nice blog, well written and as your review does, nails it. Great job vesavius. Hope to see you in game.
Also, on the bugs and content, ETC, that's all acclaim's fault sadly. They have not implemented a single hotfix, and are a few months behind the content wave of EU. My suggestion would be to go over there (if you can bear leveling through the first few zones) if you're not satisfied with acclaim. Only downside is a lack of people (relatively).
nice blog, well written and as your review does, nails it. Great job vesavius. Hope to see you in game.
Also, on the bugs and content, ETC, that's all acclaim's fault sadly. They have not implemented a single hotfix, and are a few months behind the content wave of EU. My suggestion would be to go over there (if you can bear leveling through the first few zones) if you're not satisfied with acclaim. Only downside is a lack of people (relatively).
Thanks for the kind words, I was hoping that some of the guys here would appreciate it.