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so here are my options. I have available a 60s warrior and a 60s rogue. I will only play a plate user. I am interested in warrior or death knight but I hear warrior is getting nerfed and that dknights are half of the population making it hard for them to group or join a guild. I am interested in doing some minor raiding for gear to pvp with. What do you guys think?
could always try a Paladin
I used to have fun with those back when i played.
Pally, because the guilds will want a healer, Especially now in World of Death Knights =P
lol but death knights look so cool, im prolly gonna end up playing one anyway lol. i would have to start from scratch to raise a pally
Lucky, if i went back to WoW,.. i'd have to start from scratch hehe. only because I lost all info to my old account >.<
I would stick with that warrior of yours. If you want to raid, go ahead and turn tank, and collect the leftover Fury gear after a few runs. Then respec and bust out a full fury warrior. NO reason to start completly over
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Go for a paladin. Its not like its hard to lvl up in WOW. Take a week or 2 to get to 70. Thats if your not a power leveler, If you are it might takea week. Plus paladins can do everything so in the end you can choose what fits you best. An with 8 mill of the 12 mill players being Deathnights and Hunters a paladin will be a welcome site.
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fuck it i might go for all three since dks start at lvl 55 right? the warrior is 63. so get those up to 80 and if i dont like em start the pali.
on another note ya lvling should be quick since im currently unemployed living with parents (sad life at 22). It just sucks ill have to fork out the money for a tranfer to play with friends , money to reactivate, and money to buy wrath of lich king.
Because of this, I would highly suggest either working on your Warrior or creating a Paladin. Death Knights are everywhere... you wont understand that I am NOT exaggerating until you get back into the game. Ever since WOTLK has been released, doing a /who of different zones in Outlands will generally be 60% Death Knights at least. That's a LOT considering how many classes are in the game.
Also, at endgame, a lot of guilds have self-imposed "DK caps" and are not letting any more in.
In my opinion, since you are currently unemployed and will theoretically have more time to play, I'd say start with a class that isn't the FOTM (FOTY?) and doesn't have such a bad rep. I'd lean more towards Paladin at the moment, since they are amazing in PvP and can always handle themselves in PvE as a Tank, Healer, or in some cases, DPS.
I've got a level 80 hunter and one of each class in the early 70's.
Here's my take on all of them:
Warlock: still squishy, loads of undead in Northrend so using fear is limited. Killing machine.
Rogue: feels gimped and may as well play DK dps or even feral druid. A lot of magic-using NPC's in starter zones just as well got stuns. Still someone has to open all those chests...oh wait...I mean lockboxes. :S
Death Knight: they are everywhere and OP'ed, even as a 5-man build I level faster than anything. Anyone can tank with these (almost), even me!
Druid: Feral all the way to 80, crits give heals making you group friendly and almost matches DK for levelling.
Paladin: well they are paladins, as prot I like to round mobs up and watch the xp roll in. They can travel faster than a hunter which can be annoying...
Mage: Still one of my favourite classes versatile and not very squishy if frost-spec
Warrior: Nothing looks more scary than a big warrior carrying 2 2handers, awesome though not as awesome as DK obviously.
Hunter: Consistent high dps and the ability to track almost anything (though some of the Northrend mobs are Unknown or mechanical) makes levelling a breeze.
Priest: Everyone likes a priest, even shadow ones! (again caveat that there are plenty of undead in northrend and using fear as a panic button wont work)
Shaman: least favourite of mine, they've just don't feel as awesome as they used to be.
Had to remove signature because of lame code of conduct...
so with 3.1 here I hear there are a lot of changes. Ret paladins get nerfed and buffed, dks get nerfed, warriors get nerfed and buffed. Arms warriors are supposedly going to be the new warrior class with fury maybe returning to power ocne people get full tier 8 gear. Dks are somehow nerfed although I dont know much about DKs, and paladins get a dmg nerf in ret burst but more sustained. What is going to be the best lvling spec for each class now?