive? What's immersive about hearing the same patronisingly-spoken, badly acted, overlong recording from an NPC for the 100th time?

    With respect, I don't think you've researched either game very thoroughly before making your decision.

  • I guess maybe I'm just too used to CoH where I can take groups of mobs on (which is much funner, IMO).  This was also the case in Diablo and Diablo 2, both of which did very well and were loads of fun.  I think my examples do a really good job of combat...regular minions you can take on a decent amount at a time, sub-bosses or lts. or whatever you prefer to call them can be somewhat challenging but doable alone, and bosses you usually need a group for.  This is how I love combat gameplay to be.

    I mostly played a mage and a pali.  While I enjoyed the mage much more so than my pali, the combat still just really bugged me.

  • kulgan18kulgan18 Member Posts: 74

    another thing why is it that people dont want to play wow when they say,  "i look some of the graphics". ??

    The first thing we should ask people is how important are graphics to you?, and can you afford it?. With that you can see a lot of the people that dont like wow without having played it.

     I played wow and there was nothing immersion breaking for me at least beyond what was said in general chat.

    You are worried all the time about what you have to do for your quests, crafting etc,  What you want to do, so there is no time to question the world that you are in. ive never stoped and think, "mmm this is isnt real" because well, i was having fun!, what can be more immersive than that. :)

    You consider wow not has immersive because quest givers have yellow signs above them... ok but i have to tell you for me thats a great plus!, players like me want to get down to bussiness right away, so if you see the yellow sign from a afar you know that there is a quest there, and all of the information about the quest is given from the start, rewards, what you have to do, if it looks good you take it, if not you see the next npc and thats it...really.

  • TrianonTrianon Member Posts: 112

    If you can't solo in WoW I suggest you get yourself a copy of Pacman..... although no doubt you will have problems with that as well....

  • KetenKeten Member Posts: 27

    While the graphics are not uber good like in EQ2 I don't have a problem with them, theres plenty of humor to, you can't post that you didn't laugh the first time you saw a gnome do /train ::::01::. The quests are fine, while they don't have anything directly to do with the whole Horde vs. Alliance they are not just completely unrelated like some stranger walking up to you and saying gimme 5 push ups, they have some plotline for the community you are in. As for immersivness I got immersed plenty, the exclamation points didn't change that. Soloing is good, you can solo in most places but in many occasions there are places where you would get better xp in a group. So basically you can solo without trouble if you want but you can also get a group and do fine. The crafting is awesome, I love it, you can just get some recipies and while hunting some mob drops an ingredient just pick it up make a campfire with some wood and let there be FOOD.

    "The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little." --Porterfield

  • Originally posted by Trianon

    If you can't solo in WoW I suggest you get yourself a copy of Pacman..... although no doubt you will have problems with that as well....

    Excuse me, I didn't ask for some little 13 year old shit-eater to respond with a lame ass comment.  I was asking what people had to say about the combat in EQ2.  Maybe you should go back to drinking chlorine until you have something productive to say.

    I'm still curious what some EQ 2 players think.  I've heard that in the beginning levels you can take on a few different mobs without much issue, but that it changes in the later levels...anyone care to comment? 

    The issue with WoW is that yes, you CAN can solo in virtually any game, but how ANNOYING is it to solo?  In WoW, when you can only take on 1 mob or so at a time (sometimes 2 as I said earlier), it's very ANNOYING to have mobs spawning up your butt and taking you out.  It's also annoying since most mobs will be stuck in groups of 4 or 5, and unless there's other players taking stuff get can get ganked or are forced to run.  Anytime I would go anywhere, I would always see about 10-15 bodies just lying around...dead, and more people joining those bodies or running for their lives.  Not very heroic (aren't we supposed to be the heroes from the warcraft series?) if you ask me.

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