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It's safe to say that the music in a game is fairly low down on the importance list, however after watching the ST character creation video I was left pretty shocked with the music!
Ok so it starts off with a few bars of the well known and pretty distinctive Star Trek theme after which what can only be described as a blatant rip from various Star Wars songs is played, the song then seems to drop the Star Wars motif and turns into what sounds like the music from a low budget soap on american TV. Pretty Bad.
Sorry, but I fail to see the comparison .I'm a big fan of both series and I didn't spot any parts of the music that was remotely Star Wars.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Argh I had a huge and detailed post written but browser crash!!! Short version:
How can you NOT notice it? The entire start of the song is almost an exact copy of the star of the main theme from star wars. The same instruments, timing, style and almost everything else is the same. You could play the first part to random people on the street and most of them would think that it was the theme from star wars. Even the rest of the song is very similar it's just not so blatently obvious.
The only part of the entire song that sounds like star trek to me is from 0:38 to 0:43 which has a part that sounds very similar to the DS9 theme.
yeah man how can you not notice the resemblance. Its like the only thing they changed in the theme was the tone.
Sounds like Star Trek to me. I'm a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars. Just because two people use a drum or something doesn't mean they are playing the same song.
This is just another version of Warhammer is just like WOW. LOTRO is just like WOW. EQ2 is just like WOW. Everything is just like something else. Not really.
Too right. People are always trying to compare things they see or hear to something they are familiar with; it has something to do with how we sort out our thoughts. I could name off a dozen movies and TV shows where the themes sound like Star Wars; but, yet, they are not the Star Wars theme. I always laugh when people get mad because someone ripped off someone elses ideas and made a profit from it. Our society thrives on taking old ideas and making them into something new. If you want to cry about ideas being ripped off then don't ever read a book, watch a movie or play any video game; because, I can garantee you half the material in all of those is derived from some other source. Just enjoy things for what they are; don't get so worked up over the pointless trivial details.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
There is a difference between inspiration and changing the minimum amount necessary to not get sued
When I loaded the video for the first time I loaded it in another tab and wasn't watching when it finished buffering. I thought there was a mistake or that it was an advertisement for the new Star Wars game. When I switched over to the tab it was in I was amazed that it actually was the Star Trek video.
Every time I play it back I think of Star Wars. The start of the song from 0:19 to 0:26 sounds so nearly identical to Star Wars that it is impossible to watch without immediately thinking about Star Wars. The rest of the song is similar enough that it bothers me the entire time. It's a decent song but instead of getting me excited about a Star Trek game it reminds me of Star Wars and makes me want to look into that game!!!
Now the opening tune after the Star Trek theme does sound similar to John William's music, but it clearly is different after the first few seconds.
Star Trek and Star Wars are not just different versions of the same thing. The target audience is completely different. At least, it was...