I had recently thought about playing WAR again, but when I started thinking about which class to play and visiting the boards, everything I read made the balance issues look worse. The classes I was interested in playing were all the bottom of the barrel. What's the fun in playing a tank class when I know that 4 other tank classes are better. It was very discouraging. Normally I don't whine about balance in MMOs(believe it or not) because in a 1v1 situation I find the better player generally wins. WAR is all about RVR and serving your role though. So am I wrong about this? Has the game gotten better in terms of balancing the classes or worse?
The game was never intended to be balanced for 1v1 combat, a squig herder is never going to get the better of a slayer up close and personal no matter how good the player is. The balance issues come in the various skills that the classes have, way overpowered AoE & healing spells for example. It's possible to get a couple of classes working together in a way that makes them almost unbeatable and this should never be the case.
Mythic will eventually fix the balance issues but until they do just be cleverer than the other guy :P
I consider the rock / paper / sissors design to be one of the biggest flaws of the game. It's not a very popular style for a PvP game, because there are very few people who enjoy being nothing more than fodder for another class. Any normal sane person would want at least a fighting chance and preferably an equal chance of winning. Why would you design a game where a few classes are very good at 1v1 while the rest are not?
This may be a RvR game, but unless you are being focus fired, most of the battles are 1v1, so that really showcases the ineqaulity of the class and combat design flaws. So many of the classes are very squishy, but they have nothing to show for it, hell, most of them can't even kill another player without help. Only the sorceror / bright wizard get any killing ability to make up for their squishiness.
My Archmage, Rune Priest, Shadow Warrior, Engineer and Magus were extremely irritating to play. All of them are considered support classes and yet they have little to no survivability nor did they have the ability to kill people without help. My Engineer was the strongest of the bunch, yet despite all of his area effect damage, I couldn't solo people and rarely got killing blows in groups. Where exactly is the fun in that? With all of the classes I played, I spent more time respawning or being rezzed than I ever did in battle.
Don't even get me started with healers. Mythic outright lied about their roles in combat. "Spellcasting gone bananas" "No backline healing bots in this game" Why exactly is it fun for the player to be pure support in a PvP game? Why is it okay for classes like Choppa / Slayer, Witch Elf / Witch Hunter, Disciple of Khane / Warrior Priest and Sorceror / Bright Wizard to be over powered and killing machines while the rest just slog through the bullshit?
Why did they do the balance thing so much better with DAoC and such a terrible job with WAR? In fact, other than the interface and some mechanics, DAoC is the superior game.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
bascially when i read about how people are pissed about class balancing in this game and how they get owned constantly by another class i get a little aggravated. i look at choosing a class like this. you got classes for fighting, defending and healing. some of those classes are going to survive some of those classes are going to die. you need to decide what you want to do in battle. if you want to survive, pick something that can kill. if you dont care and want to assist then pick a healer. everyone needs to know their roll in a battle and quit crying about their outcome. some people are made for fighting and some people are made for dying.
There is only 1 class my Archmage has trouble killing, and that is the Witch Elf, every other class can't stand toe to toe with my healer, well the way I play it they can't, however if I come up against a Shaman it's a stalement, ofc with them being my opposite that is to be expected.
I find this game no different to say WoW's PvP, use the right skills and know your enemy and you can win, go in blind and hope for the best then your probably going to die, go in with a defeatist attitude and your definately going to lose.
Rock/Paper/Scissors, so thats 99% of PvP games then.
The game was never intended to be balanced for 1v1 combat, a squig herder is never going to get the better of a slayer up close and personal no matter how good the player is. The balance issues come in the various skills that the classes have, way overpowered AoE & healing spells for example. It's possible to get a couple of classes working together in a way that makes them almost unbeatable and this should never be the case.
Mythic will eventually fix the balance issues but until they do just be cleverer than the other guy :P
I consider the rock / paper / sissors design to be one of the biggest flaws of the game. It's not a very popular style for a PvP game, because there are very few people who enjoy being nothing more than fodder for another class. Any normal sane person would want at least a fighting chance and preferably an equal chance of winning. Why would you design a game where a few classes are very good at 1v1 while the rest are not?
This may be a RvR game, but unless you are being focus fired, most of the battles are 1v1, so that really showcases the ineqaulity of the class and combat design flaws. So many of the classes are very squishy, but they have nothing to show for it, hell, most of them can't even kill another player without help. Only the sorceror / bright wizard get any killing ability to make up for their squishiness.
My Archmage, Rune Priest, Shadow Warrior, Engineer and Magus were extremely irritating to play. All of them are considered support classes and yet they have little to no survivability nor did they have the ability to kill people without help. My Engineer was the strongest of the bunch, yet despite all of his area effect damage, I couldn't solo people and rarely got killing blows in groups. Where exactly is the fun in that? With all of the classes I played, I spent more time respawning or being rezzed than I ever did in battle.
Don't even get me started with healers. Mythic outright lied about their roles in combat. "Spellcasting gone bananas" "No backline healing bots in this game" Why exactly is it fun for the player to be pure support in a PvP game? Why is it okay for classes like Choppa / Slayer, Witch Elf / Witch Hunter, Disciple of Khane / Warrior Priest and Sorceror / Bright Wizard to be over powered and killing machines while the rest just slog through the bullshit?
Why did they do the balance thing so much better with DAoC and such a terrible job with WAR? In fact, other than the interface and some mechanics, DAoC is the superior game.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Heck, Lineage 2 added a rock, paper, scissors system (and it can be argued elsewhere how successful people think it is I'm sure) in order to make every class viable but every class have some vulnerabilities.
In a game that is focused on large groups or even small skirmishes, it makes sense. I actually have had few 1v1's and have mostly experienced small or large group. I think what people "want" is to be viable 1vs1 but it is very clearto me that this is not a 1vs 1 game.
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What the hell kind of computers they use at Mythic to make this laggy stuttery sluggish client run smooth.
That's actually a great question that sites like MMORPG.com should ask of ALL studios in a review / overview / interview.
And don't let the studio wimp out by saying "oh we have a range of systems we use", no, get them to tell you the exact specs of the machines used by the Lead and Senior Programmers, the Project Producer (the producer responsible for this game, not the Studio Producer), and the senior QA testers.
It may surprise you that studios usually do NOT have bleeding edge, or even cutting edge, rigs for their developers.
One reason devs may not notice latency is that they don't play the game via the internet, they use their internal LAN.
WAR probably runs GREAT from inside the studio.
edit: and WAR's performance problems aren't Client side anyway, it's the Server side that can't process large battles efficiently, so it wouldn't matter what rig you ran.
i've been playing since early access and its just dying a slow death. they're making fixes/adding new stuff that makes you think things are finally gonna be fun and yet its just not. im still sub'd to the game but sometimes i play for like 30min. and just log for the night meh.
I just dont agree that such a broken and incomplete game can have such a high score. AoC Had a seven and Now look at it.
Putting WaR over AoC is a pure fail and undeserving.
PvE in AoC dominates WaR in every aspect, and with the combat, fatalities and visceral graphics AoC PvP dominates WaR. People just dont understand the feeling of cutting off your oponents head.
Im nto siding with one game here because I dont like both of them for there unfinished, unbalanced, broken gameplay. Darkfall is my game forever. Darkfall is where I found my game.
Why write up three pages trying to explain why WAR sucks when you can do it in one word..."shallow."
The whole game is shallow in every shape or form.
Plus, WoW>WAR competely.....Workshop Games might as well scrape WAR40 being made by Virgil because I don't think they can take the embarrassment of seeing a posslbe Starcraft MMO wiping the floor with it....lol
OK 1ST to every class thier is a stong and weak point if your a clothie every thing will kill you quick , but you can nuke the hell out of everything for high damage, your a tank you take the beating for the most part and laugh at the 5 ppl trying to kill you, but you dont really do much back if you expect to pick one class and own every one dont play mmos go back to console games and get a game shark or pro action replay and cheat your way to god mode
ive been playing games since asherons call came out , i loved that game , then when my friends moved on so did i , i played wow at release i remeber alot more crashes and down times then ive had with war, sure war has its bugs , what game doest to this day end up with bugs , just how many varries on how long they had to fix them, as for the new tokens thier is one thing i havent seen mentioned , or might have missed.
is the zone lock down rewards now, the rr and inf has been reduces as of 1.2.1 but if your thier from start to end of locking that zone you will receive 2x the rr and inf you gaind from eact tick , ive gotten over 6k rr and 4k inf in T3 orvr for locking a zone not to mention the 5 tokens given . keeps def ticks are much better then before , i was getting a 400-700xp ticks for med def now i get up to 1100-1400xp 300+/- rr and 150+/- inf so they have made keep def more inticeing to me .
the onlything i disslike has nothing to do with mythic it has to do with the player base ,, path of least resistance is what sheep do , im sorry but im a wolf i like the hunt and the fight and 1 v 1 can get you 3k xp a kill you bet ill risk going out thier and meybe dieng a few times gut if i get 2 kills in per death taht 6k xp takes the sting our of the wallet.
only thing i do have a complaint about with mythic is the siege engines , while yes they beefed them up a bit , and i do mean a bit .the balistas should do more damage per hit then a sorc/bw can its a freaking balista , and the catapaults should hit keep walls and aoe damage all around them not just whtas on the ground and where is our ability to launch orcs into keeps , sure they said it was a 50/50 shot but hell get a couple choppas and shammys and to hell with orders losing the oil so they cant get nuked , ya we do it too, but id rather see a team effort on keep def then a one man army manning the oil. and the repair feature is to op , now way in hell you should be able to repair it that fast with that much damage being done to it,
with that said i still enjoy this game and i belive its not mythics job to hand you every thing with out it being earned ,we all have jobs we go to , and earn our money , so why should that be any different with anything else in this world in rl or other
Warhammer gets boring and repetitive faster than WoW. In fact, WoW's PVP is probably better when you get right down to it.
People are morons in the game. Try playing a PVP scenario and you'll lose because half of your team just decides to rush against the enemy despite your appeals for them to stay together and work together.
Instanced PVP fails, and it fails in Warhammer big time. Why was it even necessary? In the meantime, Mythic wonders why their world PVP is so static.
Most of us ought to know by now that you just can't trust the major game reviewers to provide a real review of a single player PC title, much less an MMO. It's sad that almost every new MMO on MMORPG.com gets a high ranking by default unless the community is virtually united in outrage against the game.
If you're going to rank games from 1 to 10, don't be afraid to give out 4's and 5's for mediocre titles like Warhammer. Lets save 6 through 10 for games that actually try to break the mold and run well without horrendous, unforgivable lag.
thats funny i know ppl who buaght the new ex pack for wow and have already quit complaining " all it is is more of the same" wow blows for pvp , in fact by far does it blow . cant level with it , takes far longer to get the pvp gear , and as for bugs n lag man you ppl must have just found wow or something it was by far the worst launched game next to AoC , server crashes , world crashes instance crashes , crashes just cuz it was bored , so dont give us this mediocer crap.
its funny i dont even think you guys know what realy was born first the warcraft lore or warhammer lore, last i checked warhammer was around inthe mid 80's while warcraft wasnt till the 90's , while yes warcraft was comp based they got thier ideas from warhammer's models ,
WoW has a few years on war when it comes to mmo for the first year WoW was horrible ( while yes i played it) i enojyed my self till cap then relized how dead end game is , running molten core ungodly amounts of time, and finding that for somereason no mage stuff ever dropped while i was thier but i miss a day and like 7 things drop , i hated that , i hate pve i hate haveing to wait a week or two for things to reset , so i can have another chance at a itme that has a .0000001% chance to drop , oh then thier bright idea here pay us for the exspanpack, and oh guess what all that gear it took months to get well here are some greens that blow them away, and oh 10 more levels to grind just to get to the hurry up and wait months to get your gear, then the new pack wash and repete .
and wow pvp better i really think your taking the bad drugs. lets see a bunch of afkers standing around with the hurry up and let them win its faster renown and marks , wow that is so much fun to be the only guy actuaily wanting to fight, wow = kid mode for pvp totaly lame arena lame , on my server we had a pack of resto druids as a team how the hell you expect to fight resto druids and win no dps but you cant kill the bastards.
i think thats why most complain about war , is the fact that they think wow is the only game that has ever been made, and think all games should follow thier standard, wow's standard sucks, i was blackmailed ( well they tried any way) on that game and when i reported the guy i was banned for three days for telling the dude to piss off when he said give me gold or ill report you , thier gms act like robots , while i have not had a chance or a reason to talk to in game csr yet im sure it will be slow as it was when WoW came out , i posted tickets in wow and most of the time i never heard from a gm .
also wow is a major time sink MAJOR time sink and gold waste , for 5k you can have this mount for 1k you can have this mouont wtf 5k 5k gold when you barely gave us over 4 silver a drop , major gold farmers and buying problems are still rampent in that game , do you see a post on thier site saying look how many spammers we have blocked sure some still get in thier but hey WaR has a report gold sellers function wow dosent , why , cuz blizzard is getting akick back from the sellers so why stop a good thing for them even tho it screwed up the AH not every one can afford to spend 100 bucks on buying gold all the time.
cuz form a new player prospective if i walked into a AH looking for lvl 19 gear i wouldnt have 100's of gold but thats what the cost of the gear would be , since all the twinks in the game. but maybe thats it you cant have a ** level twink to grief new players or those who cant afford the gear, or is it due to the fact on core servers you get turned into a chicken if you try to fight ppl way to low for you , or is it the pvp here makes you earn your rewards
as for the lag , i lag somtimes but thats only when im in a area of like ohh a keep with 4 wbs in it and then its not that bad i can still fight and function with out to much problems, L2 had a major memmory leak that would lag the game very very badly or you would find yourself looking at your desktop all of the sudden , even wow did that the first year, i would still rank this game a 8 out of 10 , while i think SC's should jsut be removed or the xp drop to almost nothing so ppl wont grind it to level , i blame the sc syndrome on wow and thier epic failed Bg's
Are the other 4 capitals in, yet? I've no interest in defending Altorf as an Asur or the Inevitable City as a Druchii. Not a chance.
I found this in an interview regarding the dropped cities.
Previously each of the current races would feature their own Capital City. However, Mythic did not want to spread its resources thin in attempting to do justice for a larger number of cities in time for Warhammer Online's launch. Instead, Mythic would rather redirect their efforts to polish two major cities to better realize their promises to players, which include cities gaining or losing status from the "Realm vs. Realm" (RvR) conflict. The additional cities will come later and should hopefully benefit from the experience earned from which Mythic hopefully earned the first time around.
Now we know that the dropped classes have already made it back into the game, so thats proof already for those that considered the cut classes where never going to appear, that the dropped cities should also at some stage make an appearance aswell.
However I worry that if they do implement the dropped cities what kind of impact will that have on the game, if numbers are down it will make defending even harder or mustering armies to attack harder as there are more targets, will it be a good addition or a bad one, who knows until something happens, but I have faith that something will happen as they have already proved that they haven't forgotten what they dropped.
Oh, I'm aware of why they cut them, that the classes have returned and that the cities are planned to return as well. I'm just waiting somewhat impatiently.
Favorites: EQ, EVE | Playing: None. Mostly VR and strategy | Anticipating: CU, Pantheon
its funny i dont even think you guys know what realy was born first the warcraft lore or warhammer lore, last i checked warhammer was around inthe mid 80's while warcraft wasnt till the 90's , while yes warcraft was comp based they got thier ideas from warhammer's models ,
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
its funny i dont even think you guys know what realy was born first the warcraft lore or warhammer lore, last i checked warhammer was around inthe mid 80's while warcraft wasnt till the 90's , while yes warcraft was comp based they got thier ideas from warhammer's models ,
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
Yep and this is why I'm disappointed with the genre. We've been conditioned to think that excessively repetitive game play is suppose to be fun. That shallow content with zero player impact is entertaining. That forced social structures are in the player's best interest. That wanting your character to be central in a massively online story is celf-centered and wrong. That playing support classes automatically means you are second class citizens and your only purpose is to make the game fun for everyone else. That FedEx quests should somehow advance your character on their spiritual journey to enlightenment. That game mechanics put in expressly to slow down your progression are necessary for you to appreciate the grind. And last but not least, these companies think they deserve more than $14.99 a month for their crappy, shallow content and therefore are hellbent on implementing cash shops to further rip-off their addicted, but sadly loyal customers.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
its funny i dont even think you guys know what realy was born first the warcraft lore or warhammer lore, last i checked warhammer was around inthe mid 80's while warcraft wasnt till the 90's , while yes warcraft was comp based they got thier ideas from warhammer's models ,
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
You just described nearly all MMO's out there.
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
Mirror class system ultimately killed Warhammer, it made it from a game where there was actually some difference between the two factions to a game where everything is the same...There are obviously differences lore-wise, why not implement these into the game?
Warhammer tries too hard to be WoW. Craft system? I didn't even know it was there when I was playing. All I did know was scenarios, which they should have gotten rid of completely to start and maybe added in once Public Quests were running out of people in earlier levels.
The whole rolling for bags is terrible, if I am 2nd or 1st or 3rd in a keep siege then I should be guaranteed loot. I have gone too many times where epic gear would go to someone else who did way worse than me. There was terrible customer service, I tried for weeks to complain about a bug with one of the pieces of armor. There should have been more keeps so that guilds could actually keep them, and have territory the way they are doing it in All Points Bulletin.
If a game wants to be good, don't just copy the best, because people are going to go to WoW if you are just another clone. We need some new ideas, and take advantage of the fact that there is six years worth of technological progression compared to when WoW first came out....seriously.
I agree that you agree to disagree and my score is 4/10. If a game released in 2008 can't get the animations right after 7 months is either the animators are lame or the game director(s) must have been fired from day one + yes WAR has a dated graphics.
Simply another wasted IP.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
I've played a lot of MMO's at launch WAR seemed to be about the same as other games at release as far as bug's and glitches are related. As far as the progress made in the last seven months Gameplay they are at the top of the pile as far as improvement speed. Smoothness of play including graphics, glitches and bugs ive seen a lot better and i've seen a lot worse. Graphics seem to be about average its a cartoony system like WoW but kinda leans towards a realistic system like AoC. Are they state of the art no they are about 2005ish graphics that yes should run better than they do under high pressure strain(not enough gerbils running the wheels).
As far as what the MMORPG guy rated the game I think he's about right he does mention problems with PvE and Crafting but this game was never billed as leaning towards either. It was designed around huge RvR fights designed for it, which it does pretty well minus the graphic problems and a few other things that Mythic seems to be adressing. I would say 70% of what you rate this game would have to be based on RvR.
If you think this game is a 4/10 because PvE and crafting are terrible then in that perspective a game like FFX would be a 1/10 if you wanted to play a FPS. Also on a side note ratings are always going to be personal opinions. I have played several games that played well, looked good, ran excellent, and had almost everything a gamer could want and the game just didn't have something i couldn't put my finger on but caused me to not want to play. Maybe the reviewer just liked the game.
I've played a lot of MMO's at launch WAR seemed to be about the same as other games at release as far as bug's and glitches are related. As far as the progress made in the last seven months Gameplay they are at the top of the pile as far as improvement speed. Smoothness of play including graphics, glitches and bugs ive seen a lot better and i've seen a lot worse. Graphics seem to be about average its a cartoony system like WoW but kinda leans towards a realistic system like AoC. Are they state of the art no they are about 2005ish graphics that yes should run better than they do under high pressure strain(not enough gerbils running the wheels). As far as what the MMORPG guy rated the game I think he's about right he does mention problems with PvE and Crafting but this game was never billed as leaning towards either. It was designed around huge RvR fights designed for it, which it does pretty well minus the graphic problems and a few other things that Mythic seems to be adressing. I would say 70% of what you rate this game would have to be based on RvR. If you think this game is a 4/10 because PvE and crafting are terrible then in that perspective a game like FFX would be a 1/10 if you wanted to play a FPS. Also on a side note ratings are always going to be personal opinions. I have played several games that played well, looked good, ran excellent, and had almost everything a gamer could want and the game just didn't have something i couldn't put my finger on but caused me to not want to play. Maybe the reviewer just liked the game.
1.I don`t think you would have given the game more than 4 if you were playing on Karak Norn(thank you Mythic & GOA) .Each time things get serious the server crashes.
2. Or may be the reviewer is just hyping the game before the new expansion goes live.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
its funny i dont even think you guys know what realy was born first the warcraft lore or warhammer lore, last i checked warhammer was around inthe mid 80's while warcraft wasnt till the 90's , while yes warcraft was comp based they got thier ideas from warhammer's models ,
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
The game was never intended to be balanced for 1v1 combat, a squig herder is never going to get the better of a slayer up close and personal no matter how good the player is. The balance issues come in the various skills that the classes have, way overpowered AoE & healing spells for example. It's possible to get a couple of classes working together in a way that makes them almost unbeatable and this should never be the case.
Mythic will eventually fix the balance issues but until they do just be cleverer than the other guy :P
I consider the rock / paper / sissors design to be one of the biggest flaws of the game. It's not a very popular style for a PvP game, because there are very few people who enjoy being nothing more than fodder for another class. Any normal sane person would want at least a fighting chance and preferably an equal chance of winning. Why would you design a game where a few classes are very good at 1v1 while the rest are not?
This may be a RvR game, but unless you are being focus fired, most of the battles are 1v1, so that really showcases the ineqaulity of the class and combat design flaws. So many of the classes are very squishy, but they have nothing to show for it, hell, most of them can't even kill another player without help. Only the sorceror / bright wizard get any killing ability to make up for their squishiness.
My Archmage, Rune Priest, Shadow Warrior, Engineer and Magus were extremely irritating to play. All of them are considered support classes and yet they have little to no survivability nor did they have the ability to kill people without help. My Engineer was the strongest of the bunch, yet despite all of his area effect damage, I couldn't solo people and rarely got killing blows in groups. Where exactly is the fun in that? With all of the classes I played, I spent more time respawning or being rezzed than I ever did in battle.
Don't even get me started with healers. Mythic outright lied about their roles in combat. "Spellcasting gone bananas" "No backline healing bots in this game" Why exactly is it fun for the player to be pure support in a PvP game? Why is it okay for classes like Choppa / Slayer, Witch Elf / Witch Hunter, Disciple of Khane / Warrior Priest and Sorceror / Bright Wizard to be over powered and killing machines while the rest just slog through the bullshit?
Why did they do the balance thing so much better with DAoC and such a terrible job with WAR? In fact, other than the interface and some mechanics, DAoC is the superior game.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
bascially when i read about how people are pissed about class balancing in this game and how they get owned constantly by another class i get a little aggravated. i look at choosing a class like this. you got classes for fighting, defending and healing. some of those classes are going to survive some of those classes are going to die. you need to decide what you want to do in battle. if you want to survive, pick something that can kill. if you dont care and want to assist then pick a healer. everyone needs to know their roll in a battle and quit crying about their outcome. some people are made for fighting and some people are made for dying.
There is only 1 class my Archmage has trouble killing, and that is the Witch Elf, every other class can't stand toe to toe with my healer, well the way I play it they can't, however if I come up against a Shaman it's a stalement, ofc with them being my opposite that is to be expected.
I find this game no different to say WoW's PvP, use the right skills and know your enemy and you can win, go in blind and hope for the best then your probably going to die, go in with a defeatist attitude and your definately going to lose.
Rock/Paper/Scissors, so thats 99% of PvP games then.
I consider the rock / paper / sissors design to be one of the biggest flaws of the game. It's not a very popular style for a PvP game, because there are very few people who enjoy being nothing more than fodder for another class. Any normal sane person would want at least a fighting chance and preferably an equal chance of winning. Why would you design a game where a few classes are very good at 1v1 while the rest are not?
This may be a RvR game, but unless you are being focus fired, most of the battles are 1v1, so that really showcases the ineqaulity of the class and combat design flaws. So many of the classes are very squishy, but they have nothing to show for it, hell, most of them can't even kill another player without help. Only the sorceror / bright wizard get any killing ability to make up for their squishiness.
My Archmage, Rune Priest, Shadow Warrior, Engineer and Magus were extremely irritating to play. All of them are considered support classes and yet they have little to no survivability nor did they have the ability to kill people without help. My Engineer was the strongest of the bunch, yet despite all of his area effect damage, I couldn't solo people and rarely got killing blows in groups. Where exactly is the fun in that? With all of the classes I played, I spent more time respawning or being rezzed than I ever did in battle.
Don't even get me started with healers. Mythic outright lied about their roles in combat. "Spellcasting gone bananas" "No backline healing bots in this game" Why exactly is it fun for the player to be pure support in a PvP game? Why is it okay for classes like Choppa / Slayer, Witch Elf / Witch Hunter, Disciple of Khane / Warrior Priest and Sorceror / Bright Wizard to be over powered and killing machines while the rest just slog through the bullshit?
Why did they do the balance thing so much better with DAoC and such a terrible job with WAR? In fact, other than the interface and some mechanics, DAoC is the superior game.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Heck, Lineage 2 added a rock, paper, scissors system (and it can be argued elsewhere how successful people think it is I'm sure) in order to make every class viable but every class have some vulnerabilities.
In a game that is focused on large groups or even small skirmishes, it makes sense. I actually have had few 1v1's and have mostly experienced small or large group. I think what people "want" is to be viable 1vs1 but it is very clearto me that this is not a 1vs 1 game.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
That's actually a great question that sites like MMORPG.com should ask of ALL studios in a review / overview / interview.
And don't let the studio wimp out by saying "oh we have a range of systems we use", no, get them to tell you the exact specs of the machines used by the Lead and Senior Programmers, the Project Producer (the producer responsible for this game, not the Studio Producer), and the senior QA testers.
It may surprise you that studios usually do NOT have bleeding edge, or even cutting edge, rigs for their developers.
One reason devs may not notice latency is that they don't play the game via the internet, they use their internal LAN.
WAR probably runs GREAT from inside the studio.
edit: and WAR's performance problems aren't Client side anyway, it's the Server side that can't process large battles efficiently, so it wouldn't matter what rig you ran.
i've been playing since early access and its just dying a slow death. they're making fixes/adding new stuff that makes you think things are finally gonna be fun and yet its just not. im still sub'd to the game but sometimes i play for like 30min. and just log for the night meh.
I just dont agree that such a broken and incomplete game can have such a high score. AoC Had a seven and Now look at it.
Putting WaR over AoC is a pure fail and undeserving.
PvE in AoC dominates WaR in every aspect, and with the combat, fatalities and visceral graphics AoC PvP dominates WaR. People just dont understand the feeling of cutting off your oponents head.
Im nto siding with one game here because I dont like both of them for there unfinished, unbalanced, broken gameplay. Darkfall is my game forever. Darkfall is where I found my game.
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...... It back to pool and beer for me.
Lol man i have a hangover today.
Was WAR good when it came out?
Is WAR even better then when it first started.
There has really only been slight changes in the game to me. Most of it is just bonuses. Its still the fantasy best game out there.
you guys love to go off on random tangents and talk about balance don't you.
Why write up three pages trying to explain why WAR sucks when you can do it in one word..."shallow."
The whole game is shallow in every shape or form.
Plus, WoW>WAR competely.....Workshop Games might as well scrape WAR40 being made by Virgil because I don't think they can take the embarrassment of seeing a posslbe Starcraft MMO wiping the floor with it....lol
OK 1ST to every class thier is a stong and weak point if your a clothie every thing will kill you quick , but you can nuke the hell out of everything for high damage, your a tank you take the beating for the most part and laugh at the 5 ppl trying to kill you, but you dont really do much back if you expect to pick one class and own every one dont play mmos go back to console games and get a game shark or pro action replay and cheat your way to god mode
ive been playing games since asherons call came out , i loved that game , then when my friends moved on so did i , i played wow at release i remeber alot more crashes and down times then ive had with war, sure war has its bugs , what game doest to this day end up with bugs , just how many varries on how long they had to fix them, as for the new tokens thier is one thing i havent seen mentioned , or might have missed.
is the zone lock down rewards now, the rr and inf has been reduces as of 1.2.1 but if your thier from start to end of locking that zone you will receive 2x the rr and inf you gaind from eact tick , ive gotten over 6k rr and 4k inf in T3 orvr for locking a zone not to mention the 5 tokens given . keeps def ticks are much better then before , i was getting a 400-700xp ticks for med def now i get up to 1100-1400xp 300+/- rr and 150+/- inf so they have made keep def more inticeing to me .
the onlything i disslike has nothing to do with mythic it has to do with the player base ,, path of least resistance is what sheep do , im sorry but im a wolf i like the hunt and the fight and 1 v 1 can get you 3k xp a kill you bet ill risk going out thier and meybe dieng a few times gut if i get 2 kills in per death taht 6k xp takes the sting our of the wallet.
only thing i do have a complaint about with mythic is the siege engines , while yes they beefed them up a bit , and i do mean a bit .the balistas should do more damage per hit then a sorc/bw can its a freaking balista , and the catapaults should hit keep walls and aoe damage all around them not just whtas on the ground and where is our ability to launch orcs into keeps , sure they said it was a 50/50 shot but hell get a couple choppas and shammys and to hell with orders losing the oil so they cant get nuked , ya we do it too, but id rather see a team effort on keep def then a one man army manning the oil. and the repair feature is to op , now way in hell you should be able to repair it that fast with that much damage being done to it,
with that said i still enjoy this game and i belive its not mythics job to hand you every thing with out it being earned ,we all have jobs we go to , and earn our money , so why should that be any different with anything else in this world in rl or other
Warhammer gets boring and repetitive faster than WoW. In fact, WoW's PVP is probably better when you get right down to it.
People are morons in the game. Try playing a PVP scenario and you'll lose because half of your team just decides to rush against the enemy despite your appeals for them to stay together and work together.
Instanced PVP fails, and it fails in Warhammer big time. Why was it even necessary? In the meantime, Mythic wonders why their world PVP is so static.
Most of us ought to know by now that you just can't trust the major game reviewers to provide a real review of a single player PC title, much less an MMO. It's sad that almost every new MMO on MMORPG.com gets a high ranking by default unless the community is virtually united in outrage against the game.
If you're going to rank games from 1 to 10, don't be afraid to give out 4's and 5's for mediocre titles like Warhammer. Lets save 6 through 10 for games that actually try to break the mold and run well without horrendous, unforgivable lag.
thats funny i know ppl who buaght the new ex pack for wow and have already quit complaining " all it is is more of the same" wow blows for pvp , in fact by far does it blow . cant level with it , takes far longer to get the pvp gear , and as for bugs n lag man you ppl must have just found wow or something it was by far the worst launched game next to AoC , server crashes , world crashes instance crashes , crashes just cuz it was bored , so dont give us this mediocer crap.
its funny i dont even think you guys know what realy was born first the warcraft lore or warhammer lore, last i checked warhammer was around inthe mid 80's while warcraft wasnt till the 90's , while yes warcraft was comp based they got thier ideas from warhammer's models ,
WoW has a few years on war when it comes to mmo for the first year WoW was horrible ( while yes i played it) i enojyed my self till cap then relized how dead end game is , running molten core ungodly amounts of time, and finding that for somereason no mage stuff ever dropped while i was thier but i miss a day and like 7 things drop , i hated that , i hate pve i hate haveing to wait a week or two for things to reset , so i can have another chance at a itme that has a .0000001% chance to drop , oh then thier bright idea here pay us for the exspanpack, and oh guess what all that gear it took months to get well here are some greens that blow them away, and oh 10 more levels to grind just to get to the hurry up and wait months to get your gear, then the new pack wash and repete .
and wow pvp better i really think your taking the bad drugs. lets see a bunch of afkers standing around with the hurry up and let them win its faster renown and marks , wow that is so much fun to be the only guy actuaily wanting to fight, wow = kid mode for pvp totaly lame arena lame , on my server we had a pack of resto druids as a team how the hell you expect to fight resto druids and win no dps but you cant kill the bastards.
i think thats why most complain about war , is the fact that they think wow is the only game that has ever been made, and think all games should follow thier standard, wow's standard sucks, i was blackmailed ( well they tried any way) on that game and when i reported the guy i was banned for three days for telling the dude to piss off when he said give me gold or ill report you , thier gms act like robots , while i have not had a chance or a reason to talk to in game csr yet im sure it will be slow as it was when WoW came out , i posted tickets in wow and most of the time i never heard from a gm .
also wow is a major time sink MAJOR time sink and gold waste , for 5k you can have this mount for 1k you can have this mouont wtf 5k 5k gold when you barely gave us over 4 silver a drop , major gold farmers and buying problems are still rampent in that game , do you see a post on thier site saying look how many spammers we have blocked sure some still get in thier but hey WaR has a report gold sellers function wow dosent , why , cuz blizzard is getting akick back from the sellers so why stop a good thing for them even tho it screwed up the AH not every one can afford to spend 100 bucks on buying gold all the time.
cuz form a new player prospective if i walked into a AH looking for lvl 19 gear i wouldnt have 100's of gold but thats what the cost of the gear would be , since all the twinks in the game. but maybe thats it you cant have a ** level twink to grief new players or those who cant afford the gear, or is it due to the fact on core servers you get turned into a chicken if you try to fight ppl way to low for you , or is it the pvp here makes you earn your rewards
as for the lag , i lag somtimes but thats only when im in a area of like ohh a keep with 4 wbs in it and then its not that bad i can still fight and function with out to much problems, L2 had a major memmory leak that would lag the game very very badly or you would find yourself looking at your desktop all of the sudden , even wow did that the first year, i would still rank this game a 8 out of 10 , while i think SC's should jsut be removed or the xp drop to almost nothing so ppl wont grind it to level , i blame the sc syndrome on wow and thier epic failed Bg's
I found this in an interview regarding the dropped cities.
Previously each of the current races would feature their own Capital City. However, Mythic did not want to spread its resources thin in attempting to do justice for a larger number of cities in time for Warhammer Online's launch. Instead, Mythic would rather redirect their efforts to polish two major cities to better realize their promises to players, which include cities gaining or losing status from the "Realm vs. Realm" (RvR) conflict. The additional cities will come later and should hopefully benefit from the experience earned from which Mythic hopefully earned the first time around.
Now we know that the dropped classes have already made it back into the game, so thats proof already for those that considered the cut classes where never going to appear, that the dropped cities should also at some stage make an appearance aswell.
However I worry that if they do implement the dropped cities what kind of impact will that have on the game, if numbers are down it will make defending even harder or mustering armies to attack harder as there are more targets, will it be a good addition or a bad one, who knows until something happens, but I have faith that something will happen as they have already proved that they haven't forgotten what they dropped.
Oh, I'm aware of why they cut them, that the classes have returned and that the cities are planned to return as well. I'm just waiting somewhat impatiently.
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
You just described nearly all MMO's out there.
Yep and this is why I'm disappointed with the genre. We've been conditioned to think that excessively repetitive game play is suppose to be fun. That shallow content with zero player impact is entertaining. That forced social structures are in the player's best interest. That wanting your character to be central in a massively online story is celf-centered and wrong. That playing support classes automatically means you are second class citizens and your only purpose is to make the game fun for everyone else. That FedEx quests should somehow advance your character on their spiritual journey to enlightenment. That game mechanics put in expressly to slow down your progression are necessary for you to appreciate the grind. And last but not least, these companies think they deserve more than $14.99 a month for their crappy, shallow content and therefore are hellbent on implementing cash shops to further rip-off their addicted, but sadly loyal customers.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
You just described nearly all MMO's out there.
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
Mirror class system ultimately killed Warhammer, it made it from a game where there was actually some difference between the two factions to a game where everything is the same...There are obviously differences lore-wise, why not implement these into the game?
Warhammer tries too hard to be WoW. Craft system? I didn't even know it was there when I was playing. All I did know was scenarios, which they should have gotten rid of completely to start and maybe added in once Public Quests were running out of people in earlier levels.
The whole rolling for bags is terrible, if I am 2nd or 1st or 3rd in a keep siege then I should be guaranteed loot. I have gone too many times where epic gear would go to someone else who did way worse than me. There was terrible customer service, I tried for weeks to complain about a bug with one of the pieces of armor. There should have been more keeps so that guilds could actually keep them, and have territory the way they are doing it in All Points Bulletin.
If a game wants to be good, don't just copy the best, because people are going to go to WoW if you are just another clone. We need some new ideas, and take advantage of the fact that there is six years worth of technological progression compared to when WoW first came out....seriously.
Yes. Sad, isn't it?
I agree that you agree to disagree and my score is 4/10. If a game released in 2008 can't get the animations right after 7 months is either the animators are lame or the game director(s) must have been fired from day one + yes WAR has a dated graphics.
Simply another wasted IP.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
I've played a lot of MMO's at launch WAR seemed to be about the same as other games at release as far as bug's and glitches are related. As far as the progress made in the last seven months Gameplay they are at the top of the pile as far as improvement speed. Smoothness of play including graphics, glitches and bugs ive seen a lot better and i've seen a lot worse. Graphics seem to be about average its a cartoony system like WoW but kinda leans towards a realistic system like AoC. Are they state of the art no they are about 2005ish graphics that yes should run better than they do under high pressure strain(not enough gerbils running the wheels).
As far as what the MMORPG guy rated the game I think he's about right he does mention problems with PvE and Crafting but this game was never billed as leaning towards either. It was designed around huge RvR fights designed for it, which it does pretty well minus the graphic problems and a few other things that Mythic seems to be adressing. I would say 70% of what you rate this game would have to be based on RvR.
If you think this game is a 4/10 because PvE and crafting are terrible then in that perspective a game like FFX would be a 1/10 if you wanted to play a FPS. Also on a side note ratings are always going to be personal opinions. I have played several games that played well, looked good, ran excellent, and had almost everything a gamer could want and the game just didn't have something i couldn't put my finger on but caused me to not want to play. Maybe the reviewer just liked the game.
1.I don`t think you would have given the game more than 4 if you were playing on Karak Norn(thank you Mythic & GOA) .Each time things get serious the server crashes.
2. Or may be the reviewer is just hyping the game before the new expansion goes live.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
Why do WAR players tell people this as though anyone cares? Ideas don't arise in a vacuum. WAR got their ideas from someone else, who got his ideas from somewhere else, stretching back a long, long way. A lot of fantasy books use the same basic races and concepts that you find in WAR. By this logic, WAR stole from the Lord of the Rings which predates both it and the WoW franchise.
Of course, we're talking about a game, not a creative franchise.
WAR is repetitive, boring, featureless, uninspired, and underpopulated. It has no crafting to speak of, the PVP is meaningless, there is no player housing, guild cities, or any sort of content that lets players take a break from the fighting and be social or creative.
Everyone looks the same, everyone plays the same, PVP is the same zerg rush after zerg rush, and the game looks like it was designed over a weekend by a bunch of DnD nerds.
A Pulitzer for this man!
Brilliant review. Well written and accurate.