Hi! This is a newly formed guild dedicated to the WoW PvP server. We will mostly be Hawaii through West Coast so scheduling raids will be mostly easy. We will be alliance only and our name means that we follow the order of the Alliance before the corruption from Arthas. As of now, the guild is inactive, but after retail comes out, we shall get the guild started and launch our official website. Anyone who would like to join post here or email me at strifeous@aol.com. Although we will be a very offensive guild you can just be here to meet new people! My guild positions as of now are:
Disciples of the Lost Order Ranking
1. Prophet of Vision (leader): Me
2. Prophet of Cunning: Takened Prophet of Command: Takened
3. (Class leaders) Faction of the Devoted (Paladin)
Faction of Cleansing (Priest)
Faction of Brutes (Warrior)
Faction of Marksmen (Hunter)
Faction of the Stealthy (Rogue)
Faction of the Mind (Mage)
Faction of the Beast (Druid)
Faction of the Corrupt (Warlock)
4. Spokened (More devoted members)
5. Devotees (Common Members)
As of now, ranks 3 through 5 are not takened. The earlier members have an earlier chance to get a higher rank so please apply! We shall rule Azeroth and restore our order!