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I am just starting the game. Before I start, I would like some experienced optinions on what is the best Solo Job/Class. From the brief research I did, it seems Red Mage is pretty good. Any thoughts?
BST is what used to be/may still be great at soloing. Any other comments?
BST, PUP are the 2 jobs that are ment to be solo'd. BLM nowadays is huge at soloing and very fun as well. RDM on the other hand is NOT good to solo with, mobs take forever to kill. Doesn't mean you couldnt do it, just take a long time. If you wanted to solo a job, i would go with BLM, it's fun and there's always a need for blm's in end game.
back when i played it was BST/WHM and usually a taru because your mana pool was decent size. you would start out as a whm and then switch to BST and sub the WHM when BST where it 20 i forget its been so long...
playing: Dragon Age
Waiting: for FF14, Mass Effect
Want to try: Fallen Earth
I will disagree. You can solo with these jobs. That isn't the same as saying you are meant to or you are supposed to.
BST is a very good solo job, but the main reason people did solo was they were not getting party invites because people didn't understand BST. It used to be that people believed pets killed exp. I have heard rumors of this changing, but I can not remember there being an update for this. I know for a fact it isn't the case now though. EXP is based of the highest level in the party. If you end up charming an EM or higher and try to use it in an exp party the pet will be the highest level in the party. So if you charm an IT mob (which is typically 7 or so levels above where you are) it would be like having a party in the dunes where the levels are 27 and 6 lvl 20s. Because of this people would not use pets in parties and a BST alone is a medicore DD at best.
Same can be said about PUP alone the pup is pretty worthless. With both the master and the automaton together they make a pretty good combo. Problem with PUP is no one invites them because they just believe they are gimp. So they are forced to go out and solo meaning they are only getting their mage frame skilled. So when they go and get a party where they are DDing their ranged and melee frames are so far behind that the PUP looks bad. If they get a party where they are supposed to heal in some fashion it ends up you can only cast a single spell every 25-30 seconds and they look even more worthless when the tank dies 4 fights in a row. Also PUP is expensive when you factor in all the attachments that are needed to level. So if a PUP might decided to skimp on an attachment or two and if gets even worse. What is PUP actaully capable of? You know Shadow Eye ... that NM Ahriman in campagin. I can actually survive it constant spaming of Firaga II/III on PUP/WAR and end up pulling in a good deal of exp while I watch everyone around me die. Any job that can Cure V, has a nearly unlimited MP pool, and can solo Light is far from gimp, just misunderstood.
Please do not buy the game is your going to solo you wont enjoy it. also for your first 75 you will find it extremly difficult, people hardly ever solo in this game and the ones that do are usually vets who know exactly what they are doing
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
BST/WHM for solo play. First time around I would play a more group oriented class to get the feel of the game first.
I agree if you are looking for a game to play Solo then i would prob stray away from FFXI. Group Play really isnt bad since the last year they have added alot of helpful grouping tools, well just one its Called Level Sync. Meaning you could have 5 lvl 55+ with1 level 37 sync to that 37 and gain great exp. As for soloing Beastmaster is very fun to solo but can be tough to accomplish at lower levels. All in all dont give up on ffxi at first its a very huge game that takes time to learn and enjoy. I hated it my first month then i started to learn about the game and doing fun missions and ive been hooked ever since.
Francis - Diabolos
Pup is not gimp dammit!!
You can also solo with Dnc now i only gotten it to 26 so far solo but still able to take out T in a fair amount of time, not sure how it fairs higher then that. But all the solo classes are Advance jobs which you can't unlock till 30 so if you are looking to thi game for solo only then don't bother because it is group oriented from lvl 15+ and for the most part Bst's rarely solo anyway they duo or trio. As for Pup i was a big skeptic about this class untill someone on my old server showed me just what a Pup can do and it changed my mind about it.
so far I've been solo'ing THF / WHM with no real issues, it may not be as fast as a full party but it's certainly do-able if you are good about target selection. THF don't really see many parties (indeed from 1 - 19 I've seen 2 invites) but at least I can get in a bit of XP anyway. Once I hit 30 I'll unlock Dancer.
>_> <_< ^_^