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Hi all this is my first time on this forum so dont be to harsh.
I am getting a new computer on the 20th april and am looking for a good mmorpg. So far ive looked into age of conan and world of war craft. Ive never played AOC before but have read very mixed reviews and also heard it is getting an new update that should make really good. I have played wow before but on very low graphic settings. I found it fun but a little repetative.
Basicaly what i like in rpgs is a friendly comunity, I normaly PvE, I like lots of diffrent equipment types and good combant. And i genraly pick warrior classes. I also like a very good story and lore (probly most important)
Computer specs: Amd quad core 2.2 gig
4 gig ram
640 gig hard drive
Nivada GTS 250
Tnx in advance
Was meaning to ask if these specs are good enough to run these games on high settings (know nothing about computers)
well I sugest you check out the free trials, since AoC released it a couple of hours ago start with that one. Other then that theres.. Il make a list
PotBS (also some crap disney mmo called pirates of the carribean or something)
check one of those. They have free trials.
Final Fantasy XI Online has excellent community and populations.
If you wanted a new game, should wait for ALGANON.
City of hereoes/villans is the easyest to pick up and play, warhammer for pvp/rvr and eve for a more grown up game
I would absolutely recommend Lord of the Rings Online. It is by far one of the most visually stunning games out there today, and the expansion, The Mines of Moria, does nothing but further that. It is fun, has a great, though not huge community, and is very well balanced. The crafting is a great addon to day to day questing and while not necessarily always the best items out there, they are truly viable and not a huge time sink.
Tnx for all the advice so far. I should have mentioned before im more looking for a good fantasy rpg thats not turn based (i think final fantasy games are turn based not sure tho) I didnt know there was a lord of the ring mmorpg i will read into it. I cant try any free trials just yet as im waiting for my new computer but definatly will when i can (just trying to get an idea before). Also will my computer run these games on high settings because i dont want to buy a game and it look crap because the computer cant run properly.
Again tnx for your quick answers cheers
Well, if you want a game that is going to put your brand new hardware to good use, I'd try Chronicles of Spellborn. It's free up to level 7.9 now, but will have more free levels after the patch, which is going on as we speak. It's a fantasy game, though with a fun little twist, and it has a really cool setting and combat system, and the graphics blow most other games out there away. It's not for everyone, but it's free to try for everyone.
If you want to see some stunning graphics and put thet new badboy system to the test, Then I would highly recommend LoTRO.
With DX10 and the in-game options tuned to very high, you'd be hard pressed to find a more visually attractive game out there now. Great story line, casual friendly and great community to boot.
You say you like fantasy then there ya go. Lord of The Rings is pretty much the King of all fantasy.
But with plethora of trials now available I'd say try 'em all...
Ok. I'm really getting tired of seeing this game pushed. I don't know if your part of the developement team or what but you guys are all over the forum and now that your lying I'll have to step in.
This game's graphics are below WoW which has the worst graphics for a pay to play 3D game released in the past few years. It uses the Unreal engine from what looks like Unreal Tournament 2004. Now lets do a little comparison. EQ2 which was released at the same time the graphics engine for this game was released has in my opinion superior graphics, but you judge.
Chronicles of The Spellborn
I hope by this point you are laughing as much as I am. Same release date on the graphics engine. (I am being kind and using the release date of the graphics engine as opposed to the game)
Now lets take a worse game not made by Sony. Lets say... Guild Wars, which is FREE to play.
Guild Wars
This game was first released in 2005, a mere year later, is free to play and has *gasp* superior graphics.
Well I'd like to take the time to thank you Severine for giving me a reason to never play CoTSB again. Aslo for giving me a link to refer people to when they suggest this game for obscure reasons. I hope anyone reading this can see that these CoTSB fanboys are nothing more then liars with junky machines who have a limited selection of games to choose from.
So the computers pretty good then lol, like i said clueless about theses things. I do love all tolkien's work and thought the films were alright. Does the game stay true to tolkein's lore? Ive looked at the site and it seems good. Ive got a least a months worth of free trials to try out now lol. Does any one think the warhammer game is anygood gamespot seem to of give it a good score.
Cheers guys/girls
Ok. I'm really getting tired of seeing this game pushed. I don't know if your part of the developement team or what but you guys are all over the forum and now that your lying I'll have to step in.
This game's graphics are below WoW which has the worst graphics for a pay to play 3D game released in the past few years. It uses the Unreal engine from what looks like Unreal Tournament 2004. Now lets do a little comparison. EQ2 which was released at the same time the graphics engine for this game was released has in my opinion superior graphics, but you judge.
Chronicles of The Spellborn
I hope by this point you are laughing as much as I am. Same release date on the graphics engine. (I am being kind and using the release date of the graphics engine as opposed to the game)
Now lets take a worse game not made by Sony. Lets say... Guild Wars, which is FREE to play.
Guild Wars
This game was first released in 2005, a mere year later, is free to play and has *gasp* superior graphics.
Well I'd like to take the time to thank you Severine for giving me a reason to never play CoTSB again. Aslo for giving me a link to refer people to when they suggest this game for obscure reasons. I hope anyone reading this can see that these CoTSB fanboys are nothing more then liars with junky machines who have a limited selection of games to choose from.
GW isint realy free to play since you gotta buy the game it self to get a cd key to play so its not a f2p just cause you dont pay monthly
Age of Conan got a free trail today: if you really wanna test your computer try it out:)
(you might need some tweaking like all of us do; but a good way to get to know your computer)
Disclaimer; hey its free trail; the OP can test his computer against this grapich heavy mmorpg for no cost at all:)
GW isint realy free to play since you gotta buy the game it self to get a cd key to play so its not a f2p just cause you dont pay monthly
CoTSB isn't free to play cause you got to pay after you hit level 7 to continue playing. That was a mute point since I was compairing graphics anyway. Oh and Free 2 Play is different then Free to Aquire. The gameplay in Guild Wars is indeed free, you just have to buy the game. The compairison would be CoTSB is a free trial.
Yes Turbine has been very true to the lore (some would say too true, but that's a whole other topic). If you perferred the books over the movies then you'll be happy with how Turbine has done it.
Good Luck and enjoy the new system.
Cheers for all your advice people:0) I think im gonna go with lord of the rings first as i like the idea of owning my own house in the gaming world. I also like the fact that its sticks to the lore from the books and seems to have a more established comunity than AOC. I reckon ill give AOC ago in few more months when the item thing is sorted out.
Tnx again guys cant wait till my new comp gets here now!
I'm on Firefoot if you do join. lvl 25 minst hobbit named Hagrim. Would love to help you level and show you around
If you want good graphics id recommend giving EVE Online a shot. its definitely different than most of the other cookie cutter MMO's and looks great on high settings.