Everquest suceeded solely because of a lack of any real competition, WoW kicked its butt so bad EQ was forced to consolodate servers, I was one of the ones to happily leave that festering p.o.s. Everjunk for WoW.
No Everquest crumbled because it was on top for so long with no real competition and it just got old. The reason why is different than what you think. While on top they put out horrible expansion packs and milked their customers for every cent they could get.
Poor poor decisions and age killed the game. World of Warcraft just happened to be the next generation game to get most of the attention. It is happening to WoW as we speak, it is getting older and they have made a lot of bad decision being on top so long without any real competition. The game isn't the same game that made it a hit and I will bet there will be a next generation game in the future that will tear at it's subscription numbers.
These MMORPGs make too many drastic changes away from what made them a hit in the first place. Always hurts them.
EQ had no competition and it treated their customers as such. they only heard hardcore raiders and abandoned the pvp community and players who liked small groups and played casually etc. SOE decided to cater to a small group of its players and drove off the rest. What you see now is the result of their stupidity. EQ could still have 300k or so players but SOE thought they knew what their customers wanted when all they had to do was listen. Apparently they werent as smart as they thought. I had alot of fun in original EQ, but they made their bed.
SOE chose to TELL their customers what they wanted and shoved a certain horrible raid playstyle down its players throats. Original EQ was not about huge time consuming raids, it was more small party grouping etc. With of course the exception of dragon raids.
I sure do agree with you. It comes back to what I was saying. These developers veer to far away from what made their games originally a hit in the first place. If they want success they need to keep the game on track. Single player games do not fall to this demise luckily. I can still enjoy the original Diablo game if I care to and I do sometimes!
hearing that SOE will be adding a new server in March. it's really inspiring. maybe this will interest more players to join this game. oh~~ difficulties and doenturn is only temporary.
Population isn't too good at low levels, but I've recently started playing again. If you have the newest expansion you can hire mercs. I know it's fairly lame, but it's helping a lot for me to get up in level to group with those at the top. On The Combine (Progression) server, I see a decent amount of people in the tutorial area, but not outside...there are people around at low levels fairly frequently, but not enough to count on getting a group.
if there is a mmorpg god , please force ppls to group let grouping be 250% better xps let grouping be the source of cool gear ..leave some solo options but make them way worse then grouping. Make my hitpoints and spellpoints not regenerate in a milisecond after i killed something .. give my fight some meaning.Let me evolve my character with my own choices . Dont let it be WoW easymode (+ all new mmorpgs) , dont let me do 10000 boring quests kill 5 that kill 7 this for best xps aviablele give us some real quests with interesting rewards .. and leave the shitty quests alone, i rather grind ( i have fun grinding in groups) do not make a open pvp world , i dont like to be killed by a group of brainless pkers when im about 20% health from my last fight ..if you do pvp make it RVR or Arena fights .. let my character be able to still earn xps and invest it somwhere when he hits max lvl ..let me grow very strong , create content for my very strong character so i can get even stronger but dont go crazy when doing that, let me show off in groups about my skills, give us usefull pulling tactics ..to split pulls create roles ..or create a skill based system wich gives the players roles due to theyre skillage + all the 1000000000000000000millions of ideas i got .. + start it 4 weeks before WoW started and tell the warcraft players its based on Warcraft ...but name it Everwow ..so you get 40 million subscribers because your much better then WoW ... at the end send me all the Billions you earned from the subscribers
What i really miss in other MMO's is the group play, that was fantastic in EQ. i remember alot of groups that lastet for more than 10hours.. with the same members.
i also miss the hole camp thing where a group just sits in one place to make EXP. i hate to run around and do quests all the time, like in WOW. or even worse like in LOTRO where you have to do quests.. if you ever wanna lvl
What i really miss in other MMO's is the group play, that was fantastic in EQ. i remember alot of groups that lastet for more than 10hours.. with the same members. i also miss the hole camp thing where a group just sits in one place to make EXP. i hate to run around and do quests all the time, like in WOW. or even worse like in LOTRO where you have to do quests.. if you ever wanna lvl
To bad there never will be another community like it, POK was awesome, we could get Buffs for reasonable prices as well as Give them out for free. Had to Love Temp....... Loved my Ranger S.o.W.
Everquest suceeded solely because of a lack of any real competition, WoW kicked its butt so bad EQ was forced to consolodate servers, I was one of the ones to happily leave that festering p.o.s. Everjunk for WoW.
I've played both and EQ1 had the mojo.
Just to prove I'm no SONY lover, EQ2 was a failure in my opinion as it had too much limitations and uniformity between good and bad faction map areas. It was a nanny game much like WoW.
Sony destroyed EQ1 and the respect of customers. I will never buy another Sony product agian.
EQ sucks plain and simple and WoW is 100 times superior, only a few idiots think otherwise. The posters of MMORPG have predicted Vanguard, AoC, and WAR would overtake WoW. They are wrong, have no clue what a good game and a bad one are (EQ=BAD, WoW=GOOD) or they make stupid analogies, well here is mine, WoW is like McDonalds and EQ is like the Mexican food place next door closed for serving bad food, ROFLMAO.
Words cannot explain this statement from this individual. Its people like this that destroys gaming and the history of gaming. EQ will go down in history as a legend, it doenst need 7million subscribers, but what it has done for future gaming and the standards and level it has pushed for future games. EQ is what gaming should be, with an immense world, and a never ending 'end game', Games now a days are boring and lack creativity, and the 'end game' is extremely reptitive and very very boring. EQ had numerous things to do at the end game it wasnt even funny, heck sometime you dont know where to begin. The end game for EQ was the beginning, it felt like the game was just starting when you reached max level. No game at the present time comes close to that.
In conclusion. now your history before making immature comments like this person did, its sad to destroy a piece of history like EQ.
You don't get communities like EQ anymore in MMOs =( If there was just one thing I missed from EQ, it was that. I'm planning to go back and play again, I just miss those days.
Everquest suceeded solely because of a lack of any real competition, WoW kicked its butt so bad EQ was forced to consolodate servers, I was one of the ones to happily leave that festering p.o.s. Everjunk for WoW.
No Everquest crumbled because it was on top for so long with no real competition and it just got old. The reason why is different than what you think. While on top they put out horrible expansion packs and milked their customers for every cent they could get.
Poor poor decisions and age killed the game. World of Warcraft just happened to be the next generation game to get most of the attention. It is happening to WoW as we speak, it is getting older and they have made a lot of bad decision being on top so long without any real competition. The game isn't the same game that made it a hit and I will bet there will be a next generation game in the future that will tear at it's subscription numbers.
These MMORPGs make too many drastic changes away from what made them a hit in the first place. Always hurts them.
EQ had no competition and it treated their customers as such. they only heard hardcore raiders and abandoned the pvp community and players who liked small groups and played casually etc. SOE decided to cater to a small group of its players and drove off the rest. What you see now is the result of their stupidity. EQ could still have 300k or so players but SOE thought they knew what their customers wanted when all they had to do was listen. Apparently they werent as smart as they thought. I had alot of fun in original EQ, but they made their bed.
SOE chose to TELL their customers what they wanted and shoved a certain horrible raid playstyle down its players throats. Original EQ was not about huge time consuming raids, it was more small party grouping etc. With of course the exception of dragon raids.
SOE made their bed, and my leveling easy characters, WHY ARE THEIR EASY CHARACTERS TO LEVEL? Piss poor class management on top of SOE incompetance. EQ couldn't succeed with no competition, it is bombing now that there is a fight. Heck every new game is doing better than EQ1, except that turd Vanguard. Vanguard THREATENED to go back EQ1 crappy original gameplay and players responded, NO "F'n" THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
EQ 3 would not work. People do not necessarily want to play Everquest, save for us veterans.
People, however, do want that immersion feel from EQ. People do want that sense of travel and exploration from Everquest. People do want a group-cooperative gameplay experience. People do want community -not raid- guilds. People might want Everquest concepts and themes, but an Everquest 3 title would suffer because SOE would be competing with itself (EQ 2, EQ) and it would turn others away.
Couldn't agree with you more. EQ was the first MMO I actually played and it really was a game that would suck you right into their world. I do miss those old days, yet SOE did shoot themselves in the foot quite a few times. I played a bunch of MMOs since then but would never really find that special kick EQ had before the game went on the border of flatlining.
"If WoW rogues were so hard to play back then, how come so many 12 year olds rolled a rogue?"
Currently playing: WoW (still searching for that perfect MMO)
Have played: EverQuest (have still never found another MMO that gave you that feeling of being in that world), EQ2, Age of Conan, RuneScape, Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online, FFXI
Everquest suceeded solely because of a lack of any real competition, WoW kicked its butt so bad EQ was forced to consolodate servers, I was one of the ones to happily leave that festering p.o.s. Everjunk for WoW.
No Everquest crumbled because it was on top for so long with no real competition and it just got old. The reason why is different than what you think. While on top they put out horrible expansion packs and milked their customers for every cent they could get.
Poor poor decisions and age killed the game. World of Warcraft just happened to be the next generation game to get most of the attention. It is happening to WoW as we speak, it is getting older and they have made a lot of bad decision being on top so long without any real competition. The game isn't the same game that made it a hit and I will bet there will be a next generation game in the future that will tear at it's subscription numbers.
These MMORPGs make too many drastic changes away from what made them a hit in the first place. Always hurts them.
EQ had no competition and it treated their customers as such. they only heard hardcore raiders and abandoned the pvp community and players who liked small groups and played casually etc. SOE decided to cater to a small group of its players and drove off the rest. What you see now is the result of their stupidity. EQ could still have 300k or so players but SOE thought they knew what their customers wanted when all they had to do was listen. Apparently they werent as smart as they thought. I had alot of fun in original EQ, but they made their bed.
SOE chose to TELL their customers what they wanted and shoved a certain horrible raid playstyle down its players throats. Original EQ was not about huge time consuming raids, it was more small party grouping etc. With of course the exception of dragon raids.
SOE made their bed, and my leveling easy characters, WHY ARE THEIR EASY CHARACTERS TO LEVEL? Piss poor class management on top of SOE incompetance. EQ couldn't succeed with no competition, it is bombing now that there is a fight. Heck every new game is doing better than EQ1, except that turd Vanguard. Vanguard THREATENED to go back EQ1 crappy original gameplay and players responded, NO "F'n" THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got to 47 playing easy classes? I got to 70 in WOW playing a warrior solo the whole time, can you level a warrior in EQ solo to max level? Of course you can't. I played WoW and have played many other games, low population aside, EQ still kicks the shit out of any other game out there. If you like instant gratifaction, WoW is the best game in the world, but then thats the path the world is going down. WoW exists because Everquest was successful.
"Kicks the shit out of any other game", WHAT A LAUGH! They were FORCED to add mercs for lack of players, by what confused notion does EQ do anything but suck wind? The game is horribly boring and should just be left to die with the rest of SOEs products. They don't even have enough players to be anything but a joke, WoW is huge and EQ stinks and has from the beginning.
On top of that Sebbon made 63rd not 47th with his CLERIC and 10 AA's on Stromm I believe...in 6 days played so obviously not an easy class to play and 6 days means there is a serious flaw in EQ game play as it took me longer in WoW to level my warrior that that.
Yes, I too remember Sebbonx bragging about his cleric and I was amazed! EQ is easy and always has been, just took time, and some took none at all to level, I think Furor did about the same thing after his rogue got banned. Took him like a week to level his warrior up.
Name calling is weak, you cry babies don't like the message. We are sowing the truth, EQ1 sucked, and WoW points out all the flaws. EQ1 was NEVER hard, the rotten community blocking each others progress and all the backstabbing and hating going on made it hard. WoW instanced and solved that problem, EQ1 may have been first but it was the worst in community and gameplay.
Well time to put my 2 cents in. I skipped the last two pages thinking they were more EQ vs WoW threads, I'm not being ignorant, just didn't want to anger myself. You cannot comparethe two games because it will cause a big argument like this. This is like comparing your favourite sports teams. Anyways, Everquest was/is an amazing game. It broke many obsticles. Heck to tell you the truth, I am working on a game now, no team yet but ideas on text first. But it would be nice to use EQ old graphics, don't ask me why, I just find them fun. Besides the point.
EQ had a lot of good qualities and bad. Most good. My first MMORPG was EQOA for PS2, than FFXI. I know EQOA doesn't compare but it will always hold a special place. Everything about the EQ classic, just combined together to make the best outcome. Sure the graphics weren't the best, but they were unique. The player's were the one who made the game fun.
Now WoW... Wow was new. I remember seeing WoW for the first time at a friend's house. He was an undead rogue. I disliked the race but I managed to try it out. It was fun but the ground was built on... How can I say this. Okay, have you ever seen the Simpsons episode where Homer grows tomatos with tobacco? Remember how it tasted horrible but people kept going back to it? WoW is sort of the same. It isn't the most thought up game, but it has players come back for more. I admit, I was part of the hungry crowd, for a while until I relized what had become. The game became stale after a while and I just couldn't play it anymore. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game but just became old for me. I had a huge friend list, nice guild, and nice gear. To be honest, I spent so many hours on the game.
So to conclude. Both games have its ups and downs. People bring the memories with them. That being said, people usually have a fond memory of their first MMORPG, the one that got them hooked on the genre. Sorry to type so much, just giving my ideas.
"Kicks the shit out of any other game", WHAT A LAUGH! They were FORCED to add mercs for lack of players, by what confused notion does EQ do anything but suck wind? The game is horribly boring and should just be left to die with the rest of SOEs products. They don't even have enough players to be anything but a joke, WoW is huge and EQ stinks and has from the beginning. On top of that Sebbon made 63rd not 47th with his CLERIC and 10 AA's on Stromm I believe...in 6 days played so obviously not an easy class to play and 6 days means there is a serious flaw in EQ game play as it took me longer in WoW to level my warrior that that.
Notning like quoting hearsay!!! Oh so and so got 63 in so and so days I believe. Fact is anybody can max level in WoW quickly with minimal effort or intelligence, just follow the !/?. Maybe if the Merc's in EQ held your hand between quests of killing 'X' a million times would you come back? Thats even if you ever played EQ LOL.
EQ sucks plain and simple and WoW is 100 times superior, only a few idiots think otherwise. The posters of MMORPG have predicted Vanguard, AoC, and WAR would overtake WoW. They are wrong, have no clue what a good game and a bad one are (EQ=BAD, WoW=GOOD) or they make stupid analogies, well here is mine, WoW is like McDonalds and EQ is like the Mexican food place next door closed for serving bad food, ROFLMAO.
take your ROFLMAO and PEW PEW and go chat in dalaran like the other 5-6 or 10 million players.
Take your blah, blah and go to EQ1 with its 30k players, that more than proves how pathetic it is. BTW, don't need mercs in WoW I get groups whenever I need and am not forced to by a group of stupid devs who are melee haters.
BTW, how is that RMT treating you? How about the dumb card game? Excessive poorly designed expansions? Bugs that will never be fixed? Pointless quests in EVERquest that give you gear a character 10 levels lower than you wouldn't use?
Take your blah, blah and go to EQ1 with its 30k players, that more than proves how pathetic it is. BTW, don't need mercs in WoW I get groups whenever I need and am not forced to by a group of stupid devs who are melee haters. BTW, how is that RMT treating you? How about the dumb card game? Excessive poorly designed expansions? Bugs that will never be fixed? Pointless quests in EVERquest that give you gear a character 10 levels lower than you wouldn't use?
Thats right, you don't need mercs in WoW, or groups even. I could run around the entire WoW world naked and not get killed because there is nothing dangerous in WoW. Or if you do come across something that could kill you, it is easy to get away. I am happy you enjoy your baby game along with all the other millions of babies. Lots or people like Britney Spears and McDonalds, both are shit just like WoW.
As to quests that give poor gear, you are confused, WoW is chock full or quests giving poor gear. In EQ I never do quests (except for Epic), I don't need to be told what to do. But if you enjoy a game that babies you and tells you how to play, power to you.
Hope you enjoy your game with no players! Thats all you will have and WoW clone after WoW clone will be launched, expect EQ1 to be cancelled soon as it starts losing SOE money which isn't far off.
With the 51/50 server winning I think your argument is a joke, EQ1 players want quick advancement beyond even WoW.
Hope you enjoy your game with no players! Thats all you will have and WoW clone after WoW clone will be launched, expect EQ1 to be cancelled soon as it starts losing SOE money which isn't far off. With the 51/50 server winning I think your argument is a joke, EQ1 players want quick advancement beyond even WoW.
I will take a good game with a small community over a crap one with a large community any day. Plus it would still take longer to go from 51 to 85 in EQ then what it would to go from level 1 to max level in WoW. Then you need to take AA's into account. Trust me WoW is the instant gratification game, millions can't be wrong hey??
Also I doubt EQ is going to be closed anytime soon, and even if it was, my time is better spent there then the cookie cutter, rinse and repeat pile of shite that is WoW. As I have said before, if you enjoy a game that treats you like you are five years old, and has !/? everywhere so you can work out what to do, go and do that, stop trolling the EQ forum.
Notning like quoting hearsay!!! Oh so and so got 63 in so and so days I believe. Fact is anybody can max level in WoW quickly with minimal effort or intelligence, just follow the !/?. Maybe if the Merc's in EQ held your hand between quests of killing 'X' a million times would you come back? Thats even if you ever played EQ LOL.
It is NOT heresay, my character was there for everyone to see, just over 6 days played at 63rd level with 10 AA's! EQplayers shows time played. I finally reached 12 or so days and got my VT key and some flags before I was bored of this way easy game.
I think all you guys do is come here to flame anyone poking fun of EQ because you sure don't know jack about YOUR own game! You don't even know how to look at time played? Thats pathetic, btw laugh at some of the guys with 800+ days played, and lots exist.
I also AFK leveled a Necromancer, how messed up is that? I parked him on known easy hitting high exp mobs and let my pet kill the mob when no longer anywhere near my keyboard! Mage would have made it even easier. Thats what I call a company out of touch with class balance.
I know a lot of DUMB people play EQ. They make out like it is hard, rofl. All it would take is one account with the afore mentioned Mage and you could power level ANY character class grouped with the AFK Mage. Blizzard would ban you, SOE doesn't care.
You still havene't answered the EverQUEST question, wtf doesn't EverQUEST have any decent exp and item quests? Devs to bored and just collecting money? RMT, excessive expansions, broken classes, these are all reasons EQ sucks.
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
Notning like quoting hearsay!!! Oh so and so got 63 in so and so days I believe. Fact is anybody can max level in WoW quickly with minimal effort or intelligence, just follow the !/?. Maybe if the Merc's in EQ held your hand between quests of killing 'X' a million times would you come back? Thats even if you ever played EQ LOL.
It is NOT heresay, my character was there for everyone to see, just over 6 days played at 63rd level with 10 AA's! EQplayers shows time played. I finally reached 12 or so days and got my VT key and some flags before I was bored of this way easy game.
I think all you guys do is come here to flame anyone poking fun of EQ because you sure don't know jack about YOUR own game! You don't even know how to look at time played? Thats pathetic, btw laugh at some of the guys with 800+ days played, and lots exist.
I also AFK leveled a Necromancer, how messed up is that? I parked him on known easy hitting high exp mobs and let my pet kill the mob when no longer anywhere near my keyboard! Mage would have made it even easier. Thats what I call a company out of touch with class balance.
I know a lot of DUMB people play EQ. They make out like it is hard, rofl. All it would take is one account with the afore mentioned Mage and you could power level ANY character class grouped with the AFK Mage. Blizzard would ban you, SOE doesn't care.
You still havene't answered the EverQUEST question, wtf doesn't EverQUEST have any decent exp and item quests? Devs to bored and just collecting money? RMT, excessive expansions, broken classes, these are all reasons EQ sucks.
Hi champ, trust me, I know my own game. You can type /played in game to see total time played. You don't need to go to a website. I have a 65 Ranger with 35 AA's that has a total of 5 days and 4 hours play, OMG I am way better then you!!! But that is playing grouped most of the time, which EQ rewards. But this is where EQ differs from a boring piece of crap like WoW, XP will slow down now as AA becomes more important. I can level my character almost indefinitely, seeing him become more and more powerful. What does WoW offer? Ooooh talent builds, which of course Blizzard ruin all the time and people respec to what ever the most powerful build of the week is. All I can say is /yawn. But hey once you have finished levelling you can start enjoying WoW's end game, rerolling another toon and levelling it.
As to your moaning about gear & xp reward quests. Ahh I guess you come from the line of thinking that I killed 10 boars, give me some cool shit and xp even though I got xp for killing the boars line of thinking. See this is the whole thing wrong with MMO's and gamers in general these days. Want to be rewarded for minimal effort. When I started EQ many years ago, my SK ran around in grey no stat gear for about 3 months. In WoW, after about 3 weeks I bored with the amount of gear being given to me for doing next to nothing. But if that floats your boat power to you. Trust me there was not that same sense of accomplishment as in EQ when you finally got a good piece of gear. There are alot of quests in EQ, and anything worth it will be a long drawn out quest that requires effort, oh and yes, the is no !/? above the quest givers head. You actually have to talk to people.
But yes I am obviously a dumb EQ player because I found WoW boring. Also I must be dumb because I found the WoW community to be a bunch of asshats. You know the types that get in an instance and leave the moment they got an item they were after leaving the group high and dry.
As to broken classes I got no idea what you are on about? You mean that not every class can do everything like in WoW? That you may actually need to group with someone that has some abilities that your character doesn't?
From the sounds of it, you got keyed for VT but never actually really did anything decent in EQ before you quit. So how seriously do I take you opinion? Well I shouldn't take it too seriously you like WoW.
Ohh I should add, WoW is extremely challenging. I was able to do 10 Arena's a week to maintain my teams ranking. Total time played a week 30 minutes. Net result after a few months, a full set of Epic gear. I get what you mean, Everquest is an easy boring game and WoW is challneging, satisfying and overly entertaining, if you just play for 30 minutes a week.
No Everquest crumbled because it was on top for so long with no real competition and it just got old. The reason why is different than what you think. While on top they put out horrible expansion packs and milked their customers for every cent they could get.
Poor poor decisions and age killed the game. World of Warcraft just happened to be the next generation game to get most of the attention. It is happening to WoW as we speak, it is getting older and they have made a lot of bad decision being on top so long without any real competition. The game isn't the same game that made it a hit and I will bet there will be a next generation game in the future that will tear at it's subscription numbers.
These MMORPGs make too many drastic changes away from what made them a hit in the first place. Always hurts them.
EQ had no competition and it treated their customers as such. they only heard hardcore raiders and abandoned the pvp community and players who liked small groups and played casually etc. SOE decided to cater to a small group of its players and drove off the rest. What you see now is the result of their stupidity. EQ could still have 300k or so players but SOE thought they knew what their customers wanted when all they had to do was listen. Apparently they werent as smart as they thought. I had alot of fun in original EQ, but they made their bed.
SOE chose to TELL their customers what they wanted and shoved a certain horrible raid playstyle down its players throats. Original EQ was not about huge time consuming raids, it was more small party grouping etc. With of course the exception of dragon raids.
I sure do agree with you. It comes back to what I was saying. These developers veer to far away from what made their games originally a hit in the first place. If they want success they need to keep the game on track. Single player games do not fall to this demise luckily. I can still enjoy the original Diablo game if I care to and I do sometimes!
hearing that SOE will be adding a new server in March. it's really inspiring. maybe this will interest more players to join this game. oh~~ difficulties and doenturn is only temporary.
Population isn't too good at low levels, but I've recently started playing again. If you have the newest expansion you can hire mercs. I know it's fairly lame, but it's helping a lot for me to get up in level to group with those at the top. On The Combine (Progression) server, I see a decent amount of people in the tutorial area, but not outside...there are people around at low levels fairly frequently, but not enough to count on getting a group.
eq is not a bad game, i liked it but the reason i dont play it is because of the bad UI...i can live with a low pop lower level but ehh the UI
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Everwow..................... hehehe good one. A+
What i really miss in other MMO's is the group play, that was fantastic in EQ. i remember alot of groups that lastet for more than 10hours.. with the same members.
i also miss the hole camp thing where a group just sits in one place to make EXP. i hate to run around and do quests all the time, like in WOW. or even worse like in LOTRO where you have to do quests.. if you ever wanna lvl
To bad there never will be another community like it, POK was awesome, we could get Buffs for reasonable prices as well as Give them out for free. Had to Love Temp....... Loved my Ranger S.o.W.
Damn to bad the Old days are gone /sigh.
I've played both and EQ1 had the mojo.
Just to prove I'm no SONY lover, EQ2 was a failure in my opinion as it had too much limitations and uniformity between good and bad faction map areas. It was a nanny game much like WoW.
Sony destroyed EQ1 and the respect of customers. I will never buy another Sony product agian.
EQ sucks plain and simple and WoW is 100 times superior, only a few idiots think otherwise. The posters of MMORPG have predicted Vanguard, AoC, and WAR would overtake WoW. They are wrong, have no clue what a good game and a bad one are (EQ=BAD, WoW=GOOD) or they make stupid analogies, well here is mine, WoW is like McDonalds and EQ is like the Mexican food place next door closed for serving bad food, ROFLMAO.
Words cannot explain this statement from this individual. Its people like this that destroys gaming and the history of gaming. EQ will go down in history as a legend, it doenst need 7million subscribers, but what it has done for future gaming and the standards and level it has pushed for future games. EQ is what gaming should be, with an immense world, and a never ending 'end game', Games now a days are boring and lack creativity, and the 'end game' is extremely reptitive and very very boring. EQ had numerous things to do at the end game it wasnt even funny, heck sometime you dont know where to begin. The end game for EQ was the beginning, it felt like the game was just starting when you reached max level. No game at the present time comes close to that.
In conclusion. now your history before making immature comments like this person did, its sad to destroy a piece of history like EQ.
You don't get communities like EQ anymore in MMOs =( If there was just one thing I missed from EQ, it was that. I'm planning to go back and play again, I just miss those days.
No Everquest crumbled because it was on top for so long with no real competition and it just got old. The reason why is different than what you think. While on top they put out horrible expansion packs and milked their customers for every cent they could get.
Poor poor decisions and age killed the game. World of Warcraft just happened to be the next generation game to get most of the attention. It is happening to WoW as we speak, it is getting older and they have made a lot of bad decision being on top so long without any real competition. The game isn't the same game that made it a hit and I will bet there will be a next generation game in the future that will tear at it's subscription numbers.
These MMORPGs make too many drastic changes away from what made them a hit in the first place. Always hurts them.
EQ had no competition and it treated their customers as such. they only heard hardcore raiders and abandoned the pvp community and players who liked small groups and played casually etc. SOE decided to cater to a small group of its players and drove off the rest. What you see now is the result of their stupidity. EQ could still have 300k or so players but SOE thought they knew what their customers wanted when all they had to do was listen. Apparently they werent as smart as they thought. I had alot of fun in original EQ, but they made their bed.
SOE chose to TELL their customers what they wanted and shoved a certain horrible raid playstyle down its players throats. Original EQ was not about huge time consuming raids, it was more small party grouping etc. With of course the exception of dragon raids.
SOE made their bed, and my leveling easy characters, WHY ARE THEIR EASY CHARACTERS TO LEVEL? Piss poor class management on top of SOE incompetance. EQ couldn't succeed with no competition, it is bombing now that there is a fight. Heck every new game is doing better than EQ1, except that turd Vanguard. Vanguard THREATENED to go back EQ1 crappy original gameplay and players responded, NO "F'n" THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
i gotta say, eq1 has changed rather alot since the old days. levelling is bloody fast now. just sucks the population is so low.
Couldn't agree with you more. EQ was the first MMO I actually played and it really was a game that would suck you right into their world. I do miss those old days, yet SOE did shoot themselves in the foot quite a few times. I played a bunch of MMOs since then but would never really find that special kick EQ had before the game went on the border of flatlining.
"If WoW rogues were so hard to play back then, how come so many 12 year olds rolled a rogue?"
Currently playing: WoW (still searching for that perfect MMO)
Have played: EverQuest (have still never found another MMO that gave you that feeling of being in that world), EQ2, Age of Conan, RuneScape, Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online, FFXI
No Everquest crumbled because it was on top for so long with no real competition and it just got old. The reason why is different than what you think. While on top they put out horrible expansion packs and milked their customers for every cent they could get.
Poor poor decisions and age killed the game. World of Warcraft just happened to be the next generation game to get most of the attention. It is happening to WoW as we speak, it is getting older and they have made a lot of bad decision being on top so long without any real competition. The game isn't the same game that made it a hit and I will bet there will be a next generation game in the future that will tear at it's subscription numbers.
These MMORPGs make too many drastic changes away from what made them a hit in the first place. Always hurts them.
EQ had no competition and it treated their customers as such. they only heard hardcore raiders and abandoned the pvp community and players who liked small groups and played casually etc. SOE decided to cater to a small group of its players and drove off the rest. What you see now is the result of their stupidity. EQ could still have 300k or so players but SOE thought they knew what their customers wanted when all they had to do was listen. Apparently they werent as smart as they thought. I had alot of fun in original EQ, but they made their bed.
SOE chose to TELL their customers what they wanted and shoved a certain horrible raid playstyle down its players throats. Original EQ was not about huge time consuming raids, it was more small party grouping etc. With of course the exception of dragon raids.
SOE made their bed, and my leveling easy characters, WHY ARE THEIR EASY CHARACTERS TO LEVEL? Piss poor class management on top of SOE incompetance. EQ couldn't succeed with no competition, it is bombing now that there is a fight. Heck every new game is doing better than EQ1, except that turd Vanguard. Vanguard THREATENED to go back EQ1 crappy original gameplay and players responded, NO "F'n" THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got to 47 playing easy classes? I got to 70 in WOW playing a warrior solo the whole time, can you level a warrior in EQ solo to max level? Of course you can't. I played WoW and have played many other games, low population aside, EQ still kicks the shit out of any other game out there. If you like instant gratifaction, WoW is the best game in the world, but then thats the path the world is going down. WoW exists because Everquest was successful.
{ Mod Edit }
"Kicks the shit out of any other game", WHAT A LAUGH! They were FORCED to add mercs for lack of players, by what confused notion does EQ do anything but suck wind? The game is horribly boring and should just be left to die with the rest of SOEs products. They don't even have enough players to be anything but a joke, WoW is huge and EQ stinks and has from the beginning.
On top of that Sebbon made 63rd not 47th with his CLERIC and 10 AA's on Stromm I believe...in 6 days played so obviously not an easy class to play and 6 days means there is a serious flaw in EQ game play as it took me longer in WoW to level my warrior that that.
Yes, I too remember Sebbonx bragging about his cleric and I was amazed! EQ is easy and always has been, just took time, and some took none at all to level, I think Furor did about the same thing after his rogue got banned. Took him like a week to level his warrior up.
Name calling is weak, you cry babies don't like the message. We are sowing the truth, EQ1 sucked, and WoW points out all the flaws. EQ1 was NEVER hard, the rotten community blocking each others progress and all the backstabbing and hating going on made it hard. WoW instanced and solved that problem, EQ1 may have been first but it was the worst in community and gameplay.
Well time to put my 2 cents in. I skipped the last two pages thinking they were more EQ vs WoW threads, I'm not being ignorant, just didn't want to anger myself. You cannot comparethe two games because it will cause a big argument like this. This is like comparing your favourite sports teams. Anyways, Everquest was/is an amazing game. It broke many obsticles. Heck to tell you the truth, I am working on a game now, no team yet but ideas on text first. But it would be nice to use EQ old graphics, don't ask me why, I just find them fun. Besides the point.
EQ had a lot of good qualities and bad. Most good. My first MMORPG was EQOA for PS2, than FFXI. I know EQOA doesn't compare but it will always hold a special place. Everything about the EQ classic, just combined together to make the best outcome. Sure the graphics weren't the best, but they were unique. The player's were the one who made the game fun.
Now WoW... Wow was new. I remember seeing WoW for the first time at a friend's house. He was an undead rogue. I disliked the race but I managed to try it out. It was fun but the ground was built on... How can I say this. Okay, have you ever seen the Simpsons episode where Homer grows tomatos with tobacco? Remember how it tasted horrible but people kept going back to it? WoW is sort of the same. It isn't the most thought up game, but it has players come back for more. I admit, I was part of the hungry crowd, for a while until I relized what had become. The game became stale after a while and I just couldn't play it anymore. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game but just became old for me. I had a huge friend list, nice guild, and nice gear. To be honest, I spent so many hours on the game.
So to conclude. Both games have its ups and downs. People bring the memories with them. That being said, people usually have a fond memory of their first MMORPG, the one that got them hooked on the genre. Sorry to type so much, just giving my ideas.
Time to fix this genre.
Notning like quoting hearsay!!! Oh so and so got 63 in so and so days I believe. Fact is anybody can max level in WoW quickly with minimal effort or intelligence, just follow the !/?. Maybe if the Merc's in EQ held your hand between quests of killing 'X' a million times would you come back? Thats even if you ever played EQ LOL.
take your ROFLMAO and PEW PEW and go chat in dalaran like the other 5-6 or 10 million players.
He that lives upon Hope dies farting.
Take your blah, blah and go to EQ1 with its 30k players, that more than proves how pathetic it is. BTW, don't need mercs in WoW I get groups whenever I need and am not forced to by a group of stupid devs who are melee haters.
BTW, how is that RMT treating you? How about the dumb card game? Excessive poorly designed expansions? Bugs that will never be fixed? Pointless quests in EVERquest that give you gear a character 10 levels lower than you wouldn't use?
Thats right, you don't need mercs in WoW, or groups even. I could run around the entire WoW world naked and not get killed because there is nothing dangerous in WoW. Or if you do come across something that could kill you, it is easy to get away. I am happy you enjoy your baby game along with all the other millions of babies. Lots or people like Britney Spears and McDonalds, both are shit just like WoW.
As to quests that give poor gear, you are confused, WoW is chock full or quests giving poor gear. In EQ I never do quests (except for Epic), I don't need to be told what to do. But if you enjoy a game that babies you and tells you how to play, power to you.
Hope you enjoy your game with no players! Thats all you will have and WoW clone after WoW clone will be launched, expect EQ1 to be cancelled soon as it starts losing SOE money which isn't far off.
With the 51/50 server winning I think your argument is a joke, EQ1 players want quick advancement beyond even WoW.
I will take a good game with a small community over a crap one with a large community any day. Plus it would still take longer to go from 51 to 85 in EQ then what it would to go from level 1 to max level in WoW. Then you need to take AA's into account. Trust me WoW is the instant gratification game, millions can't be wrong hey??
Also I doubt EQ is going to be closed anytime soon, and even if it was, my time is better spent there then the cookie cutter, rinse and repeat pile of shite that is WoW. As I have said before, if you enjoy a game that treats you like you are five years old, and has !/? everywhere so you can work out what to do, go and do that, stop trolling the EQ forum.
It is NOT heresay, my character was there for everyone to see, just over 6 days played at 63rd level with 10 AA's! EQplayers shows time played. I finally reached 12 or so days and got my VT key and some flags before I was bored of this way easy game.
I think all you guys do is come here to flame anyone poking fun of EQ because you sure don't know jack about YOUR own game! You don't even know how to look at time played? Thats pathetic, btw laugh at some of the guys with 800+ days played, and lots exist.
I also AFK leveled a Necromancer, how messed up is that? I parked him on known easy hitting high exp mobs and let my pet kill the mob when no longer anywhere near my keyboard! Mage would have made it even easier. Thats what I call a company out of touch with class balance.
I know a lot of DUMB people play EQ. They make out like it is hard, rofl. All it would take is one account with the afore mentioned Mage and you could power level ANY character class grouped with the AFK Mage. Blizzard would ban you, SOE doesn't care.
You still havene't answered the EverQUEST question, wtf doesn't EverQUEST have any decent exp and item quests? Devs to bored and just collecting money? RMT, excessive expansions, broken classes, these are all reasons EQ sucks.
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
It is NOT heresay, my character was there for everyone to see, just over 6 days played at 63rd level with 10 AA's! EQplayers shows time played. I finally reached 12 or so days and got my VT key and some flags before I was bored of this way easy game.
I think all you guys do is come here to flame anyone poking fun of EQ because you sure don't know jack about YOUR own game! You don't even know how to look at time played? Thats pathetic, btw laugh at some of the guys with 800+ days played, and lots exist.
I also AFK leveled a Necromancer, how messed up is that? I parked him on known easy hitting high exp mobs and let my pet kill the mob when no longer anywhere near my keyboard! Mage would have made it even easier. Thats what I call a company out of touch with class balance.
I know a lot of DUMB people play EQ. They make out like it is hard, rofl. All it would take is one account with the afore mentioned Mage and you could power level ANY character class grouped with the AFK Mage. Blizzard would ban you, SOE doesn't care.
You still havene't answered the EverQUEST question, wtf doesn't EverQUEST have any decent exp and item quests? Devs to bored and just collecting money? RMT, excessive expansions, broken classes, these are all reasons EQ sucks.
Hi champ, trust me, I know my own game. You can type /played in game to see total time played. You don't need to go to a website. I have a 65 Ranger with 35 AA's that has a total of 5 days and 4 hours play, OMG I am way better then you!!! But that is playing grouped most of the time, which EQ rewards. But this is where EQ differs from a boring piece of crap like WoW, XP will slow down now as AA becomes more important. I can level my character almost indefinitely, seeing him become more and more powerful. What does WoW offer? Ooooh talent builds, which of course Blizzard ruin all the time and people respec to what ever the most powerful build of the week is. All I can say is /yawn. But hey once you have finished levelling you can start enjoying WoW's end game, rerolling another toon and levelling it.
As to your moaning about gear & xp reward quests. Ahh I guess you come from the line of thinking that I killed 10 boars, give me some cool shit and xp even though I got xp for killing the boars line of thinking. See this is the whole thing wrong with MMO's and gamers in general these days. Want to be rewarded for minimal effort. When I started EQ many years ago, my SK ran around in grey no stat gear for about 3 months. In WoW, after about 3 weeks I bored with the amount of gear being given to me for doing next to nothing. But if that floats your boat power to you. Trust me there was not that same sense of accomplishment as in EQ when you finally got a good piece of gear. There are alot of quests in EQ, and anything worth it will be a long drawn out quest that requires effort, oh and yes, the is no !/? above the quest givers head. You actually have to talk to people.
But yes I am obviously a dumb EQ player because I found WoW boring. Also I must be dumb because I found the WoW community to be a bunch of asshats. You know the types that get in an instance and leave the moment they got an item they were after leaving the group high and dry.
As to broken classes I got no idea what you are on about? You mean that not every class can do everything like in WoW? That you may actually need to group with someone that has some abilities that your character doesn't?
From the sounds of it, you got keyed for VT but never actually really did anything decent in EQ before you quit. So how seriously do I take you opinion? Well I shouldn't take it too seriously you like WoW.
Ohh I should add, WoW is extremely challenging. I was able to do 10 Arena's a week to maintain my teams ranking. Total time played a week 30 minutes. Net result after a few months, a full set of Epic gear. I get what you mean, Everquest is an easy boring game and WoW is challneging, satisfying and overly entertaining, if you just play for 30 minutes a week.