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I knew this was gonna be an issue. 500K+ beta signups. All CE sold out in Canada's EB stores(preorders anyways). Prolly all CE sold out period. That is 75K copies right there. Now add to it all regular copies that have been sold.
Now stop and think that most people want to play on PVP they want to be competitive and want to "OWN" other players WC style. You get traffic jam...
I am net admin I know how blocked/backed up servers can get. :P
In the meantime if you don't like the game LEAVE (you have a choice and freedom of choice so use it). hehehe....
I hopped on first suggested Eastern PVP server last night got right in. No wait, nothing. This was 8pm EST. I wake up in Mulgore and there were WAY TOO MANY cows in the small space. Lucky I knew the quests so I went for it 30 min later I was out of start camp. In bloodhoof there were even more people. Sneaky Blizzard changed behaviour of some mobs (Palemanes are insane now). Got to level 8 logged out.
Overall give it time population will ballance out and we should be ok...I know last week of OB test4 was back to normal. So just let it cycle thru...
Actually, there is a pol on this very website that indicates that most people either dont care one way or the other about pvp or do not like it at all. I think only about 37% said that pvp is very important. My personal feelings are pvp in a mmorpg is pretty pointless as there is almost no skill involved. It usually boils down to who has higher level and better equipment. Suposedly Guild Wars is going to address this issue. If you want real pvp you should play an online shooter as they are much more skill based.
nature of the beast...especially with blizzard's games. And did you notice that pvp servers are ones cloged up (for the most part) and that they complain the most?
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
This is entirely untrue. What you do and how you do it is EXTREMELY important in PVP. Some people seem to think that PVP is just like PVE, you just run up and face each other and hammer away until one guy dies. So not true. Moving behind them, moving behind hills, using ranged attacks, what spells you use, etc, makes a HUGE difference on who you can take down. My own personal highlight reflects this. Back when I was playing (undisclosed) I was able to to take down 2 players who were about 3-4 levels higher than myself, AT THE SAME TIME!! A warrior and a caster!
Ahhh...the good old days.
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