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5 SECONDS TO DO A DEFAULT ATTACK. I actually counted the seconds till i swung with my weapon it is pretty much 5 seconds. this is the first thing i notice when i started my trial. it pretty much ruined my experience the whole time i played. i know some of you can call me picky but if some people wont play guildwars just because you cant jump i can talk about how this game screwed up the basic attack. i know i cant declare a game is bad with just one thing so ill keep goin.

So lets start from the beginning. Trials are made to let you experience the game before you play am i right? The trial for this game only lets you do tier one and go up to lvl 10. Now i assume that they did this because you would experience everything in the game in order to decide if you want it or not. As i talk to some of the subscribers i learned that it gets fun after 10. i guess you have to pay to have fun huh?

Ok so i made a swordmaster and got my first quest which calls for killing some monsters. So i go and click on one of them and faced him. and i stood there, as he attacked me not once but twice and did nothing. i thought maybe i didnt click on him so i did it again. after about 5 seconds i finally swung my weapon. this is a game about war and fast pace nonstop action is it not? so why the hell is the default attack take 5 seconds? oh its about the skills then huh? so i started to click the hell out of my skills and yes i do some dmg but im also out of action points. this is a problem when facing multiple opponents. i guess i should conserve my points huh? well then my argument goes back to the 5 second thing then. ill stop now to avoid goin in circles.

to avoid making this thing long ill just sum of the rest of the problems. you cannot dance cause your character actually REFUSES to dance. it is my character he should do what i tell him to do. when in rvr you have to wait around 20 minutes before even attempting to take a point. if my people are there and noone else for about 5 minutes i would assume it is ours but no its not. Your character does not change when leveled so the devs lied about that. Some of the classes are gender specific yet in the game npc's can be the opposite gender i did see a male witch elf which made no sense. some of the quests are not clear in what your looking for sure the red circle helps alot but sometimes they dont tell you what your looking for just what you need to find. also doing a range attack takes about 5 seconds and you have to keep clicking it to keep firing even if your a range specialist.

this game has a good number of features. rvr is cool and the public quests bring people to form groups. too bad they screwed up on the basic things that made mmo's fun like dancing and the continuation of swinging your weapon without clicking the hell out of your abilities to make the battles go faster. too bad i was really hopin this game could put a dent in wow.


  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593

    What are you on about? That the auto-attack is slow so the game is slow to you?

    Did you even try to use some skills for example? You know, in most of today's mmos people use skills - the little buttons on the bar at the bottom of your screen fyi - for attacks and actions.

    Or is your playstyle "select a mob then stand really close to it until it expires"?

    If so then simply forget all about WAR. Auto attack is pretty much inconsequential in its gameplay. Lol if using abilities is something you "have to do in order to speed up combat" then you're completely clueless i'm sad to say.

    As for action points and cooldowns lol.. use some sense and strategy ffs. That's what good player skills are all about here - timing your shots, picking the right moves for the particular situation and opponent (especially so with SM, which i got leveled to max) managing AP and whatever additional mechanic your class has. Lol, or are you asking for a "who spams attack button fastest wins" kinda gameplay?

    The rest of the post is pretty much on the same level. I have no idea what you're talking about in this open RvR thing rant there, and the "specialized for ranged" clicking for 5 seconds... what? are? you? talking? about? Who is specialized for ranged? What? Swordmaster? or some other class? What clicking for what 5 seconds? I get cramps in my fingers when I play my Engineer rank 22 alt for more than 15 minutes at its top capacity, with all the skills and especially instants its got. I really do not understand anything you said in this post because it makes no sense whatsoever.

    This must be one of the most ridiculous troll posts i read on this forum and believe me i've read many.

  • trozyxxxtrozyxxx Member UncommonPosts: 249

    silly, you picked an order toon, roll on the dark side, we hit twice a sec.

  • skydragonrenskydragonren Member Posts: 667

    Yeah I really do not know what he is going on about either.

    I have played every class in the game, and have never actually witnessed myself doing an auto attack since I started playing.

    If I do one, I don't notice because it must have just slipped in there between the skills I am using.


    This game isn't like wow. You can't hit auto attack and just stand there and expect to kill something.

    You have to move and actually use the skills at hand.


    To address the AP problem. The game is about RvR and as such you should most of the time be playing with others inside a scenario and/or open rvr battlefield. That being said the battle doesn't depend solely on you or your AP alone. If you're running low on AP, slack off a sec and let your teammates pick up some slack and rebuild some AP, then get back in the fight. It really is all about management of skills and AP.

    You do not win a war, your realm wins the war, use them as they use you.

    Now I DO agree with your 20 minute objective timer. This has always been silly to me, and needs to be changed. It slows the pace of the fighting WAYYYYY down. If you're going to have capture the flag type objectives, make them capture the flag. Make the players constantly on the move between all the objectives to speed up the pace of the fight, light a fire under thier a** and make it count for something. I think they should have a 5 minute tops defense wait. As it stands right now. Once one is capped, everyone leaves the battlefield. comes back in half an hour and hopes the rest come back to fight them.

    Very silly indeed.



  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593

    Well the timer is there for a reason, if there were no timers then musical chairs would be really rampant... Players would wait for cap bonus and then go somewhere else, with enemies waiting to take over (remember the silly thing they had in WoW, the first zone in TBC (forgot its name lol)). Consenual BO farming would become the norm and you wouldn't have much of an incentive to leave a pairing until you've maxed out your inf.  Imo it's not a very elegant solution to the problem but there it is...

    The next patch will make BO bonuses apply to the whole zone and this might further alleviate this very serious potential problem. A well advanced keep might prove be impossible to take without those bonuses to stats. Who knows, if Mythic thinks up something really smart (like maybe holding BOs a requirement for keep sieges, or some kind of rotating "hot spot" BO system with extra rewards) we might see those timers lifted eventually.

  • Ax-eorAx-eor Member Posts: 26

     I don't find the timers a real problem, they enemy takes a objective, then we got our hands full of pushing them back first, that easily takes 20 mins in a good rvr, then you can take the objective..

    Autoattack:  click mob, wait till it dies >boring<

    This game is all about Strategic planning, using your group and skills in the best way possible, you have to think about what you're doing and what to do next, personally, i think that's great.


    Sometimes 1+1 makes 3

  • MartinmasMartinmas Member UncommonPosts: 239

    If the biggest complaints you have for a game is that the auto attack is not set to warp speed and you are not able to do the hokey pokey that sounds like a pretty good game.

  • ASmith84ASmith84 Member Posts: 979

    i am all for being about skills im just sayin why cant it be both skillbased and attack faster then every 5 seconds? is it really that hard to do? if you played or watch a football game you can say that alot can happen in 5 seconds. you have to know the play and execute it and keep movin it involves both stradegy and fastpace. how about guildwars where you have only 8 skills at your disposal knowing and using the right skills at the right time can help you right? guildwars also attacks right after each blow so i know its possible. and yes even WARCRAFT is about skills and attacking continuously.

    i have played an engineer and a squidherder and when i try to attack someone from range i have to click on that ability, wait 5 seconds (it even shows you the timer) and then i click again. a ranged specialist is someone who prefers ranged combat its common sense.

    i also forgot to mention the death penalty. 15MINUTES to wait for it to go away or you have to pay. for someone who is new or learning a new profession this could empty your purse quite a bit. i would understand 3-5 minutes but 15 is too long.

  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593
    Originally posted by ASmith84

    i am all for being about skills im just sayin why cant it be both skillbased and attack faster then every 5 seconds? is it really that hard to do? if you played or watch a football game you can say that alot can happen in 5 seconds. you have to know the play and execute it and keep movin it involves both stradegy and fastpace. how about guildwars where you have only 8 skills at your disposal knowing and using the right skills at the right time can help you right? guildwars also attacks right after each blow so i know its possible. and yes even WARCRAFT is about skills and attacking continuously.
    i have played an engineer and a squidherder and when i try to attack someone from range i have to click on that ability, wait 5 seconds (it even shows you the timer) and then i click again. a ranged specialist is someone who prefers ranged combat its common sense.
    i also forgot to mention the death penalty. 15MINUTES to wait for it to go away or you have to pay. for someone who is new or learning a new profession this could empty your purse quite a bit. i would understand 3-5 minutes but 15 is too long.


    1) If you're playing a 2h tank you'll have a maximum 3.6 sec timer on your auto attacks (the slowest weapon speed). WOW isn't any different. However in WAR auto attacks do not really mean anything and it might be cool to ditch them altogether in the future. Abilities are not limited by weapons' speed but skill damage generally does scale with the dps of your weapon so a good DPS weapon does count for something, but not auto-attack dps.

    2) My engi's longest casting skill is a 3 sec aimed very long range shot that I use very very rarely - good for finishing off half-dead opponents trying to get away. 95% of the time I'm using mid range abilities which are either instant or max 2 sec CD + all the various gadgets (mines (1 sec), turrets (2 sec, inst with a tactic), wire (inst)) that I have. I don't know of any 5 sec cast time engi skill.

    2b) there still is that weird time-stretching UI  bug with cast-type abilities where it does appear that an ability takes 1 sec more to cast than it really does (a purely UI issue). For example, a fire bomb (main single-target mid-range engi DPS skill) takes 1 sec to cast but the UI bar appears to take 2 secs. Try pressing next skill button before the casting ends and you'll see your cast abilities go much faster. I have no idea why this is so but devs said they'll fix it soon (tm).. my guess is that it has something to do with int-real number math weirdness when applied to fundamentally laggy online gameplay.

    To make it even weirder, this bug wasn't always there.. At launch all cast timers were spot on, but the bug appeared somewhere around patch 1.1. Utterly weird. However if it wasn't here before then it is certain that i can be removed.

    3) I agree with you that I don't agree with death penalties in a game which is this hectic in PvP. Imo they should ditch those completely except stiffer short-time debuffs when ressing in combat. However an open world PvP death penalty is only 3 minutes long. (no penalties for instanced scenario deaths ofc). The 15 min one is for PvE deaths - and since PvE does give much more gold than PvP (and you die quite less often) it kinda makes sense that you pay up some when you die. In PvP those penalties don't really mean much unless you stack 3+ of them (each is -10% max hp, up to 5x) which usually means that you're doing something wrong and that maybe you should slow down a bit.

  • WindKunWindKun Member Posts: 45

    Get a few more abilities and you'll see how tactical and fast combat can be, I have a level 26 chosen and a level 27 blackguard (my main) been playing since closed beta, I can say that especially in T3 with massive keep sieges and dungeons like gunbad that during combat your mind is never quiet and your fingers are constantly strategically issuing fast paced attacks and abilities in certain orders that debilitate different class players you are up against.


    Seriously who just watches auto attack? I under stand if you have 1 ability that may have a cool down of 5 seconds, most of mine have 2-3 second cool downs and I have over a full bar of abilities so I can always use a skill immediately after unleashing one.

  • PlaidpantsPlaidpants Member UncommonPosts: 267

    The Healer for the death penalty was in DAoC as well - don't see any issues with it.


    Lol - you'd have to intentionally kill yourself thousands of times in a row to go broke from using the healer. It costs basically nothing compared to the gold you can make - I think the % was much higher in DAoC since money was a bit tougher to come by in DAoC compared to WAR.

  • mcfetersmcfeters Member Posts: 14

    How can you complain about paying silver to eliminate the death de-buff? There needs to be a penalty for dying. It makes you try harder to stay up. Besides, like what was just stated, the amount of silver it costs to remove the penalty is next to nothing. If anything, they could make that penalty more severe to encourage smarter play-styles.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195

         I wouldn't know whether this game is slow or not. Two of the four times I downloaded had "corrupted " files. The first pair was for buddy key...which I never got working. The last pair was for free trial...which again, never got up and running. Both times I never received any reply back from support. That is "0" replies for the 5 times (total) requests sent. So, needless to say and after all the hours wasted, I have never played and will...never again attempt to play ...WAR.  I have downloaded and played many trials and/or full sub MMO's...and have only had one problem trying to play the game. It was AoC and the problem was resolved by support within ten freakin minutes of my request. Any other problems I've had with other MMO's during course of play still were resolved within 24hrs...with WAR..nothing.

  • PlaidpantsPlaidpants Member UncommonPosts: 267
    Originally posted by BarCrow

         I wouldn't know whether this game is slow or not. Two of the four times I downloaded had "corrupted " files. The first pair was for buddy key...which I never got working. The last pair was for free trial...which again, never got up and running. Both times I never received any reply back from support. That is "0" replies for the 5 times (total) requests sent. So, needless to say and after all the hours wasted, I have never played and will...never again attempt to play ...WAR.  I have downloaded and played many trials and/or full sub MMO's...and have only had one problem trying to play the game. It was AoC and the problem was resolved by support within ten freakin minutes of my request. Any other problems I've had with other MMO's during course of play still were resolved within 24hrs...with WAR..nothing.


    You're in a minority here - and a very small minority. I know several friends who have downloaded the trial/buddy key stuff without problems. Dunno what the issue is in your case.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195
    Originally posted by Plaidpants

    Originally posted by BarCrow

         I wouldn't know whether this game is slow or not. Two of the four times I downloaded had "corrupted " files. The first pair was for buddy key...which I never got working. The last pair was for free trial...which again, never got up and running. Both times I never received any reply back from support. That is "0" replies for the 5 times (total) requests sent. So, needless to say and after all the hours wasted, I have never played and will...never again attempt to play ...WAR.  I have downloaded and played many trials and/or full sub MMO's...and have only had one problem trying to play the game. It was AoC and the problem was resolved by support within ten freakin minutes of my request. Any other problems I've had with other MMO's during course of play still were resolved within 24hrs...with WAR..nothing.


    You're in a minority here - and a very small minority. I know several friends who have downloaded the trial/buddy key stuff without problems. Dunno what the issue is in your case.

           It may very well be true...I may be in the minority as far as the issue with the download.That was really just the smallest part of the problem I could have easily accepted... ...if the support team would have responded  to any one of my emails . I have no doubts that the problem could have strictly been some kind of setting in Vista...or on my PC (even despite the fact that I have never had any problem downloading and initially playing any other mmo).....Sure could have used help though. That  was my main concern and turned me off to what could have otherwise ended up as an enjoyable game...and WAR is probably a very fun game to play....I just won't wait any longer for that possibility. I'll just play one of the other five I have on my hard drive.

  • upsilonmercupsilonmerc Member Posts: 23

    Auto-Attack is a bit extra damage

    Don't spam skills and you won't run out of AP

    Healer is cheap and you really shouldn't die a lot in PVE

    Yes you have to pay for fun so they make money

    This is a low fantasy grim setting so get used to not dancing

    You played the trial and obviously have problems with the game. Don't play, you haven't lost any money over it


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