Looks like the guys at RoE are gearing up for a big feature patch this week including their post-50 game and connectivity fix. If you had trouble logging in and creating an account before, now may be a good time to try again.
Rubies of Eventide is probably the best free MMORPG out there.. No retail price, and no monthly fee makes it eyecatching for players who couldn't afford the best p2p games out there. If you have the resources, grab World of Warcraft.. and wait for Guildwars.
I've never heard of this game, is it any good?
Life is too short to play bad games.
I played RoE for a couple hours...i never really liked it to tell you the truth
but the character setup was really cool, there was so many options to choose from i almost got dizzy just thinking of the choices.
the game just didnt stand out to me, it was pretty standard and maybe...just maybe...i will try it again soon.