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Looking into this game

kverikkverik Member Posts: 55

Iv been looking into this game for a bit so far and Iv been playing it (Just dled and started my account) however I have a few questions about the item mall, Im not looking to spend more than 15$ a month on any game and I heard originally this game was a endless pit of money so I am still kind of hesitant can some one confirm these facts for me?


-If I wait till age 20 to Rebirth its free?

-When I looked into the before you had to pay for the storylines... Was this taken out?

-If I like the looks of a premium character sheet could I buy a rebirth card once and then always use my age 20 free rebirth to look exactly the same?

-If I purchase the Fantasy Life Club everymonth is that really all I would need to pay for?


Thanks in advance


  • zeroadielzeroadiel Member UncommonPosts: 22

    Yes, now rebirthing is free once you hit age 20. Once the Saturday comes up when you are 20, it will give you a prompt to rebirth for free.

    Yes, the storyline from the beginning to Black Knights is free now, but there are a bit of a problem with the newer storyline but that will be fixed by the time you get to finish the first one.

    Yes again, if you like a look off a premium card, you can use it once to rebirth with the features you want and just rebirth at age 20 after.

    And the fantasy life club is just a giant extra now if you want it. You can buy it once then skip a month and come back to it, it is just optional if you want some of the stuff with it.

    Just for extra, Spirit/Ego weapons and Transforming is also free.

    Oh if you started a new character/account, you will have free Fantasy Life Package till you hit a total of level 30.

  • WinterfreshWinterfresh Member Posts: 73

    Zero, what do you mean free Fantasy Life Package? I created a character long time ago, haven't played in a while, and intend to play again soon. Am I eligible for it? I'm under lvl 30.

    Edit: Nevermind, I found it. Your characters have to be under lvl 30 together and it doesn't say you need to be a new player. And it's not the Fantasy Life package, it's just Nao's Support (which lets you revive with less death penalty, escape from battle easier, etc.) and Extra Storage. Still good and I will check the game out again.

  • zeroadielzeroadiel Member UncommonPosts: 22

    Oh, well two out of the tree services isn't that bad, it is mainly the ones you would really want anyways.

  • Basically, everything is free except for a horse and a pet. Which together equal about $15-$20 which all you should have to invest in this game. I, myself, haven't put any money into this game but i plan on buying a horse and pet.

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