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I downloaded the client from tcos's website yesterday, the 13th of april. ITs supose to be a starter trial to give players a taste , witch is interesting because im not sure what other mmorpgs have done this, none that i can think. After patching, witch there isnt much, i looked at the patched folder that was in my tcos folder just now and it was 200 megs worth, i started the game up without any hickups. To play you have to register on there website, witch is very simple and just log onto the servers with the name and password you used. I just got done compleating my inistial quests witch involved gathering things, fighting mobs, etc..
The combat used a skilldeck that you place skills like most other mmorpgs, though there are some added things to it. The ranged combat is some what like darkfals where you have to aim to hit your oponets, although it seemed basic in nature and at best not very playable. The mele is well done though and thats the basic structure of combat in this any way. Your character has different stats that are upgraded with each level you acheive. Grat visuals , here are some pictures i took along my way to the begining city.
This first picture was after i had compleated a few quests, and i was in the middle part of the starting area, witch there is alot of space. It was populated heavily with the chat channels running a mile a minute. The sound is done well. Theres some voice acting with npcs , and the music is done right. I didnt make it into a party, but there were players shouting in the channels looking for others to join theres. So thats about all i have, just tought id give any one interested in trying the chronciles of spellborn a look into what downloading and playing it is like and that its worth it to do so.
Its always great to see comments on how people join the game. Is there anything you'd suggest to go into the start of the game, or make it easier to play?
thanks sabre, yes theres a few things i guess. If your wanting to start the free trial theres different clients. I used the one supplyed by tcos's website but if your downloading it from another site you will wana make sure your geting the client that is for your location. I had started to downloaded the Europe client and i was half way through it untill i noticed , i reside in the US. One thing i didnt find on the UI is a place to check latency or frames so if any one knows that plz post it. Some have it and some dont, but latency wise the game ran flawlessly.
It seems that the configuartion will set your settings abnormaly high graphics wise, at least thats what happened with my alienware laptop, so i had to change those. There is a training exercise that everyone must go though untill they can enter into the world. I had some difficulties momintairly with geting the ranged combat to work properly, you have to use that skill number on the deck each time you want to shoot a ranged shot, witch i didnt understand at first but i dont think it will give any one problems more then i had.
The starting quests are time consuming as i had finished 3 quests that took about 3 hours or so. This was on the PvE server , i made a character on the PVP server also. Basicly theres 2 different servers you can start out with. They have the same training excersize. and everything at the start is the same. The quests have markers on the minimap that i didnt notice untill i was 3/4 the way done with my quests witch coulda saved alot of time. Gren dots are for quests not yet taken, and red dots are parts of quests that need to be compleated so look for those.
in many first level reviews i have seen similar statements like this.
for me the skilldeck and the mechanics involved with it has a lot more potential then just beeing a "rotating hotbar"
likewise in many pr statements of the tcos folks i often see things like the "dress to impress" or "manual aiming" aspect of tcos get the center stage while for me (im level 34 on my highest char in tcos atm) this silly rotating hotbar is one of the best aspects of the game.
imagine you have 35 skills but only have access to 5 of them at a time
imagine all of them have different reuse time
imagine that you would want some of them multiple times in your deck
imagine that some (combo) skills start a combo chains, others build it up and yet others finish them
imagine some of them influence your abilities and indirectly the speed the deck rotates
imagine that you have slots on some of these skills to increase their effect
i personally spend a lot of time adjusting my skilldeck when i get a new skil and even sometimes mid level i tinker with different layouts.
i also believe the number of skills we have now in the early stages of the game will be a fraction of what we have in month/ years to come so that the art of deckbuilding will get more complex.
in short what i really like about tcos is that it has a good mix of "finger skills" when it comes to actively dodging and aiming but also some "brain skills" when it comes to building the perfect deck for your style of playing.
on the easter weekend i took some time off to try the aion chinese ob and altough i loved aion i really missed the action paced fights and rotating deck a lot.
if your bored, visit my blog at: dealing with the look of mmos with the nvidia 3d vision glasses
Id say making sigils more abundant in the initial stages of the game. By the mid teens you certainly have a good amount earned through quests and as drops, but the 'trial' period doesnt really show this and I think a lot of people are put off simply because they get no upgrades or think that upgrades and new gear dont exist.
Not only that, but there seems to be a total lack of certain shaped sigils in general-id like it so that by my mid teens i had the option to fill all of my sigil slots rather than only having a few shapes, with the market showing 1 circular sigil at a ridiculously over inflated price.
My suggestion would be to introduce some low level, low impact sigils as quest rewards in the trial areas instead of the useless consumables we get now. Not only sigils, but some resource and recipe rewards as well. Show off your stats and crafting systems early on rather than having it as something that kind of floats into the game at a later stage.