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Breaking the current mould

As companys try to come up with the next new idea - Ive been brainstorming in the shower - driving to work etc you know the key idea moments.

I pride myself on being an ideas man and Im really an ideas machine

So to keep bringing new ideas


One that crossed my mind this morning was breaking the mould of current server sets.

For eg - the PVP, RP, PVE and combinations of those.


Now my idea was to pull apart those permetations of these and add these in further.

So for eg- RP - the naming restrictions - I hate the names like "imakilla" and "ipwn" these just show clearly the mental age and immaturity of the player and pulls the theme and realism of the world away to just game. Most of us want to be immersed in a game and these guys dont help.

So perhaps take that from a RP server and add that to the PVE so NPVE (named pve with the strict naming policies)

Or even then add on RP full or lite - whilst sure one server would account for all - but not all the Lite roleplayers want to be full on RP but most of us do like some lite RP. So again rather than being a lite RPer on a server where everyone will report others perhaps for not RP to the full then a Lite roleplay where the emphasis is on rp ie no barrens chat but some more in character.

You can pull sections apart and add them to other to make new styled server the key thing would be to pull the best parts of other servers and make the new one.

Of course the basic plain cost of adding all these slaps you right in the face but as i say there just ideas.

All the "if and buts" arent brought into play yet. Ie cost, locations etc.

In definite terms - Ideas are just that - ie not working models but themes ie a starting place.




  • WolfenbaneWolfenbane Member Posts: 48

    I've just re-read this and yeah its kinda broken explanation - the thing with ideas is the fact they all come rushing out and you tend to type like that. At work so no time to proof copy anything :)


    However I hope you get the idea.

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