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I am running the DX 10 client and it seems that when i enable some dx10feats,i m not getting the quality i was expecting to.
Do i have to enable only some of the feats? Which of them?
(8800gts 512mb/latest drivers)
Ok... Considering we don't know what kind of quality you are getting, or even the kind of quality that you are expecting, it is very hard to say. Which dx10 features are you messing with? Also, depending on what your other settings are, an 8800gts wont be nearly enough power for the dx10 features, so that might also be an issue.
Do all dx10 feats work as they should to?
Curently dx10 players,chose only the default settings for dx10?
Having the same issue here. I have a 9600 512mb video card.
I apply everything to high and it runs fine, but the quality of the god light is very shoddy and distances over about 10feet away become blurry and distorted.
Lowering the settings doesn't seem to help.. I assume its the video card but not to sure..
Everything seems to be working ok for me in dx10. However, there is some spatial something something setting that looks great when you stand still, and flickers horribily while moving. Remember though, that the dx10 is still in testing. Also, godrays eat a lot of resources for not much effect... Hopefully it will be made more efficient.
DX10 is still in testing mode, so there are lots of glitches and bugs, but it is working more then 80% of the time.
I take off SSAO and put the god ray slider to less than 30%.
Nice videos in your sig. In the 2nd vid is that a normal HUD layout or modified?
Turning 'Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Lighting' Off looks to have fixed up the visuals.
Are other people having issues with having that paritcular setting on?